László Zentai, HUN LZ Chairman
Flemming Hjorth Jensen, DEN FH
Thomas Gloor, SUI TG
Havard Tveite, NOR HT
Erik Peckett, GBR EP
Sergio Grifoni, ITA SG
Jukka Liikari, FIN JL
MC/05/12 Evaluation of 11th ICOM, future ICOMs
We had 45 participants from 10 countries, which was more that we had expected.
The continuous translation made the programme a little bit slower, but the overall
opinion of participants was surely positive. I got some positive feedback. The
presentations (PPT files) are available on the MC website.
We agreed to organize the next ICOM during the WOC2007 in Ukraine.
MC/05/13 PrintTech Project
It is a continuous project, JL is the project leader. TG presented the Swiss
O-Federation (SOLV) colour calibration sheet (OCAD file is downloadable) - the
availability of a process colour (PMS) version of the printed sheet would have
been an asset (currently, only a 4 colour (CMYK offset) simulation is available).
MC/05/14 Map Quality
What can the MC do to assure that IOF event maps are made according to the standards?
How can we avoid deviations (Mushroom growing area and green houses on the WOC2005
maps) that are not communicated to the IOF? New symbols are deviations, see
the Competition rules about deviation requests. We would like to help the EA
sin mapping issues.
We would offer to the FOC / RC that a responsible member of MC could assist
in the quality assurance of the maps and check the OCAD files for the events
(taking care the secrecy issues).
MC/05/15 Map generalization
HT informed us about the Nordic Map meeting at NOC2005. Good examples. JL, Jorma
Ake (FIN) and Christer Carlsson (SWE) attended the meeting together with a number
of Norwegian mappers and the Norwegian map committee. We can use their experiences
or ask them to help us in the project.
MC/05/16 IOF event map evaluation
We have to continue the evaluation, but it takes lot of time, so everybody must
be active. The World Cup 2004 (German round) evaluation is available.
MC/05/17 ISSOM
The ISSOM is a separate standard, but there are still several references to
the ISOM.
If we will have a chance to print the ISSOM2005 we may make these changes to
create a totally independent standard.
We started to discuss the details.
MC05/18 Correspondence
1. JWOC2005, Switzerland
There was an unofficial sprint event. The individual map was too detailed, the
course was rather a long middle distance. These are the responsibilities of
the EA.
It would be useful to create a general guideline (checklist, timetable) for
EAs to help them in mapping issues.
2. Uncrossable features, ISOM issues
For fairness reasons it would be useful to use the same rules in other disciplines
as in the sprint (ISSOM: uncrossable features are forbidden to cross). Deal
with it in the next ISOM revision.
Who is responsible for the control symbol standard (it is also a part of the
map overprint)?
It should be unnecessary to differentiate between forbidden and dangerous areas.
3. WRE in Norway with 3 meters contour interval
HT - the map was originally (in the 1970ies) mapped using 3 meters contours,
and it has been used and revised regularly through the years. The quality of
the contours is good and the club does not want to spend the money and time
to convert the contour interval to 5 meters. We suggest not to allow this organiser
such a deviation in the future. WRE status should not be given for this kind
of terrain in the future with a contour interval other than the standard 5 meters.
MC05/19 Any other business
1. LZ presented the budget situation. Check it after the WOC (meeting room and
ICOM renting)
2. Map Clinics
a. Chile (20-25 November 2005)
If the IOF will finance the travel of the instructor(s) the MC would like to
assist in the appointment of the advisor(s). We need more information: language
of the course (German, Spanish, English), main topic etc.
b. Clinic in Kenya
HT has already created o-maps in Tanzania and in Kenya, he suggested a potential
instructor (Jon Tvedt).
HT also suggested to contact Peo Bengtsson regarding projects in Kenya.
MC/05/20 Next meeting
It was agreed that MC would meet in 21-22 January 2006 in Finland (joint Council-Commission
László Zentai