The outgoing chairman (FN) welcomed everyone to Sweden and thanked BP for arranging
the venue.
Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The agenda as circulated was approved and CS agreed to act as minutes secretary.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held 25th June 1994 in Varna, Bulgaria were
accepted as a true and accurate record.
Reports from Council/Committees
Council wished information to be disseminated widely and regularly. Two internal
publications had been established: IOF Headlines and Bits & Pieces.
There were no reports from other committees. It was noted that minutes of meetings from other committees (especially Technical and Events with possible actions for MCStG) are available from member federations.
Letter received from Anne Braggins (AB), Trail-O CStG, asking whether MCStG or
Trail-O CStG should be responsible for establishing mapping standards. AB suggested
setting up a joint working group to proceed with this. CS to be the MCStG person
on this working group. BP reported that a similar exercise was being or to be
carried out in Sweden and would find out progress and report to CS.
Letter from Australian O.F. saying that a mapping workshop using OCAD had been arranged for 28th September 1995. They wished someone from Europe with OCAD experience to attend and assist with instruction, some funding would be available from Australian O.F. but would like assistance from IOF.
A discussion document on IOF publications: Headlines and Bits & Pieces had been received from Council. They wished to know what contributions the MCStG could make to the two publications. At present the MCStG thought the intended audience for the two publications was unclear with considerable overlap between the two. The MCStG would use IOF Headlines for short reports and continue to use Orienteering World for longer articles.
Letter received from Council on the use of IOF letterhead paper was noted.
A request from China had been made for a development course which would include mapping. At present there are no monies available within the MCStG budget.
Letter from Eric Weyman (USA) re structure of MCStG. With the reduction in committee sizes there was a need for members to able to attend meetings which has geographical repercussions. We should aim to include persons from other regions on any working groups established.
Report from Ecuador (FN visit earlier in year), currently 2 maps, 1 park in Quito and another a park outside of Quito. Both maps are 4-5 km2 and 1:10000, though not drawn to IOF specification. They would like some good maps and maps produced with some instruction. The lack of base material may be a problem, though it may be possible to use GPS to set up some control.
Letter from Tuomo Peltola - controller for VWC 1996 near St. Petersberg, Russia with part drafts of one of the competition areas. The area has numerous trenches which the mapper wishes to represent using a continuous black line - must use the brown erosion gully symbol. The area also has numerous three sided banks cut into hill sides which the mapper wishes to represent using the steep slope symbol with only two tags - okay.
Request from Lithuanian World Cup Event organiser requesting the map to be drawn at 1:10000 - this had been discussed at great length with AD during the Mapping Clinic. Provided the map is an enlargement from 1:15000 then the controller (Lassie Niemelä) can decide on the scale.
It had been agreed with the World Cup Group that controllers for events were allowed to make exceptions to the mapping norm provided it remained within the JOE specification. Where special symbols are used or maps with scales other than 1:15000 using the 1 :15000 symbol size, then these must be referred to the MCStG.
Notification from Ski-O CStG that a new International Specification for Ski-O Maps had been published.
Reports from members of map committee
Finland - During 1994 350 new maps had been produced, 32% were at the 1:10000
scale, some maps had been printed on the synthetic material Polyart which was
available in 2 weights: 90g/m2 and 1 lOg/rn2. A windows control description and
course overprinting program called Control Point for OCAD is now available from
Usko Karvinen for FMk 395.00.
Great Britain - The areas to be used for W0C99 have been short listed though land access negotiations were still ongoing for some of these. Contracts for mapping the WOC areas will not be awarded before this autumn at the earliest. At present no international controller had been appointed - MCSIG would like to be consulted on the appointment of the assistant controller as he is responsible for the mapping.
Sweden - There is still considerable debate regarding the best 'green' colour for orienteering maps after concerns raised by some colour blind orienteers. Some research is to be commissioned to establish the best colour including the production of trial maps using the current green, the old blue-green colour and a green in between the two. BP to send FN 2-3 copies of the trial maps if possible.
