The meeting was open to all attending the Instructors Conference - see separate list.
Minutes of Drevious meeting
CT queried his name as the instructor of the mapping course in the Ukraine. This
was confirmed.
DPC wanted to organise a mapping clinic in Korea (cost SKr5000). Geoff Peck was
suggested as instructor. This was agreed.
For information: the Hi-Tech Group is investigating the possibility of putting the IOF Calendar on computer, and an electronic mail box. Hans Steinegger in charge.
There is to be no appointment of a Map Assistant for the Norwegian WOC.
A Ski-O specification was circulated for comment. Nothing raised. MC to offer help if required in the future.
Proposed restructuring of the IOF. TB outlined the Council's current thinking. Current committee structure to be replaced after the 1994 Congress by Steering Committees of 3-4 people appointed by the Council. Small Working Groups would then be set up to deal with specific topics as necessary. On the mapping side an annual conference would be arranged for anyone with an active interest in mapping development. Various questions were raised:
(1) who pays the expenses of those making up the working groups. Membership
of a 'working group' might not be eligible for funding from national federations.
(2) the 'title' of representatives is important.
(3) minutes and other information of importance must be circulated effectively.
WOC93 Organisers had requested a change of scale for some maps much later than
allowed in the WOC Rules. In the circumstances it was agreed that the Chairman,
together with the TA, had had no choice but to acceed to the request. The MC felt
strongly that the TAs for future WOCs should insist on the timetable in the Rules
being followed.
SWE is intending to continue to use the elongated knoll symbol. The meeting confirmed
that international events should follow the IOF specification. SWE will raise
the question again at the next symbol revision.
There was discussion on map scales and where the responsibility lay for deciding whether 1:15,000 or 1:10,000 should be used. The debate continued later.
A questionnaire had been circulated to elite competitors asking for their views on map scales. Preliminary results showed a strong preference for the content to be as for a 1:15,000 map but there was some difference in the preferred scale to be used. Once more results are collected a review will go to Orienteering World.
BP raised the question of the green used on maps. Back in the '70s the green was a blue green, chosen after research into colour blindness. The change to the current green was based on better legibility in poor light (several mambers of the MC at the time suffered colour blindness). It is important that the correct colours are used, particularly the brown colour, otherwise the difference between colours is not clear to anyone with colour blindness.
Instructors Kit: CT was preparing material and investigating the possibility
of reproduction on disk. It was felt that the material should be easy and inexpensive
to reproduce. CT to contact people direct for assistance and material. The aim
was to have the revised kit available in June/July 1994.
Photogrammetry: the first copies were circulated. FN to arrange the reproduction of 300 copies for DKr 1000. Selling price to be DKr 10.
Computer Mapping: it was proposed that the MC should have a column in Orienteering World. This should publicise developments in both Mac and PC platforms. FN to find a Mac contact in DAN; Hans Steinegger to be the OCAD contact. TB to contact Orienteering World. Further discussion at the next meeting (March 1994).
Trail O Maps and School Maps: RH to prepare a discussion document for next meeting.
There was a discussion on the current position and problems arising. It was agreed
that the situation should be kept under review.
Problems have arisen both in terms of copying information and also refusal of permission to use material, even when no other edition of a map is planned. SUI has introduced a rule for unused maps where rights must be sold after a period of 10 years. They are also setting up a Databank for what is a very valuable resource.
There is the issue of the treatment of original artwork/fieldwork and the printed map.
Certain categories of detail are more copyrightable than others. Black detail represents actual position so would be difficult to claim copyright. Brown detail is more interpretation of the ground, therefore subjective and easier to claim copyright.
Activity Plan 1994
The budget for 1994 is less than previous years. Proposed expenditure is:
SKr8000 Course in Byelorussia
SKr4000 Instructors Kit
SKr5000 Publications
1993 course in South Africa proposed now for February 1994 in association with
the 6-day orienteering safari. RH to contact LL about carrying money forward from
1993 budget. Money available is whatever is left in the MC budget less the DKr1
000 for the photogrammetry book printing.
Note 1: (Follow up to meeting) IOF agreed SKr4000 towards travel costs.
Note 2: (18.1.94) 6-day safari cancelled. No mapping clinic.
1994 course in Ukraine
World Cup 1994
Events to be based in three areas - AUS/NZ, NOR/DAN, CZE. The CZE organisers had
requested the use of 1:10,000 for their maps. This had been turned down by the
MC. However the event publicity states that 1:10,000 will be used. TB to pursue.
There was then a lengthy and lively discussion on the MO's role In deciding map
scales. There was some feeling the the MC's role should be to decide map content
while leaving decision on map scale to the Technical Committee or even the event
organisers. Others felt that map scale is an essential part of map specification.
The debate was not conclusive.
Next Meeting
Finland, 18-20 March 1994
There was no other business. CT was thanked for his work in hosting the meeting.