Håvard Tveite, NOR (HT) Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI (TG)
Sergio Grifoni, ITA (SG)
Flemming Hjorth Jensen, DEN (FH)
Jukka Liikari, FIN (JL)
Erik E. Peckett, GB (EP)
Apologies: Ales Hejna, CZE (AH)
MC07/25 Agenda for the meeting MC2007-02 and Minutes of the meeting MC2007-01
It was agreed that EP would act minute secretary.
The Minutes of the meting in Helsinki were approved.
The Agenda for the meeting was approved
MC07/26 Correspondence
1 IOF test prints
Requests had been received for information about the IOF Print Tech project and copies for IOF test print. JL had sent out prints to those that requested them.2 The IOF Logo was available as a postscript file.
3 WMOC2008 Portugal
David May the IOF Event Adviser had written to the MC regarding the use of laser printing for this event. MC examined a number of maps sent by the Portuguese Federation printed by their sponsors in support of their request. MC though they were not good enough for the event. HT would write to David May expressing MC concerns about the quality of the printing. David May had also written a note detailing the generalisation that was to be made with the maps for the event. MC felt that this would help the process4 NOC 2007 Sprint O map.
MC was concerned with the use of 3m contours at this event.5 WOC2011 mappers
MC had been asked for advice by Edmond Szechenyi, France on mappers for WOC 2011 in France. HT had written explaining that MC had no provision for recommending mappers for events but offering advice on the criteria for appointing mappers.
It was noted that no IOF Adviser had yet been appointed. TG offered to act as an assistant to the Event Adviser for mapping if required.6 Mapping Specifications
László Zentai had received a number of translations for ISOM, ISSOM, ISMTBOM and ISSki-OM into local languages.These had been placed on the IOF MC web site. It was agreed that these should be made more easily available on the IOF site. The problem of verification was noted.
7 Trail-O maps WTOC and ETOC
It was agreed that these should be evaluated. MC had received a document from Brian Parker concerning the developments in Trail O. This was noted.8 WMOC2007
HT had written to Organiser giving MC decision on broken ground symbol.9 Dual Scales MC had received a request for information on the use of two map scales for different parts of a map from Mario Vidal Triquell of the Spanish Federation. HT had written that this was not permitted in IOF events.
10 Smallest gap between lines of the same colour
It was agreed that the minimum spacings should be carefully considered in the ISOM revision. Based on experience with the Generalisation project, EP would prepare a notes for the upcoming discussions.11 MC Remit
MC had requested that the remit be extended to include technical developments in orienteering mapping. This had been approved by IOF Council
MC07/27 ICOM Preparation / Map Exhibition
FHJ detailed the preparations for ICOM and the Map Exhibition on 21st August
2007. Some of the presentations had been discussed.
MC07/28 ISMTBOM2007
JL detailed the work in preparing a draft specification. These would be tested
in events in 2007.
JL would consult the MTBO Commission for any changes they thought might be necessary.
It was intended to publish the specifications in 2008.
MC discussed a number of minor problems. Examples were punching a control through
an Impassable Fence or running along an Impassable wall. It was agreed that
it is the responsibility of the planner not to put competitors into a situation
were they might break the rules or be in danger.
MC07/30 Map Evaluation
The presentation made at the Joint Meeting in Helsinki January 2007 would be
given at the ICOM and would be published on the MC web site.
MC agreed to continue the evaluation of maps for IOF events for 2007. SG would
lead the project.
MC hoped that eventually the maps would be evaluated prior to the Event. It
was agreed that only those maps used at major IOF events would be evaluated.
MC discussed the collection of maps from the Major IOF Events. The IOF Secretariat would be asked to collect (overprinted) maps from the organiser of all IOF Major Events as laid down in the event contracts. The IOF Event Adviser would be asked to facilitate this process.
Maps for events in 2007
It was agreed that: LZ would evaluate all MTBO maps; JL would evaluate all Ski
O maps and the WMOC maps; SG would evaluat the WOC maps; TG would evaluate the
JWOC maps; FHJ would evaluate the WC FIN, WC NOR and WC SWE maps. EP would evaluate
the WC SUI maps;
MC07/31 Generalisation Project
a On going. EP requested some help in preparing photographs, maps and diagrams
to illustrate generalisation document.
b Project Broken and stony ground
EP had submitted some ideas on the symbols for broken and stony ground. He suggested
that there was a need for an area symbol. It was agreed to consider this in
the revision of the ISOM.
