ALFÖLD Cup - ALBERT NAGY Memorial event

Date and locality: Sunday 19 March, 2000 neighbourhood of Debrecen
Event organizers:   Hajdú-Bihar Megyei és Debrecen Városi Tájékozódási Futó Szövetség
                    and the Debreceni Nagyerdő Sportkör
Form of the race:   Classic course, single day, individual race.
Referees:  President of the organising committhee:  Sándor Bényei
           President:                               László Szabó
Map:       1:15 000, revised in 1999.
Classes:   M/W      35, 21, 20                           A
                    50, 40, 21, 18, 16, 14               B
                    21(shortened course), 21, 18, 14, 12 C
Entries:   to be received until 1 March, 2000, at the
   address:    Márkus Attila Számítóközpont H-4046 Debrecen, Hungary
   or E-mail:
Entry fee: HUF  600 Ft/person to be paid on the spot, according to the nominations 
                              until the date above. 
           HUF 1000 Ft/person, in case of late entry before 9 March. 
           HUF 1200 Ft/person after 9 March or on the spot.
Accomodation: in student hostel (Debrecen), friday and saturday evening, cca.       
              HUF 750 Ft/person/night
Prizes:    The winners of each categories will be awarded special prizes.
First start, planned:     9:00 am.
Others:    To all clubs nominated a notice will be sent on the place and 
           time of registration and on details of travel.
           Competitors take part at their own risk, and are responsible 
           for their own safety.

Debrecen, 28 January, 2000.