MEETING 2-87 in Magglingen, Switzerland

Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 2-87
Time: 1987-08-29/30
Place: Magglingen, Switzerland
Participants: Flemming Norgaard (DEN, chair), Thomas Brogli (SUI), Andreas Dresen (GER), Robin Harvey (GBR), Tore Kristiansen (NOR), Lasse Niemelä (FIN)
Apologies: Steve Key (AUS), Mark Smith (CAN)


1. Formalities
appointment of secretary
aproval of agenda
aproval of minutes from meeting in February

2. Letters

3 Peport from Working groups.

4 Instructors conference.

5. Publications

6. Map courses

7. Drawing specifications

8. WOC 1989 Map symbols (see papers)

9. Any other business

10. Next map committee meeting.

Minutes of February meeting
1. The new printing of the IOF Drawing Specifications is completed and available from the IOF Secretariat. Recommended cost SwKr 10. FN to discuss with Lennart Levin.
2. The simple maps booklet is still not available. LL to follow up with Anders Timner.
3. Reports for the IOF Bulletin are required (AD).
4. Correction to "Members of the Map Committee" The last 5 lines starting with Members from other … should be canceled.

1989 WOC symbols
The Swedish proposals were discussed and a report sent to the Council.

Mapping courses:
Italy: TB and AD are instructors, possibly with the assistance of Jörg Luchsinger.

Working groups
Instructors' kit: the proposals were demonstrated at the Instructors Conference. 4-5 copies are to be prepared, to be held in SUI, DAN and at the IOF Secretariat. They are to available on loan. Countries may copy the material and add their own. The Map Committee asks to be supplied with copies of additional material. Copies of the material in the kit must not be used for commercial purposes. There should be an acknowledgement to the OF on any material copied. RH to correct the English text.

1989 the Instructors' Conference
The proposal is to hold the next conference in association with WOC in Sweden in 1989. It was felt that this would
encourage participation from many overseas countries.
Main item: computer aided drawing.

Mapping Courses
The possibility of an international mapping course in DDR should be explored. FN to contact Rolf Heinemann.

Long term plan
It is planned that the next revision of the drawing specifications should be presented in connection with the congress in 1990. National member federations should be asked if there are any proposals for the revision of the specifications in late autumn 1988.
As a follow up the Finnish experiment of 1983-4 should be repeated with international mapmakers. A possible schedule would be:

October 1990 Survey.
Spring 1991 Printing
Summer 1991 Discussion at International Mapping Clinic

Committee membership
It is the intention of the Committee that participation in discussions and proposals should be as wide as possible. In addition to the regular members of the Committee, contact with representatives of other member federations should be maintained and developed. Although distances and time will always create problems, the aim must be to hear opinions from all parts of the world.
The Canadian Federation has proposed that Mark Smith should be added to the list of contact names.

Next meeting
Doune, Scotland on Saturday 16 January 1988