MEETING 2-03 in Pfäffikon, Switwerland - photos
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 2-03
Time: 2003-08-03 to 2003-08-04
Place: Seedamm Plaza Hotel, Pfäffikon, Switzerland

László Zentai, HUN (LZ) Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI (TG)
Sergio Grifoni, ITA (SG)
Victor Kirianov, UKR (VK)
Jukka Liikari, FIN (JL)
Erik Peckett, GBR (EP)
Håvard Tveite, NOR (HT)
Sören Nielsen, DEN (SN) attended briefly
Juan Garcia Tutor, Chairman MTBO Commission attended part of the meeting

MC03/ 01 Opening
LZ opened the meeting. He introduced the two new members of the Commission - Erik Peckett (Great Britain) and Victor Kirianov (Ukraine).

MC03 / 02 Approval of agenda and appointment of minute secretary
The proposed agenda was approved. EP agreed to act as minute secretary.

MC03/03 Minutes of meeting 1-2003 held in Vantaa, Finland, 10th/11th January 2003
The minutes from the previous meeting in Vantaa, Helsinki, Finland was accepted as a true and accurate record.

MC03/ 04 Map Commission Financial status
The budget of MC is €1,000 for the year 2003. LZ would liaise with Barbro Ronnberg (Secretary General IOF) (BR) as to what was available. The budget would be included in these minutes (Appendix A).
TG would produce an account for the ICOM income and expenses and send details to IOF.
The test prints for sprint-O made by TG will be paid from last year's budget. The cost of the meeting room €120.

MC03/ 05 Map Specifications for Mountain Bike Orienteering
MC considered a number of documents delivered recently concerning the MTBO WOC 2004 in Australia. MC regretted the late delivery of these documents, as they might not be considered properly before the meeting.

LZ had a letter from BR in response to a letter from David Lotty (Australia). He had expressed the concerns of the organising committee that there had not been an Event Adviser appointed by the IOF. There were only 8 advisers and only one was from New Zealand He was likely to be the Team Leader for the New Zealand team. LZ had approached Tibor Erdélyi, (Hungary) to act as the Adviser - he is an experienced mapper and could be expected to maintain the mapping specifications.

MC hoped that MTBOC would appoint a suitably experienced adviser. MC would expect that any suggestions for changes to the specifications would be discussed with the Adviser who would request MC and MTBOC to agree to any changes.
MC considered a very useful review document presented by Peter Jackson (Australia) on 31st July 2003
The changes in Section 1 had been agreed at the January 2003 meeting.

At this point the Chairman of the MTBOC attended.
MC discussed the Section 2, 3 and 4 of the review document.
2.1 was referred back to MTBOC.
2.2 was referred back to MTBOC.
2.3 It was agreed that this could be allowed
3.1 It was not agreed. Referred back to MTBOC.
3.2 It was agreed that this could be allowed.
Section 4 was referred back to MTBOC.
The Chairman of MTBOC left at this point.

MC03/06 Map Specifications for Sprint O
1) Answer to O-Sport magazine - TG would be interviewed by the Editor of O- Sport magazine. It would hopefully explain the history of the ISSOM project.

2) MC agreed to consult competitors who had taken part in WOC 2003 Sprint Finals. It would seek information on the symbols and colours used on the WOC map and invite comments and suggestions.
MC discussed the information needed from the questionnaire.
TG would prepare the questionnaire and hoped to send it out by 5th September 2003.

3) Time table of actions.
a) It was agreed that National Federations would be asked for comments and suggestions on the present version. Other interested groups would also be invited to make comments. A number had already made submissions.
b) TG would send out the questionnaire to competitors and Federations early in September 2003. A note on MC web pages would invite other parties to contribute.
Replies would be requested by the 1st November 2003.
c) TG would prepare a summary of the suggestions for the MC meeting in January. From this another draft would be prepared and all Federations would be consulted in February 2004. Replies from Federations would be requested by 30th June 2004.
d) MC would agree the final specifications at it's meeting in September 2004.
e) It was expected that the final version of ISSOM would be approved by the IOF Council at its meeting in January 2005 for implementation on 1st February 2005.

4) It was agreed that the February 2004 draft specifications could be used at the WOC Sweden in September 2004.
It as agreed that Elite Events Commission would be asked for information on the type of terrain to be used for the WC race in Denmark in July 2004 and German "round" in October 2004. It was hoped that these might be the opportunity to test the next version of ISSOM.

