[Hallgato] Fw: [geovis] funded PhD positions at city University London

Gede Mátyás saman at map.elte.hu
2015. Ápr. 15., Sze, 15:53:54 CEST

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Gennady Andrienko <gennady.andrienko at iais.fraunhofer.de>
To: geovis at iais.fraunhofer.de
Cc: gennady.andrienko at iais.fraunhofer.de
Sent: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 15:21:00 +0200
Subject: [geovis] funded PhD positions at city University London

Dear all,

I would like to share the following PhD positions announcement from
our school at City University London.

Best regards,

I am delighted to announce that the School of Mathematics, Computer
science and Engineering is inviting applications for 6 full-time,
three-year doctoral studentships for 2015/16 entry. Three of the studentships
are funded by The George Daniels' Educational Trust; the other three are
funded by the School.

The six studentships will be split equally across Computer Science (2
Mathematics (2 studentships), and Engineering (2 studentships).

What is offered

A doctoral studentship provides:
• An annual bursary (Ł16,000 in 2015/16);
• A full tuition fee waiver for UK and EU students. Applications are
welcome from overseas applicants but the difference between overseas
and UK fee must be covered by the applicant or by the
supervisor/Research Centre (with prior agreement)

Successful applicants will be expected to provide 3 hours per week
support for teaching in the School. Continuation of the studentship
after the first year is subject to confirmation of satisfactory progress.


Applications are sought from exceptional UK, EU and international
graduates and will be awarded on the basis of outstanding academic
achievement and the potential to produce cutting edge-research.  
• Applicants must hold at least a 2.1 honours degree or merit level
Masters degree in a relevant subject (or international equivalent) 
• Applicants whose first language is not English must have achieved at
least 6.5 in IELTS or a recognised equivalent 
• Applicants must not be currently registered as a doctoral student at
City University London or any other academic institution

How to apply

Application deadline: 25th May 2015. An advertisement will be in place
by the end of the day both in the Graduate School website and in
Jobs.ac.uk. The advertising period might sound short, however time is
running out to secure PhD students for next year.

Prospective applicants are strongly advised to discuss their
application in advance with a potential supervisor in the School in
order to determine whether they can offer supervision in their chosen
research area.

Applications must consist of the following:

• A completed Research Degree application form
• A 3 page research proposal.  This should include (a) your research
question(s), (b) background literature and motivation for the research
and (c) methodology/work plan.  
• Proof of academic qualifications, i.e. grade transcripts from your previous
• Proof of English language proficiency if you do not speak English as your
first language
• Two confidential references (one of which must be an academic reference)

The above documents should be compiled into a single document and
submitted to pgr.smcse.enquire at city.ac.uk by the 25th May 2015.

For further support and clarifications in this process please liaise
with the Senior Tutors Research (STRs) in your area.

Selection Process.

1. Once all the applications are collected, Computer Science,
Mathematics and Engineering should short list 4 applicants each. 
2. The shortlisting panel for all areas will be led by: Computer
Science: Prof Jo Wood; Mathematics: Prof Andreas Fring; Engineering:
Prof Andreas Kappos  
3. STRs should liaise with the above to assist them in the process
4. There will be a School panel to finalise the selection of PhD
students on Wed 3rd of June 2015.

------- End of Forwarded Message -------

GEDE Mátyás
ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék, Budapest

--------- következő rész ---------
ICA Commission on GeoVisualization; http://geoanalytics.net

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