Germany - W0C95 are still encountering some land access problems. The mapping is complete though the controller will be visiting the areas in April so that final corrections can be made before the final prints.
Denmark - The latest Danish print of ISOM includes a comprehensive table showing the relationships between runnabilty and map screens - FN to send copies to MCStG members. Felix Moser(SUI) has produced an IOF Symbol Library for Adobe Illustrator and is working with Hans Steinegger(SUI) to produce an Illustrator to OCAD translator.
Mapping Courses
AD reported on the course held in Lithuania in November 1994. AD was assisted
by Stefan Schleder, 17 mappers from Lithuania attended. The main interest was
in computer mapping but AD managed to persuade them to venture outside to discuss
ISOM and vegetation. Discussions on WC map scales and printing followed, there
is no local printing service so maps are printed in Latvia but are of poor quality
and expensive. AD suggested Lithuanian O.F. invest in second hand printing press
as A3 presses are now cheap. AD has since received a follow up request for used
printing presses.
FN has written to South African O.F. re previously planned mapping course but
has had no response.
Requests had been received from Australia and China for mapping courses.
The MCStG needs to become more proactive rather than reactive in proposing courses. Need to prepare a plan of possible courses in relation to forthcoming events and to look at developing nations who have aspiration of staging international events. It was suggested that a mapping clinic could be combined with Congress week in Israel in 1996.
Instructors ConferenceProvisional programme to include: Korahdus (GPS) - FN to invite
Computer mapping - current developments
WOC mapper / controller presentation - AD to invite
Junior and/or Veteran orienteers views of todays maps
ISOM - revisions for the computer age
Fieldwork - rurinability, using contours / form lines
Fees: -
120 DM for conference (4 nights including breakfast) - maximum of 1 per member
250 DM for conference and WOC (9 nights including breakfast)
30 DM for conference (no Accommodation)
Entries to AD by 23rd May 1995, MCStG to reply by 1st May 1995 if accommodation
required during WOC week.
Invitation to be written by AD, checked by CS to passed to FN for forwarding to IOF.
Map Committee Working Groups
Revision of Instructors Kit - CS had produced a revised Introduction and Chapter 1, no other chapters had been reviewed. CS to review remaining chapters and hopefully have draft sent to MCStG members for comment before meeting in Germany.
Symbol Group - remit to revise existing ISOM for computerised cartography and review printing colours, to look at future developments in changes to screens / symbols made possible by computer technology. The following are to be invited on to the working group:- Flemming Nörgaard (DEN), Peo Derabrant (SWE), Pat Dunlavey (USA), Stephen Soliberuer (GER), Alex Tarr (AUS).
Technical Development Group - remit to report on new technological developments which will assist mapmaking. BP to lead the group, FN to invite Pat Dunlavey and also ask whether there are others in North America who would be suitable.
As reported earlier, the MCStG sees Orienteering World as the most suitable publication
for publishing large articles and IOF Headlines for reporting progress of the
Steering Group and it's Working Groups.
The budget proposed by MCStG at Varna (Total SEK 23000) was approved by Council.
Expenditure Lithuanian Mapping Clinic. SEK 11000 (DM 2252)
Planned Map Instructors Conference SEK 3000
Map Instructors Kit SEK 2000
South African Mapping Clinic SEK 7000
FN to write to South African O.F. regarding Mapping Clinic and the monies available from the IOF for funding the Clinic, any additional costs will need to be met by the South African O.F. If no favourable response then monies could be used to part pay travel costs for sending an OCAD instructor to Australia.
Council meeting 21st April, London
All committee steering group chairmen have been invited to the meeting of Council.
FN to attend.
Next Meeting
To be held in Germany during the World Championships week (provisionally set for
12th August 1995). Will also try to arrange an informal meeting with Technical
Committee S.G. regarding controlling of maps for major international events.
Any Other Business