1. Opening
The Chairman welcomed everyone to Doune and thanked Robin & Sue for their hospitality. Introductions were made by Bjorn Persson, the Chairman of SOFT's map committee and Chris Shaw, a member of BOWs map committee and the likely replacement for Robin when he stands down.
The minutes of the previous meeting (11th July 1992 in Filzbach, Switzerland - IOF Congress) were approved as circulated.
2. Reports from Council and other Committees
2.1 Council: Regarding World Cup Controlling/Monitoring; the request for a Technical Adviser to be paid by the IOF had been turned down.
2.2 Technical Committee: There had been correspondence regarding the appointment of an Assistant Controller for the World Championships to be held in Norway.
2.3 Hi-Tech Group: The Group had been looking into the possibility of setting up an 'Electronic Postbox' to enable the transfer of computer data. The E-mail networks such as Compuserve were expensive. Cheaper alternatives were being looked into, one located at University College, Dublin, Ireland and the other at Cornell University, USA. These could be connected to via Internet.
3. Correspondence
3.1 The Chairman had written to all the new member Federations outlining the role of the Map Committee and offering the possibility of organising Mapping Clinics. So far, three replies had been received.
Letter from the Lithuanian O.F. requesting that a delegate should attend the Instructors Conference.
Letter from the South African O.F. (Mike Wilson) requesting a Mapping Clinic
to be organised for February / March 1993 as they are planning to hold their first
multi-day event in February 1994. Reply to be sent suggesting a Mapping Clinic
be held this Autumn (Sept-Nov) subject to availability of funds
(RH to instruct).
Fax from the Ukrainian O.F. (Vitcheslav Smirnov / Victor Kirianov) introducing themselves and requesting a Mapping Clinic be organised during May / June 1993. Also, there are some experienced mappers who would like to map abroad. Reply to be sent saying MC plan their Clinics a year ahead and suggest that May / June 1994 would be more appropriate (CT to instruct).
3.2 Letter from SOFT introducing Bjorn Persson as their nominated representative.
3.3 Letter from Jorma Ake regarding JSOM and WOC93 (discussion in item 4)
3.4 Letter from Edmond Szechenyi regarding the appointment of the Assistant IC for WOC 1997 (discussion in item 10.1)
3.5 Barry McCrae (AUS) wanted to know the IOF's stance on the Copyright of the computerised IOF map symbols as he had received a request for them. The MC agreed that they should be freely available.
3.6 Letter from Colin Kirk (USA) saying that the World Cup Event was a big success and that concerns about the map were unfounded.
4. ISOM interpretation
Considerable concern amongst MC members was shown for continual deviations from the current ISOM of some maps. The MC felt that deviations from ISOM should be discouraged although it was recognised that some National Map Committees were experimenting with additional/different symbols/screens. All IOF events should adhere strictly to ISOM, this can be controlled in WOC/WC events but is more difficult for the multi-day events.
BP stated that SOFT's Map Committee was being heavily criticised for only certifying maps which comply with ISOM. Many Swedish mappers felt there was a need to show an elongated knolls differently to the small knoll. There solution would be to use an elliptical 'brown dot', the MC pointed out that this may be confused with the gully symbol. RH demonstrated that if the maps were being drawn by computer then this feature could be drawn using the ring knoll with the width the same as for the small knoll dot (0.5mm) and increasing the length. MC to reply to SOFT stating that we cannot force them to only use ISOM but do not like the elongated knoll, it should be used sparingly and should attempt to use the ring knoll whenever possible.
Recent Norwegian maps showed experimentation with the settlement and cultivated land screens. It was recognised that there was a need to experiment on the dot size/spacing for cukivated land.
In Australia some maps had been produced with boulders drawn in three sizes of black dot. Although the symbols' dimensions complied with ISOM's +-20% deviation from the designated size, this flexibility allowed in section 3.2 of ISOM had been taken out of context.
An article should be written for publication in Orienteering World emphasising the need to follow ISOM closely and to clarify allowable deviations in the Specification. Copies should be sent to member Federations for distribution to mapping representatives and possible publication in national magazines.
5. Reports
5.1 Switzerland (TB) have been experimenting with making new maps by scanning in the existing map and using Adobe Streamline to vectorise the lines. Scans were made at 400dpi and l200dpi, it was found that the benefits from scanning at the higher resolution produced more drawbacks than advantages. With the higher resolution scan there were too many more anchor points on the Bezier curves and file sizes were much larger.