5) MC discussed a number of problems with symbols. It was agreed that TG would prepare a number of test prints:-
a) of buildings with different densities of black.
b) size of some of the symbols and passable and impassable barriers both legal and physical.
c) other colours to be tested could be 50% and 100% blue for impassable water bodies, 45% black and the % brown for paved areas.

6) It was agreed that there was need to check the document for consistency. The OCAD symbols set on the MC web page should be dated - this will enable all mappers to download the latest set of symbols. They would be checked to follow the final specifications.

7) EP would check the grammar and spelling of the draft document before its final submission.

MC03/07 Correspondence
(1) Map Scales
LZ had received a number of messages regarding the scale of maps for the "German " round of the WC 2004.
MC agreed following a discussion that LZ would write to the Organiser of the event and BR with a copy for ESC and re-state that the scales for WOC, WC and WRE events was laid down in the specifications. (BR will act if necessary.)

(2) Map Inserts
LZ had received a note from Bruce Henderson (New Zealand) questioning the use of an enlarged section of the map.
MC agreed that they could not recommend that inserts at different scales be used on International events. This should be incorporated in the next ISOM.

(3) Mapping for WMOC 2004
LZ had a request from the Organiser of WMOC 2004 concerning the representation of World War 1 trenches through part of the area to be used. MC discussed the problem and thought that the best solution was a double black line to represent two passable rock faces - (0.25 is the specification but might be 0.18). Competitors would need to be informed. (The mapper kindly accepted this suggestion)

(4) Certification of mappers
LZ had received a request to certify the skills of particular mapmakers.
MC agrees that it did not yet have facilities to certify individual mappers. It recommended that the organiser would ask to see previous work before contracting the mapper.
LZ would write to all concerned.

(5) IOF Event Advisers
MC discussed the powers of the IOF Event Advisers to enforce the present specifications. It was agreed that minor variations for local conditions could be made but would need to be communicated to the competitors. Other changes were to be brought to the MC for approval in good time. It was agreed that the organisers of events need to be reminded of the rules and specifications for their events.

MC03/08 ICOM 2003
TG was thanked for organising the event. He was also congratulated on his presentation of the ISSOM project.
It was noted that there had been 39 participants. MC was pleased with the variety of topics covered.
MC considered the advertising for ICOM. It was hoped that the Conference details in the future would be
a) on the MC web site.
b) the IOF web site.
C on the WOC Website and Programme.

LZ would write to BR asking her to remove items no longer live from the IOF Website.

1) Presentations
These were considered to have been a good overview of orienteering mapping.

2) Map Exhibition
MC felt that the exhibition was open for too short a time. MC would attempt to have the exhibition for the whole week so that other visitors could see the work. It might be possible to have a theme for the next ICOM - one suggestion was to explain the mapping process. (Photographs of maps in the exhibition are to be available on the Map Commission web site as are the notes for most of the presentations).

3) Future ICOMs
LZ would consult BR about the views of the IOF Council on the holding of the next ICOM in Europe perhaps in 2004 rather than in Japan in 2005. The main concern was the cost of travel. LZ would collect information on possible venues and dates.

MC03/09 Print Tech Project
JL had received responses to his request for information from 11 Federations. (Slovakia, Finland, Czech Republic, USA, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. )

MC would seek other suitable contacts in all Federations. These would be asked to supply maps and information.
JL would continue to collect information on different printing techniques. It was hoped to publish experiences on the MC web site.
MC agreed that they did not think there was yet a suitable digital laser printing process for volume printing of 1:15000 maps.
MC agreed it would not allow, yet, digital laser prints for IOF events.
It was agreed that the ISOM 2000 test prints would be a suitable means of testing different print techniques. This would be sent as an OCAD file and this could be obtained from the IOF Map Commission web pages. Those submitting maps would be asked to send details of the paper used and the costs.

MC03/10 Any other business
a) TG had received a letter from the Organiser of JWOC 2005 in Switzerland concerning the scale of the map for the Long Distance competition. LZ would write to the Organiser with MC's decision.

b) Sören Nielsen would be leaving MC. Danish Federation would be asked to make this official.

c) MTBO specifications. LZ would write to MTBOC and request that they re-write their specification.

d) EP suggested that MC should consider having an IOF MC correspondent in each Federation. It could be anybody that the Federation would wish to nominate. They would need to be able to write or have translated into English. This would have the advantage of giving MC somebody who would act as a focus for any MC requests for information. He would prepare a paper for the next meeting of MC.

MC03/11 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would be in Vantaa, Finland 16th-18th January 2004 joint meeting with the IOF Council.

Erik Peckett