BP welcomed everyone to Leibnitz, venue of the IOF Congress 2000.
Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda with the inclusion of 'Sprint-O' Map Specifications following Congress approval to include this new discipline in the WOC programmes. CS agreed to act as minutes secretary.
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes from the previous meeting in Windsor, England were agreed as a true and accurate record.
MC Budget and Financial Status
There had been minimal expenditure from the MC budget so far this year as the cost printing and distribution of ISOM2000 was allocated to the IOF publications budget. A small expenditure would be incurred in production of the Instructor's Kit but this would be recouped through sales.
Now that ISOM2000 and the Instructor's Kit projects have reached completion it is anticipated that there would be increased expenditure in educational roles such as clinics and conferences.
MC Projects
ISOM 2000 - The new edition of International Specification for Orienteering Maps is complete with the printed version published in June, initially 2000 English language copies have been printed and priced at FIM30- with possible volume discounts. A few errors have been discovered and have been reported on the MC web site, this will be updated should more be discovered. It is suggested that an Erratum slip is included when distributed by the secretariat.
AD as project leader thanked all those involved with the project including members of the Project Team and Reference Group with special mention for LZ as editor of both the printed and web versions. The guideline for Park Orienteering maps had been well received by the athletes of the PWT.
BP commented that he would have liked a table of contents and if re-printed this should be included. BP went on to say the this project was initiated at Congress 1996 in Jerusalem, had involved many experienced mapmakers within the Project Team and Reference Group, had founded many friendships and raised the profile of the MC. BP thanked all those involved with special thanks to AD and LZ.
It was proposed that the MC send a letter of thanks to all members of the Project Team and Reference Group.
BP formally declared the ISOM2000 project closed.
Instructor's Kit - Copies of the Instructor's Kit CD were distributed to each member of the MC. The kit consists of detailed notes for the instructor, illustrations with guidance notes, photographs and a full mapping clinic presentation consisting of over 200 slides of titles, bullet points, illustrations and photographs. All files on CD are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format that uses the freeware Acrobat Reader. CS would like feedback from MC with any minor amendments before mass production of the CD begins. It has been agreed that the Instructor's Kit will be available through the Secretariat at a cost of FIM 100-.
BP thanked SN and CS for their work in bringing the project to fruition and declared the project closed.
There were no reports.
There had been three requests for World Ranking Evens to use maps at a scale of 1:10 000. The IOF has little influence over these events and can only strongly recommend and try to convince the organizing team as to best practice. The three events were as follows:
Slovenia - requested with map samples through controller, BP agreed for controller to decide.
Canada - no map sample, BP spoke to Ted de St Croix re the terrain and it was accepted.
Switzerland - requested by FILM organizing team, BP asked for the request to be through the IOF controller but would prefer 1:15 000 as this would be an event leading up to WOC 2003.
MC Manning for Congress period 2000 - 2002
BP is standing down as chairman of MC after eight years, four of which was as chairperson. CS is also standing down due to work commitments, also after eight years as a MC member. AD, SN and LZ are all willing to continue.
BP proposed and the MC agreed that AD should be proposed to Council as the new chairperson of MC. A number of potential candidates have been identified for the vacancies.
BP thanked the MC team for their contributions to the MC's successes during his terms as chairperson.
Future Projects
The committee identified a number of projects for the next Congress period, the number one priority will need to be a map specification for Sprint-O following Congress's decision to introduce a World Championship event in the discipline (see below). Other projects identified:
Guideline to Map Generalization - the new ISOM provides the rules about map generalization and the Instructor's Kit provides some theory, but it is felt a more detailed document could be produced on map generalization, including a significant number of real examples with text, map samples and high quality photographs. Once complete this could be included within the Instructor's Kit.
Map Quality - this being part of the overall drive to improve event quality of major IOF events. Though maps are generally of a high standard, younger O federations will increasingly be applying to stage events and they will need sound advice, guidance and careful monitoring of map production whilst they remain inexperienced. This project should be co-ordinated with event quality projects promoted by ESC and/or Foot-O.
Clinics and Conferences - following publication of the new ISOM, the MC needs to be proactive in promoting this by organizing mapping clinics. One suggestion was to stage one in Japan in either 2001/2 and would benefit possible WOC mappers. Another suggestion was to have joint clinics together with course setting / organizing.
AD had contacted Tuomo Haanpää of WOC 2001 about possibilities of holding a Mapping Conference during WOC. Possible papers to be presented include: Development in Printing Technologies, Sprint-O Map Specification, ISOM and Map Generalization, Mapping for Tracking Systems.
Printing Technology - the MC will need to continually monitor developments in printing methods / technologies as these alternatives approach the quality of traditional spot colour offset printing.
Sprint-O Map Specifications
With the introduction of a World Championship event in Sprint-O there is now an urgency in producing a Map Specification. First MC will need to liaise with Foot-O as they will be specifying the rules of competition; MC needs to know what terrain types competition to be staged in. Draft will need to be produced by spring 2001.
In addition contact with the athletes should be made as to their likes and dislikes of the existing PWT maps.
WOC 2001 has an option whether to stage a Sprint-O competition or not, if they proceed to stage a competition close co-operation will be needed with the organizers. Will need to finalize specification a few weeks before WOC 2001 and the WOC competition map hopefully can be used as a good example of Sprint-O maps.
Any other business
There were no items of any other business.
Date of next meeting
The next MC meeting will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from 9th to 11th February 2001, it is anticipated a number of the IOF committees will meet at this time.