The following summary concerns such items discussed having a general interest. Items of internal or confidential nature are left out. The order is without priority.
Reports from members of map committee
Great Britain - Mapping for WOC99 is about to get underway now that areas have been finalised. Photogrammetry complete. Three mapping firms to be used, one for each of the different races; problems with consistency and standardisation should be minimal as the terrain types are all different. Mapping and scales will conform with IOF specifications.
Germany - A national mapping conference with representatives from all the regions was held in November, this included: runnability tests, many mappers being surprised at the results, and discussion on the experience gained from hosting the World Championships.
Hungary - A Hungarian version of ISOM was produced in 1996. Individual clubs can now publish maps whereas before all maps where co-ordinated centrally by the Federation. Last year about 40 maps were made (all using computer), with map quality improving as clubs wish to attract competitors to their events. Hungarians are assisting in mapping areas of Slovenia as there are few Slovenian mappers.
Denmark - 15 mapping courses (mainly for beginners) and 3 OCAD courses were held last year. Some mapping problems have arisen with experienced mappers who no longer compete.
Sweden - A mapping conference was recently held in Gothenburg open to the Nordic countries. There were about 120 delegates with many interesting and open discussions. A report was presented on digital offset printing, with the use of digital plates and printing 4 colour (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) maps.
Work Plan
The suggested work plan of the map committee was outlined by BP in a discussion document distributed in December and further discussed with Council, the main items of the work plan are:
ISOM 2000 - Revision of the International Specification for Orienteering Maps, project managed by AD assisted by LZ.
Instructors Kit - Finalise revision of existing Instructors Kit and production on CD-ROM, project managed by SN assisted by CS.
MBO Mapping - To identify the requirements for MBO maps, project managed by BP.
Quality Programme - To establish a set of guidelines and rules to ensure high quality maps at IOF events, project managed by CS.
Clinics and Conferences - To continue to provide a biennial mapping conference and regular instructors clinics were required, co-ordinated by SN.
MC Projects
ISOM 2000 - The project team to consist of AD (project manager) and LZ along with Knut Olav Sunde (NOR), also to approach Alex Tarr (AUS) to join project team. The reference group will consist of FN, Jorma Ake (FIN), Hans Steinegger (SUI) and Lennart
Karlsson (SWE), also to invite Lech Trzpil (POL) and Pat Dunlavey (USA) to join reference group. Notes from a discussion with Hans Steinegger on ISOM revision were given as an Appendix in the last set of minutes. All suggestions for change to be through the Federations, at present have not had any response from the Federations.
Must not try to make any dramatic changes to symbols, but to consider new possibilities created by computerised cartography, also need to consider 4 colour printing processes. LZ to publish information on the ISOM 2000 revision on the Internet with links from the MCOIC.
Instructors Kit - The project team to consist of SN (project manager) and CS. A meeting was held last week to discuss work required, proposed timetable, etc. It is anticipated that the project will be complete by November 1997 with a demonstration version ready for the mapping conference in Norway. It was suggested that it should stored on CD-ROM in PDF format; discussion then ensued on: whether it should be a single file, multiple files with links, the speed of printing and the speed of Acrobat. It became obvious that some tests need to be carried out to optimise performance.
MBO Mapping - BP is to lead this project; he made contact with Jean-Paul Hosette, the new MBO chairman during the recent Council meeting. The map used from the last French MBO Championships was discussed. The black had been reprinted to show the width and cyclability of tracks and footpaths; it was clear that there would be difficulty reading the map at speed. It was felt that the map could be generalised much more by reducing the amount of detail within the forest blocks. The first stage is to have more dialogue with the MBO fraternity.
Quality Control - BP explained his ideas on ensuring high quality maps at IOF events by establishing some rules and guidelines to be adhered to. This would be part of an overall quality program for the event and would require liaison with the Event Standards Committee and the individual disciplines. CS is to act as project manager. BP suggested that attending an IOF controllers course might be beneficial in identifying the processes controllers use at present to check on map quality and ensure that rules are followed. It was also suggested that Jorma Ake and Bertil Lundqvist may be able to assist with quality processes.
Mapping Clinics
Two possible courses were discussed after communication with the respective federations: The first for Portugal / Spain being an intermediate level course concentrating on field survey. The second for the Ukraine covering both field survey and OCAD. SN to contact the Federations.
Map Committee Official Information Centre (MCOIC)
Listing of professional O mappers - at present only photogrammetrists are listed but will list all areas of professional map making. MC policy will be not to discriminate between companies / individuals, anybody wanting to be listed can be. To investigate whether MC can charge for this service.
Next Meeting
To be held on Sunday 10th August 1997 in Grimstad at 15:00 hours.