ALPEN-ADRIA CUP Form of the event, participants : The official delegations consist of 15 runners and two teamleaders. The competition has two individual (sprint and normal) and a relay event. Invited regional teams : Hungarian teams : Baranya, Somogy, Zala, Vas, Győr-Sopron. Foreign teams : Croatia, Slovenia, Burgenland, Steiermark, Oberöstereich, Karnten, Land-Salzburg, Fruili-Venezia Giulia, Trentino, Regione Veneto, Regione Emila-Romagne, Regione Lombardia, Freistaadt Bayern. Individual Event : Number of Runners whose Time of the winner(min) Category Year of birth runners* point count nomal sprint N21E -1981 3 2 60 25/WRE event/ F21E -1981 4 3 80 25/WRE event/ N18B 1982- 2 1 50 25 F18B 1982- 2 1 60 25 N35B -1965 2 1 50 25 F35B -1965 2 1 60 25 ˇ *beside this any runner can take part who wants to, but the Alpen-Adria team consist of those runners whose names were given in advance. Even more runners coming together with the regional teams can also take part in Mecsek Cup where H-D21 E categories are WRE events- organized in the same time at the same place. ˇ The winner of each categories get as much points as much runners take part in Alpen-Adria Cup, behind him or her each runner get one by one point less RELAY Each region can take part with two men and two women teams. The men's relay team consist of four runners (2x50, 2x35 points). Women's relay teams consist of three runners ( 2x45, 1x35 points). Entries of further relay teams according to the invitation of Mecsek Cup. The winner's points : the number of participants multiplied by 4 ( men) or 3(women). Further placed get 4-4 or 3-3 less. The complex point competition consists of the number of points of the relay and individual competition. Costs For reginal teams and teamleaders no entries and transportation are to be paid. Accomodation is free in gymnasium and in temporary camp-site, all other accomodation costs are equal with costs of other accomodation of Mecsek Cup. Competition Center : Pécs, Kodály College Pécs, Kodály Z.u. 20. Tel.: 72/326 611 Schedule 22.06. Thursday 14.00-22.00 Arrival, training (Fehérkút) 23.06. Friday 10.00-12.30 Registration in the Finish area of the first day 14.00 First start of the sprint 24.06. Saturday 9.00 First start of the normal event 13.30 Victory Ceremony of Mecsek Cup 15.00 Leisure time programes of the regional teams 19.00 Reception for team leaders 25.06. Sunday 9.00 Start of theRelay 13.00 Victory ceremony of Alpok-Adria(individual and relay) Victory ceremony of Mecsek Cup