1 Minutes of previous meeting (14.3.92 in Aarhus, Denmark)
Approved as circulated.
2 Reports from Council and other Committees
Council: Nothing specific to report. It was felt that the MC should write to federations making clear its willingness to assist with the running of mapping courses, if a request is made. This is particularly relevent for the new members of the IOF.
World Cup Group: Both groups welcomed the opportunity to meet. Continuing contact between MC and WCG is important in areas of common concern.
Map scales in short distance events. After discussing the pros and cons of 1:10,000 maps, it was agreed that the scale of 1:15,000 should be recommended as the standard map scale for both classic and short distance competition. The scale ofl:10,000 has been used in Sweden and Demark on maps for short distance events. It was agreed that this scale could be an option in the case of very complex terrain where the density of control circles and a common start/finish might cause confusion under the stress of competition. The scale 1:10,000 was not to be considered as an option for showing more detail on the map. The IOF specification for 1:10,000 maps (dimensions to be 150% of 1:15,000 sizes) must be followed.
Map monitoring. The problem of how to ensure the standard of maps was discussed in relation to the map for the forthcoming WCup event in Canada. (Map advisers are appointed but have no power to control the map.) No conclusion was reached and the WCG were going away to consider the problem further.
Hi Tech Group: The paper on a data storage/transmission format for o-maps
by Hans Steinegger was discussed. There is a need for a format which is commonly
available or is relatively simple and flexible to write. This is important both
for use now and in the future. It should preferrably have wider application than
just specialised o-maps. It was concluded that DXF should adopted as the standard
format. OCAD 4 on a PC can import data saved in this format. The situation in
graphics programmes like Illustrator on a Mac is not so easy, but DXF looks like
being a possibility in the near future.
The possibilities of using electronic mail were also discussed. The HTG were left
to pursue the matter and circulate information.
3 Letters
1. The Italian Federation reported that a version of ISOM has been translated. A low cost possibility of obtaining a colour cover was needed (only a short run required). A colour laserprint from a Canon copier direct from disk was suggested as an adequate option.
2. A promotional brochure had been received from a Russian company.
3. The Technical Director for the 1992 World Cup in the US had requested approval for the use of non-black north lines. Blue was considered also difficult. The possibility of green was suggested. MC to reply that black is still preferred and point out that it is not necessary to break a north line every time it touches black detail. A break is only necessary where point symbols would otherwise be obliterated. (action TB)
4. The WOC'93 Mapping Directorhead requested two exceptions to IOF standards. In both cases the MC recommended to the Council that the IOF specification shall be followed:
a. Elongated dot knolls. It was felt the direction of a dot knoll is not of great importance. In most terrain of this type the general direction of ridges and re-entrants is given adequately by the contours. An elongated symbol could also be confused with a gully.
b. Three sizes of boulder. It was felt that the difference in dimension between
three sizes of black dot is not easily distinguished by a runner. Many other countries
with a great deal of rock detail manage with two sizes of boulder.
(action TB)
4 Publications: photogrammetry booklet (taken as the last item on the agenda)
FN and RH had met in Scotland to work on this booklet. A draft was circulated at the meeting for comments. It is hoped to have the final draft ready for printing at the end of August. In order to keep costs down the specification should be single colour throughout, size A5. RH to provide costs for printing 200/500 copies (action RH). It was proposed that one or two copies should be circulated to each federation when printed (action LL).
5 Mapping Courses
1990/92 URS and ROU: Reports presented.
1992 TCH: proposed computer mapping course has been cancelled due to insufficient
1992 NED: proposed course scheduled for 13/14 December. AD +1 (possibly from DAN)
to instruct. Proposal for programme required by orgarnisers (ACTION AD).
1993 NZL: proposed course cancelled by NZL federation.
1993 BUL: proposed course scheduled for April. Course language to be english or
german (with translation). Instructors required. (ACTION TB/AD)
1993 Instructors Conference. Proposal for Italy in mid August. Previous arrangement whereby JOE pays accommodation fees may not be possible. (ACTION TB/CT)
6 Activity Plan 1992-94
Activity plan presented. TB liaising with Barry N4cCrae and Hans Steinegger over the computer mapping newsletter/booklet. To be discussed at the next meeting.
7 New Committee members
It was felt that there was little point in having members on the committee
if they never attended meetings. It was felt that representatives from NOR and
SWE would have a useful contribution.
Of the previous committee the following had been proposed again:
Thomas Brogli SUI
Flemming Norgaard DAN
Robin Harvey GBR
Andreas Dresen GER
Jorma Ake PIN
Gyula Szabo HUN
Eric Weyman USA
New member proposed: Cesare Tarabocchia ITA
8 Responsibilities within the Committee
Questions on the following topics were to be referred initially to different
members of the committee:
Photogrammetry Robin Harvey
Symbols Flemming Nörgaard
Computers PC Hans Steinegger
Computers Mac Flemming Nörgaard or Robin Harvey
Courses Andreas Dresen
9 Activities for the next six months
1. Publication of the photogrammetry booklet.
2. Progress on the computer mapping booklet
10 AOB
There are some small errors in the german version of the JSOM booklet. No action is probably necessary.
Meeting closed at 15.00