The following summary concerns such items discussed having a general interest. Items of internal or confidential nature are left out. The order is without priority.
Reports from member federations
Hungary - With the passing away of the Secretary General last year, the Federation at present has no secretary general, president or team leader and only one administrator. It is difficult to find a replacement Secretary General as they need to be conversant in either English or German. The absence of these leading roles is causing problems in co-ordinating the sports direction at a Federation level; despite this orienteering at club level is very strong.
Denmark - DOF is undergoing a restructuring at present and the MC within DOF will not be so prominent in the new structure.
Great Britain - The Map Group is composed of a few mapping specialists, with no association representation. To disseminate information an annual conference is held and an occasional mapping newsletter is produced which is sent to all mappers. When funding becomes available, it is planned to introduce part time map advisors who will be available to give advice and guidance on future mapping projects.
Instructors Kit - A demonstration CD has been produced which will be shown during ICOM. There is still considerable work required before it is ready for distribution. It is planned to be complete by the end of the year.
MBO Mapping - An informal meeting is planned with MBO committee members later in the week. At this meeting the MC will raise questions on the nature of the sport and the map requirements. Once these are known it will be possible to consider a mapping specification.
Quality Control - An IOF Controllers Conference in Finland is planned for October, BP suggests that CS should attend if possible. Incurred expenses will be available from MC budget.
ISOM 2000 - Suggestions for revision to ISOM had been received from only six Federations though these six had produced a lengthy list. The committee went through the suggestions in readiness for presenting them at the Mapping Conference. Other points considered by the committee include:
Mapping Conference
The 7th ICOM is to be held in conjunction with WOC here in Grimstad, Norway. Thirty-two delegates from 14 nations will be attending the Conference. The conference theme is Mapping for a WOC with several presentations being given by orienteers involved with this years WOC. A full session will be dedicated to ISOM 2000 revision to discuss each of the proposals suggested by member Federations. Other presentations will include the Instructors Kit and the integration of GPS with OCAD.
Mapping Clinics
An intermediate survey course is being arranged for Portugal in October, SN will be the instructor. Some places will be offered to Spanish mappers through the Spanish O.F.
There has been no further contact with Ukraine regarding a mapping clinic. New member Greece is keen to have a clinic organised.
Any other business
It was questioned whether the committee should receive a complimentary copy of the IOF publication Orienteering World, BP to discuss with BR.