MEETING 2-89 in Mullsjö, Sweden

Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 2-89
Time: 1989-08-14.
Place: Mullsjö, Sweden
Participants: Thomas Brogli (SUI, chair), Jorma Ake (FIN), Andreas Dresen (GER), Robin Harvey (GBR), Flemming Norgaard (DEN), Torbjörn Steinbäck (SWE), Gyula Szabó (HUN), Irena Kuranova (URS)
Apologies: Tore Kristiansen (NOR)

Previous minutes: Add Jorma Ake to those present.

Matters arising: Date of the next meeting (in BRD) postponed to 17 February

Information from Council: 1989 budget will be overspent (see next item)


1989     Instructors' Conference, Sweden        SKr 26000
         Mapping course in DDR                       2000
         Drawing Specification (ISOM) processing      500

1990     ISOM printing                              10000
         ISOM sample map for COngress                1200
		 Mapping course in BRD                       4000
		 Mapping course in USA                       8000
		 Survey Comparison processing/printing       8000
		 Instructors' Kit subsidy                   10000 

Projects: Symbol Working Group
Next meeting at end November/early December.
Proposals and sample map to be printed for February meeting.

Survey Comparison
Artwoek prepared and prinitng complete for February meeting.

Instructors' Kit
Cost per kit is ca. SKr 700. The committee would like to be able to keep the charge down to SKr. 500. This would require a subsidy from the IOF.

Reports: Mapping course in DDR
AS was the sole instructor from the IOF, assisted by Harald Grosse, DDR. The organizatoin and accommodation were good. Nine countries sent delegates. Instruction covered the whole spectrum of mapping. The experience level of participants was good. A report will be circulated.

Mapping course in ISR
Torben Rasmussen represented the IOF as instructor. The course went well although the base map was poor (there was a better o-map) and the forest was lacking in detail. TR reported on the difficulty on teaching mapping to people with little experience of orienteering.

Overseas contact: More contacts with mappers overseas is being encouraged by Council.

Courses 1990: BRD (Hamburg)
End March. GS and TS to be the IOF instructors. AD, JA and FN may be able to attend, sent by their federations.

URS (Moscow)
Provisionally late September. IOF instructors possibly RH and SH. Other possibilities GS and/or JA. To be decided at the February meeting.

Any other business: 'Simple maps' rumoured to be almost at printer. TS to follow up and ensure action is taken.

World Cup monitoring to be followed up with Council.

Maps in 'Orienteering World'. Peter Gehrmann requested guidance. Advice needed from Map Committee.

Overheads from the Instructors Conference to be help in Austria prior to the WOC in Czechoslovakia.

Meeting closed at 22.15

Robin Harvey