[Hallgato] [geovis] Online Study: Style in Topographic Maps

Kovács Béla climbela at map.elte.hu
2014. Jún. 20., P, 08:56:16 CEST

Kedves kollégák, egy érdekes "teszt" található az alábbi levélben.

Aki teheti, kérem töltse ki (segítsük a doktorandusz munkáját, csak kb. 10 
perc, puskázni nem ér :)


ps. Az is igaz, hogy mi ritkábban találkozunk ezekkel a topo-térképekkel...


Dear Geovis Colleagues

Jérémie Ory would be most grateful for your feedback -- see below.
Best wishes,

Dear Cartographers and Map Enthusiasts

My name is Jeremie Ory, I am a doctoral student at the COGIT Laboratory with 
the French National Mapping Agency. My PhD research involves the empirical 
study and formalization of "style" in topographic maps. Currently, I am 
studying the style of Swisstopo maps. I would like to invite you to respond 
to my online study (link below) which will help me learn more about this 
topographic map style. May I ask you for 10 minutes of your precious time to 
complete this questionnaire? Your responses are very important for my PhD 

Link to web questionnaire: 

Thank you in advance for your time and feedback!
Jeremie Ory

s a r a   i r i n a   f a b r i k a n t
                                  p h d
. . . . . . . . . . . g e o g r a p h y
university of zürich
winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 zürich
                 tel: +41-44-635.51.50
                 fax: +41-44-635.68.48
. . . . . . http://www.geo.uzh.ch/giva/
--------- következő rész ---------
ICA Commission on GeoVisualization; http://geoanalytics.net

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