MEETING 2-98 in Budapest, Hungary - photos
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 2-98
Time: 1998-09-12
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Participants: Björn Persson (SWE chair), Chris Shaw (UK), Andreas Dresen (GER), Sören Nielsen (DEN), László Zentai (HUN)
Other persons referred to:
Barbro Rönnberg (BR) IOF Secretary General

BP welcomed everyone to Budapest and thanked LZ for organizing the meeting arrangements.

Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda was approved after including ICOM '99 under AOB. CS agreed to act as minutes secretary.

Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes from the previous meeting in Windischgarsten, Austria were agreed as a true and accurate record.

MC Budget and Financial Status
Approximately 40% of the 1998 budget had been spent so far. The budget for next year was still being discussed at Council and is likely to be similar to this year's.

MC Projects
ISOM 2000 – The first test print had been made and distributed to project group and reference group members, thanks to Jorma Ake for preparing the test print. Considerable comment has been made on the results of the test print. This will be discussed in detail during a separate ISOM 2000 meeting.
It was noted that the final publication should include sections on MB-O, Ski-O and Trail-O. It is planned for this revision to be used from 1st January 2000 and so field workers will need to be notified shortly of any changes that will affect their fieldwork.

Instructor's Kit – The work is nearly complete. It needs to be linked together to form a suitable 'slide show' presentation. SN to provide OHP's to CS by way of LZ.

Clinics – A clinic was held in Kiev, Ukraine, 5th-6th June. SN along with Lech Trpzil (POL) provided instruction for 8 participants. One problem is that good Ukranian mapmakers find work abroad!
There have been no requests for future courses.

Quality Control – Much discussion took place during Congress between BP and the Foot-O and Event Standards committees as to how empower controllers to ensure a quality event. It is expected that the use of 'event contracts' will be extended. CS distributed a sample questionnaire for comment, this will be sent to all IOF controllers, the results will assist in the development of a guideline on map controlling.

MBO Mapping – The latest proposal for a map specification has been received from the MBO committee, they have acted on suggestions made by the MC and now propose only two widths of track and three levels of rideability. The MC noted that it should not be necessary to map all Foot-O features visible from the track, only those that are obvious when riding. BP to continue to liase with the MBO committee.

Park / Town Maps – The MC visited the park in Budapest which was used for one of the stages of PWT '97. BP has sent a discussion document to Jaroslav Kacmarcik of PWT but has not yet received a reply.

Other Reports
WC98 event 3 – A brief report was made by CS on events leading to the decision by MC / controller to accept a map with scale of 1:10000.

Congress 98 – BP made a brief report on this year's Congress. Changes to the composition of Council means that MC has a new contact person in Council– Thomas Brogli. The MC wished to thank Flemming Norgaard for his support over the last two years.

WC98 event 5 – A request by this year's O-Ringen organizers to include a map window showing an enlargement of a detailed area of part of the map was rejected. BP field checked the area in question and advised that this should be reworked to show less detail.

Maps for WMOC 2000 in New Zealand – Request for the use of 1:10000 map with 2.5m contours on a sand dune area accepted.

Maps for JWOC 2001 in Hungary – Request for special symbol to represent a lime burning site rejected, should make use of an existing symbol.

MC structure congress period 1998-2000
All MC members expressed a willingness to continue for next congress period. The Italian Federation requested that Maurizio Ongania to be considered for MC, it was suggested that he could get involved with the Park / Town map special project working group initially.

Any Other Business
Business cards – available to MC members by contacting BR with requirements.

ICOM '99 – The International Conference for Orienteering Mapping is to be held in Scotland in conjunction with WOC '99. BP gave initial needs to BOF at Congress. CS to act as MC liaison with BOF, WOC '99 and Highland 99. Initial suggestions for the timetable are Sunday 1st August, half day and Monday 2nd August full day.

Date of next meeting
Proposed to hold next meeting in Copenhagen over the weekend 27th - 28th February 1998.