MEETING 2-91 in Marianské Lázne, Czechoslovakia
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 1-92
Time: 1991-08-18
Place: Marianské Lázne, Czechoslovakia
Participants: Thomas Brogli (SUI, chair), Jorma Ake (FIN), Andreas Dresen (GER), Robin Harvey (GBR), Flemming Norgaard (DEN), Tore Kristiansen (NOR), Gyula Szabó (HUN)

1 Minutes of the previous meeting (Szentendre, Hungary):

Approved as circulated.

2 Letters and Reports:

Mark Smith (Canada) has notified the Committee that he will not be attending future meetings although he would like to maintain contact with the work of the Committee. (He is an elected member of the Committee until the next Congress).

The Romanian Federation has revised its request for a clinic This should be in spring 1992 rather than autumn 1991 as previously requested. At least one french speaking instructor would be needed. TB and AD proposed.


The German version of ISOM had been typeset and proofread. It was with the Committee for a final check before printing. The Swiss Federation had decided to use the German version as its standard with a single sheet insert. Printing could go ahead as soon as this insert was received. Numbers to be advised. The list of mapping firms to be included (plus two additions from the english version). It was felt that the IOF secretariat should handle the invoicing for these advertisements.

There were one or two possible changes required to the specification. The three man working group to review these points.

4 Publications:

Photogrammetry. The translation of part the DOF booklet to be undertaken in Denmark (expenditure of ca. 600 DKr was approved). FN to liaise with RH about the technicalities of photogrammetry.

Computer mapping. Barry McCrae (Australia) to be asked to produce a small booklet. This would be photocopied as frequent revision was anticipated.

Survey trial. There was some confusion about the whereabouts of the artwork. RH and JA to investigate. There was still the possibility of printing this in Finland.

5 Activity Plan and Budget 1992

Map clinics to be discussed under item 7. New Zealand have indicated interest for 1993.

The main activity for the coming year was felt to be in the field of computer mapping. The compilation and dissemination of information was felt to be the first requirement. See also Item 8.

6 World Cup/WOC Monitoring

It was felt that the MC should propose that the World Cup Rules state that there should be an IOF map advisor for World Cup Event maps. This would allow the possibility of involving an outside advisor if it were felt to be necessary.

The appointment of a Controller's Assistant to WOC95 had caused some confusion due to the edition of the Rules in force at the time. The TAs proposal of Karl Henry Andersen would be accepted. Assistants for future events will be appointed by the MC.

7 Clinics

An article in Orienteering World should encourage member countries to apply for such clinics if there were sufficient interest.

Romania: TB and AD to instruct.

? Netherlands: possible interest in a course

Czechoslovakia: computer course in August. Instructors: TB to contact Hans Steinegger, TK to contact Per Arne Troseth.

8. Exchange Format for Digital Orienteering Maps

A paper from NOF had been circulated. The MC expressed interest in the work being done in NOR, SWE and FIN and asked to be kept informed but to leave such considerations to the expert working groups. It would welcome a proposal in due course. It was felt important that both IBM and Apple systems should be considered.

9 Next Meeting

Arhus from Jan 31 - Feb 2 1992.

10 Any other business

None. The Chairman thanked all present and the meeting closed at 20.30.