[Hallgato] Fw: 15th Workshop - International Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies - CALL for Paper/Poster

Dombóvári Eszter deszter at map.elte.hu
2010. Feb. 25., Cs, 12:11:53 CET



15th Workshop - International Congress on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 

November 15th– 17th, 2010

City Hall of Vienna – Wappensaalgruppe, Austria



In/Visble Towns - Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas





Dear colleagues!


The Urban Archaeology of Vienna would like to invite you to the 15th International Congress - Topic: Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas.


The CALL for PAPERS and POSTERS is open until  31st May, 2010. Please visit our NEW Homepage - www.stadtarchaeologie.at 


If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best wishes


Wolfgang Börner  /  Susanne Uhlirz


PS.: Please send this e-mail also to interested colleagues. Thank you!



Museen der Stadt Wien - Stadtarchäologie
Mag. Wolfgang Börner
Obere AugartenstraĂźe 26-28, Zi. 2.11
A - 1020 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 4000 81176
Fax:  +43 (0)1 4000 84747
mailto:wolfgang.boerner at wien.gv.at

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