Major General dr. József Holló
President of the Hungarian Orienteering Federation

Born on the 17th of April 1949.
1972 - Graduates as psycholgist at Kossuth Lajos Military College.
1980 - Attains a higher degree at the Military Academy.
1963-1967 - Athlete of the Miskolc Sport School.
1967-1968 - Athlete and footballer of the Szuhavölgyi Miner's Sport Club.
1969-1972 - Athlete and skier of the Sport Association of Kossuth Lajos Military College.
1972-1980 - Sport Officer in Aszód and Szombathely.
1981-1984 - President of Soldier's Sport Association in Lenti.
1984 - Organizer of the National Patrol's Championships at the Ministry of Defence.
Resigned on 15th December 1996.
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