[Ica-sdistandards] Fwd: Selection of a theme for the Barbara Pechetnik Competition 2021

Serena Coetzee serenacoetzee at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 15:36:26 CEST 2020


Serena Coetzee (GPr GISc 1245)
University of Pretoria
Professor and Head of Department Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology
Geography Building 1-3.7, Hatfield Campus, Lynnwood Road, Hatfield, 0083,
South Africa
email: serena.coetzee at up.ac.za · Web: www.up.ac.za/ggm · Mobile: +27 82 464
4294 · Tel: +27 12 420 3823

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Reyes Nunez José Jesús <jesusreyes at caesar.elte.hu>
Date: Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Selection of a theme for the Barbara Pechetnik Competition 2021
To: Timothy Trainor <president at icaci.org>, Thomas Schulz <
thomas.schulz at bfs.admin.ch>, Menno-Jan Kraak <kraak at itc.nl>, Laszlo Zentai <
lzentai at caesar.elte.hu>
Cc: Andrés Arístegui <aristegui at fomento.es>, Terje Midtbo <terjem at ntnu.no>,
Liqiu Meng <liqiu.meng at tum.de>, Temenoujka Bandrova <tbandrova at abv.bg>,
Philippe de Maeyer <philippe.demaeyer at ugent.be>, Vit Vozenilek <
vit.vozenilek at upol.cz>, Georg Gartner <georg.gartner at tuwien.ac.at>

Dear friends and colleagues,

First, I hope this letter finds all of you healthy and in a safe situation
in these difficult times caused by the CoVID-19 pandemic, with a high
number of us is working in quarantine, adapting our homes to serve as
offices for a while. Despite this unusual situation, we should be confident
that life will return to its normal course in a few months and that is why
we must prepare ourselves to continue our usual professional activities in
the interest of developing cartography and allied sciences.

By this reason, I am contacting you. Next September the International
Cartographic Association (ICA), represented by the Commission on
Cartography and Children plans to announce the Barbara Petchenik
Competition 2021. As usual, we should select a theme for the competition.
In 2016 we decided to support the International Map Year using "We love
maps" as theme for the competitions in 2017 and 2019. Now it is time to
select a new theme for the competitions to be held in 2021 and 2023. We
wish to ask all the members and supporters of ICA Commissions, all the
representatives of ICA member nations, all the representatives and members
of sister organizations and all colleagues in general to propose themes for
the next two competitions. The organizers of the competition are open to
any theme that can be represented by children on their maps. As help, here
we list some of the themes selected for previous competitions: "Save the
Earth", "Many nations, one world", "Living in a globalized world" and "My
place in today’s world".

We would ask colleagues to send their proposals to the
jesusreyes at caesar.elte.hu e-mail address at latest on May 15. After the
deadline, we are going to organize a voting process on the web, asking
colleagues to vote their preferred themes and according to the number of
votes, we select only one theme for the Barbara Petchenik Competitions in
2021 and 2023.

If you wish to have more detailed information about the Barbara Petchenik
Competition, please visit the sites: https://icaci.org/petchenik/,
https://childrensmaps.library.carleton.ca/ or

Feel you free to contact me if you have any question or doubt.

Take care about you and your family!

Best regards,

Carla and Jesus

Carla Cristina R. G. de SENA, Professor
Chair, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Campus de Ourinhos
Avenue Vitalina Marcusso, 1500.
Ourinhos; Sao Paulo
Tel: +55 14 3302 - 5712

José Jesús REYES NUNEZ, PhD. Associate Professor
ICA Commission on Cartography and Children, Vice-Chair
Vice-dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Informatics
Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics
Eotvos Lorand University
Pazmany Peter setany 1/A, Budapest,
Tel: +36 1 372 2975 Fax: +36 1 372 2951

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