László Zentai, HUN (LZ) Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI (TG)
Sergio Grifoni, ITA (SG)
Jukka Liikari, FIN (JL)
Sören Nielsen, DEN (SN)
Håvard Tveite, NOR (HT) - due to flight delay he was absent on Friday
1. Opening, introduction of new members
LZ welcomed everyone to the meeting. Everybody introduced themselves.
2. Approval of agenda and appointment of the keeper of minutes
The proposed agenda was approved. LZ and JL agreed to act as minutes secretary
3. Minutes of meeting 2-02 in Fontainebleau, France
The minutes from the previous meeting in Fontainebleau, France were accepted as
a true and accurate record.
LZ and TG will try to continue writing the minutes from the meeting 1-2001,
4. Reports on Czech WC final maps
LZ informed the MC about the World Cup final maps (Czech Republic). See 4.1 in
minutes 2-02.
5. Correspondence
Foot-o Commission request to comment new foot-o rules section 15.
The MC mostly agreed on the draft of new foot-o rules and fully support the 1:15000
scale as the only scale in classic (long) distance.
It was decided that MC will propose to add the list of the competition distances
and map scales to the end of the rule 15.2:
Classic 1:15 000 (only)
Middle, relay 1:15 000/1:10 000
Sprint 1:5000/1:4000
Adding these scales to the rules will clarify the content of the ISOM2000.
The rule 15.9 was also discussed. The MC would like to clarify the rights to publish the maps of the IOF competitions. The publishing the maps in the web is not mentioned in the draft. LZ will contact David Rosen.
6. MC Financial Status
The budget of MC is 1.000 Euros for year 2002 and it will be the same in 2003.
We have already spent 100 Euros for the Rome meeting, plus 130 Euro for test prints.
At the end of 2002 and in the beginning of 2003 the test prints for sprint-O maps
will cost something. LZ will contact Barbro Rönnberg about the situation.
7. Map clinics
There was some interests to hold a map clinic in Turkey. LZ has called to Turkey
but he didn´t get an answer. It was stated that Orest Kotylo (UKR) has apparently
has held a map clinic for six Turkish map makers.
LZ will go to the Republic of South Africa in August 2003 (International Cartographic
Congress). He can hold a map clinic there if there is interest.
8. MC Projects
8.1 Colour printing technology (JL)
It was stated that the project called PrintTech has begun to gather the latest
knowledge about non-offset printing. The letter and forms (Technical Report) made
by JL has been sent in the beginning of October 2003 to all IOF Federations in
order to collect experience from all over the orienteering world. The MC is kindly
asked the federations to send the reports and maps by the end of November 2002.
JL leads the project and he will report on the answers of the federations in the
next meeting.
8.2 Guideline to Map Generalization (SN)
It was stated that SN has continued the work. Some drawings and pictures are still
needed to clarify different kinds of features of the terrain.
8.3 Map quality project (LZ)
We suggest continous monitoring of the maps of IOF events.
9. 10th ICOM in Rapperswil, Switzerland 2003
We have fixed the date:
1 Aug Arrival
2 Aug ICOM
3 Aug p.m. MC meeting
4 Aug a.m. MC meeting
TG to check the local possibilities.
The invitation with well specified topics will be published after the Helsinki
10. Map Specification for Mountain Bike Orienteering
MC is waiting for the comments from the MTB-O Commission about the WOC 2002 maps.
LZ will contact Juan Garcia Tutor.
11. Map Specification for Ski-O
It was stated that the final draft for a new Ski-O map specification has approved
also by the Ski-O Commission at their meeting in November 2002.
LZ will put the specification to the MC´s web pages. JL will ask Pekka
Varis (member of the Ski-O Commission) to make a link to those pages from the
Ski-O Commissions pages.
JL will also ask IOF office to notify all member federations of the new specification
and where to find it in the web.
12. Map Specification for Sprint-O
This was the main topic of this extraordinary MC meeting. This is an ongoing project,
still nothing to publish.
The schedule of the work will be:
- TG will continue the work with co-operation of other members of MC.
- the proposed recommendation shall be ready in the IOF joint meeting, in Helsinki
in 10.-11. January 2003.
- publishing in the spring 2003
13. Activity plan for the 2002-2004 period
The plan was prepared by LZ was approved. LZ to send it to the IOF Secretariat.
14. Any other business
15. Next meeting
The 1-2003 meeting will be a joint meeting with other commissions and with the
council (in Helsinki, 10-11 January 2003). MC agreed on participation.
The meeting 2-2003 will be held in Rapperswil, Switzerland in 3.-4. August
2003 in conjunction with 10th ICOM and WOC 2003.
16. Closing
LZ thanked all for coming and closed the meeting.
László Zentai, Jukka Liikari