[Ica-sdistandards] SDI and Management Quality of Geographic Information

Antony Cooper ACooper at csir.co.za
Fri Jul 14 12:54:30 CEST 2017

Dear Serena

I presume that as the Commission Chair, you will send Joselyn the
letter she asks for.

Shout if you need help drafting the letter.  I don't know how useful it
is, but I am attaching a letter that I wrote to her then boss in 2009
for her and Giannina to participate in our meetings in Santiago.


>>> On 13 July 2017 at 04:44, in message
<CAM4E=d5T3OpfuQtPQU0-TTiADW8C0b=t0p9HOUrEB+nampfqOA at mail.gmail.com>,
robledo <joselyn.robledo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear, I hope you are very well, I sent the presentation as requested
> Thursday, July 6 at the meeting held at the ICC2017 seminar.
> I reiterate my apologies for my English, I will be studying a lot so
> the next time we meet is different. I would like to request, if
possible, a
> letter to my leadership stating that they are interested in this
subject to
> authorize me to this activity and we can consider funding for the
> and associated activities (the dates are also relevant). This letter
> indicate our participation in the meeting (Joselyn Robledo and
> Ifland) and the commission interest on the subject and its future
> development.
> Personally I am very interested in submitting a paper for TOKIO 2019
> that this topic be included in the publication that you want to do
for the
> ICA.
> I will be attentive to your comments,
> Best regards,
> -- 
>     Joselyn Robledo Ceballos
>       Ingeniera en Geomensura
> Experta Universitaria en
> Calidad de la Información Geográfica
> Universidad de Santiago de Chile
> Contacto:
> Particular: 025295363
> Movil: 089805188


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