5.2 Sweden (BP) are experiencing problems with the Copyright of maps and the
control of map reproduction. It was recognised that as the cost of colour copying
comes down this will become an increasing problem. FN stated that in Denmark all
photocopied maps had a sticker attached indicating that Copyright had not been
5.3 CT has taken on the role of updating the Map Instructors Kit. All relevant
material is to be passed to CT so that he can get an overview of what is available.
Each chapter will need critical assessment, the suggestion being that each committee
member could review a chapter. These chapters will be distributed in August. The
chapter on cartography will need complete revision with the emphasis now on Computer
Mapping, though there will still need to be discussion on pen and ink drawing.
Scribing techniques can be reduced to a single paragraph.
6. Publications
6.1 Photogrammetry Booklet: Booklet ready for printing. 200 copies should be sufficient for distribution to all IOF member Federations, for use at mapping clinics and to provide the Secretariat General with a small stock for sale. FN to get a quote on the cost of printing 200-300 copies at Arhus University.
6.2 Simple Map Booklet: There was a need for a booklet to be available from the IOF on making simple maps.
6.3 Map Comparison Exercise: The sample maps were ready. It was suggested that they could be distributed through Orienteering World (JA to check with Chive Allen) with TB to write an article for inclusion.
6.4 Computer Mapping Booklet: Most recent draft distributed to Committee. Some minor revisions needed, FN and RH to check through text as well. Wait until Illustrator 5.0 is released before publication as this may well resolve some difficulties. Final Booklet to be distributed at the Instructors Conference.
7. Instructors' Conference 1993
7.1 Conference venue will be at Coredo, Val di Non, Italy on 26th-29th August 1993. CT organising this and the likely cost per delegate will be in the region of 200000L. Some financial support may be available from the IOF, it was felt that this funding should be for delegates from the new member Federations (TB to distribute appropriately).
7.2 Suggested programme to include the following:
Interpretation of ISOM including generalisation, deviations, scales and national
Computer Mapping including the importing of maps (scanned images).
Invite an International Orienteer and/or a teacher to present their views and
requirements of orienteering maps.
GPS, it uses and limitations in orienteering map making.
Copyright of orienteering maps.
Ski-orienteering maps (a short session as many delegates would have no interest).
8. Mapping Courses
8.1 AD reported on the course held in the Netherlands (18 delegates - 16 NEL, 2 BEL) and thanked Torben Rasmusen (DEN) for assisting.
8.2 Due to less funds being available, it was not possible to plan too far
ahead. Courses planned are as follows:
South Africa to be held in latter part of 1993 - subject to funding.
Ukraine to be held May/June 1994, the course could cater for other former Soviet
Republic Federations.
Bulgaria possible course to be held at the time of the IOF Congress in 1994.
Eastern Germany suggestion to hold course for Eastern Germany, Poland and Slovakia.
9. Activity Plan for 1993/94
Activities to be carried out:
Update the Map Instructors Kit.
To hold Map Instructors Courses in South Africa and Ukraine, with the possibility
of additional courses in Bulgaria and Eastern Germany.
To liaise with the Ski-Orienteering, Trail-O and Schools Orienteering groups to
identify what they require on their maps (RH to contact Anne Braggins regarding
Mapping for Disabled requirements). The MC would provide advice on cartographic
aspects of the map.
The establishment of a Schools' Map Sub Committee (AD, RH and Soren Nielsen(DEN)).
10. World Championships / World Cup Monitoring
10.1 Letter from Edmond Szechenyi (FRA), Technical Adviser for WOC97 in Norway regarding the proposal of Jean Luc Toussaint as his Assistant.
The letter and its consequences was discussed at some length. The MC proposed to write to Council on two issues. Firstly, the MC feel that JLT would not be suitable for dealing with mapping issues that might arise, the MC believe there is no need for a Technical Assistant in Norway. Secondly, the MC wish to propose that the MC are involved in discussions on the appointment of the Technical Adviser before it is proposed to Council as the Technical Adviser has overall responsibility for the map.
10.2 Request from the organisers of the 1994 World Cup race to be held near Kristiansand, Norway for a 1:10000 scale map (enlarged lines & symbols). The reasoning is that it will follow the same format as the 1992 World Cup race at Annaboda, Sweden with 2.5km loop courses and adjacent control sites. MC agreed to request.
10.3 Request from the organisers of the 1994 World Cup race to be held in Czechoslovakia for a 1:10000 scale map. MC rejected request
11. Date of Next Meeting
To be held during or immediately after the 1993 Instructors Conference 6th-29th .August 1993 at Coredo, Vat di Non, Italy.
12. Any Other Business
The Chairman had received a report from Heinz Tschudin on Orienteering in South America.
Meeting closed at 19:20 hours