MC07/32 Print Tech Project
JL reported that he had not had a lot of feed back. He sent test sheets to USA,
Portugal, Australia and Japan.
MC would continue the project.
It was agreed that JL would arrange to print more test sheets.
It was noted that in Norway the procedure for printing is personalised to the individual printer. It included the paper and the machine to be used. The procedure includes the maintenance of quality of printing.
Colours for 4-colour printing (Flemming N?rgaard, DEN) had raised a problem with the different CMYK numbers in OCAD8 and 9. He had been referred to OCAD for clarification. It was noted that the MC would be working on the clarification of colours for 4 colour printing in the revision of ISOM.
MC07/33 IOF/ IOF MC Commission Web sites
It was agreed that there was a need to establish a priority of information to
be held on the web sites.
The IOF Web site would contain all Official information in English for example
Map Specifications and Minutes of meetings.
The IOF MC Web site was maintained by LZ. It was agreed that HT would authorise
items to be posted examples would be Unofficial translations Historical material
and ICOM Presentations
It was agreed that MC would invite suggestions as to which of information was
to be held on the different web sites.
It was agreed that there should be a yearly back up of the IOF MC site. To be
held by IOF Office.
MC07/34 Base map materials
MC had been asked by Andy Hogg AUS for information on availability of diapositives
for use in PG plots. HT had written.
MC discussed possible future developments as conventional film photographs were phased out for digital prints. Other methods such as LIDAR for producing contours were discussed, MC would continue to investigate.
MC07/35 Mapping Conferences and Workshops
Portugal mapping clinic 18/19th February 2007
Erik Peckett GB and Ceasare Tarabocchia ITA had organised and were the instructors.
The Official report had not yet been sent by CT. FJH had written but had not
had a reply.
EP had reported that he had a very enjoyable time and had been well looked after.
He made a number of suggestions for future clinics:-
a the content of the Clinic was to be agreed before the clinic.
b the travel arrangements were agreed as early as possible firstly to keep down
the cost and secondly to ensure the instructors arrive together.
c that the length of the clinic should be sufficient to justify the cost.
d language could be a problem. There might be a need for translation facilities.
It was agreed that the IOF Instructors CD should be revised. FJH would lead the project.
MC07/36 Fairness Workshop summary
MC discussed the report on the Fairness Workshop. They were concerned that maps
were not mentioned. HT had written to Council with some comments. It was agreed
that this would be raised at the joint Council / Commissions meeting in January.
MC07/37 IOF MC Correspondents
AH had produced a revised list.
MC07/38 Control Points
MC discussed the the use of mapped features as control sites and the control
descriptions. SG/HT would prepare a paper on the use of control features that
do not exist on the map for the January meeting.
MC07/39 Deviation Requests
The Chairman had received a number of requests for deviation from specifications.
The Commission discussed them in the light of the presentation made at the joint
meeting with Council in January.
It was agreed that the IOF Event Adviser was responsible for implementing the IOF Rules including the map specifications (ISOM or ISSOM). They did not have the authority to vary those specifications without the approval of the Map Commission.
MC agreed that the Event Advisers should be responsible for approving the terrain to be used for WC, WOC and other IOF Events, making sure that the terrian is suitable for the events that are to be staged.
It was agreed to prepare a check list for mapping for IOF Event Advisers. JL would prepare an initial check list for for circulation to Map Commission. When completed this would be circulated to all present Event Advisers and new Advisers as they are appointed.
MC would suggest to IOF Council that the ranking points be removed from those events that did not comply with the mapping specifications.
MC agreed that request for deviations and MC responses should be sent to Rules Commission. SG would prepare some notes for the January meeting.
Deviation requests:
(i ) WRE Canada.
This was refused. MC felt that the map could have been printed at 1:15000. HT
would write.
(ii) Oceania Championships, Australia
MC did not feel that the financial issues were part of its remit in determining
the variation of scales. It was obvious that 1:15,000 was the correct scale
for this map. It was agreed that 1:4,000 for the Sprint map was allowed and
would be suitable. HT would write.
MC07/40 Next meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would be in Helsinki January 2008
Topics for next meeting
Generalisation (EP)
Print Technology / Colour (AH,JL)
Controls and control descriptions suitable for competitions (SG,HT)
Map Evaluation 2007 (SG)
MC07/41 AOB
The meeting closed at 17.10
Erik Peckett
Havard Tveite