MEETING 1-91 in Szentendre, Hungary

Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 1-91
Time: 1991-03-23
Place: Szentendre, Hungary
Participants: Thomas Brogli (SUI, chair), Jorma Ake (FIN), Andreas Dresen (GER), Flemming Norgaard (DEN), Mark Smith (CAN), Gyula Szabó (HUN)
Apologies: Robin Harvey (GBR), Tore Kristiansen (NOR).
Present as observer: Zdenek Lenhart (CZE), László Zentai (HUN)

1a. Opening of meeting
Meeting opened 09:00 hours
The Chairperson welcomes all representatives to Hungary. Particularly pleased to welcome representatives from host country Hungary and Czehoslovakia.

1b. Minutes of last meeting - Steikjer, Norway
Minutes of the last meeting approved.

2. Reports from Council meetings and IOF Committees

3. Letters
From Sarolta Monspart (variety of topics)
Regarding point 3.4 (Yugoslavia), the MC agrees that where possible the instructor should be from a neighbouring country, however political situations must be considered in choosing who will go. The political situation in Romania indicated that a Czech instructor would be more appropriate than a Hungarian.
The MC also notes that map instructors should be from a country with similar conditions and problems OR be very familiar with conditions and problems of host country.

4. ISOM Working Group Report
Robin Harvey not available to provide news on publishing of ISOM. Will send fax at break. FN circulates b&w and colour proofs.
- New format
The new computerized format will assist countries in producing their own translated versions of ISOM. Several federations (DAN, SUI, GER, NOR, FIN) already have plans to do it.
-Distribution information
Proposing same price as last edition (i.e. SKR 20). Will send 10 free copies to member countries. The MC will make available to member federations film, with or without text, at cost. FN suggests TB write a letter to member federations regarding these items.
-German translation
TB will attempt to finish the German version on MacIntosh (because that is what original was created on) and welcomes comments about translation from committee members who do not speak German as a first language.

5. Mapping Activity Reports from Member Federations
TB reports that Swiss Federation is making own copy of ISOM in conjunction with German Federation, with insert for special Swiss symbols. TB handed out several maps produced with OCAD. Hans Steinegger (developer of OCAD) had session with Swiss mappers. TB also handed out map prepared using AutoCAD. Produced by Ueli Schlatter output by plotter, ink on drafting film, screen applied conventionally). He is doing maps fro next Swiss 6-day using this method.
JA reports that new requirements in place for maps at various scales (1:5000, 1:10000 and 1:15000) at 11 sports institutes in Finland. A three year production cycle has been started. Similar project for preparation of approx. 55 maps on or around Finnish military bases.
MS reports that interest in computer cartography is growing but that few competition quality orienteering maps have been produced by non-professionals. Both OCAD and Mac methods used. Relatively fewer o-maps produced in Canada in recent years and very few mappers producing.
AD reports that 15-20 mappers now using OCAD. Meeting was held to compare OCAD and Illustrator/MacIntosh options. Political reunion of east and west has indicated some conflict regarding mapping standards.
ZL reports that TCH wanted only 3 mappers to work on World Championship maps to maintain quality and consistency, but this means maps may not be printed one year ahead of time as required. Capitalism has created interest in the development of private mapping firms. Some TCH mappers are working out of country to earn hard currency, therefore there are few quality mappers at home. Each year approximately 100 new maps are created of which 30 are for developing orienteering (i.e. simple maps).
GS reports that computer cartography is just getting started. OCAD is most popular because Macs not available until recent months. Technology in general is not available due to economic problems (as for neighbouring countries). LZ has produced the first OCAD map, Lajosforrás, near meeting site. There is some concern about how the Fedration will obtain funds if most maps made by clubs and private people. There are also few map-makers because they cannot support their families by mapping works.
FN reports that computer cartography is developing quickly. MacIntosh method is most popular due to early start and low sophistication of early OCAD versions. Seven clubs have bought Mac systems and the Federation bought a Mac system for the Danish Map Committee. There has been some problem in deciding how federation will get funds when maps are made by clubs. In the past the DOF controlled printing but now colour photocopying and computer output makes control difficult. To compensate there is a move to increase the levy on competitions. Cost of producing both 1:15000 and 1:10000 scale maps for each area so experiments have been conducted with photocopy enlargments. Appears to work well. Also experimenting with producing color laser printed school maps and giving one copy to school at no charge.

6. Publications
There have been plans to produce two publications in addition to existing ISOM:
a. Photogrammetry
b. Computer Mapping

FN shows Danish book on photogrammetry. Perhaps we could translate the relevant parts and produce them as an MC booklet. TB will ask Secretariat to translate sections before the summer meeting. Copies of the translation will be sent to MC members wiht instructions to brings detailed comments to summer meeting.

Computer Mapping

TB suggests we use Hi-Tech Report as model for MC publication. FN will ask Finn Arildsen about this possibility.

7. Instructor's Conference 1991, Detailed Programme
General informations
Scheduled for Marianské Lázne, Czechoslovakia, Friday August 16th to Sunday August 18th, 1991. An advertisement was received by MC members and will be inserted in Orienteering World magazine.
Reservations have been made for 70 people. The fee for one representative from each federation is DM20 to encourage involvement, additional participants DM160. TB requests that registration be sent directly to Dr. Jan Pichal in Czechoslovakia but that national totals also be sent to TB.
MC members must let TB know they are not going by June 15th otherwise reservation will be made for them. There is no charge to MC members for conference.

Special topics
These are items of particular interest that will be presented to delegates. TB wants to assign responsibilities to MC members.
Designed to familiarise participants with the new specifications. Responsibility FN and/or Robin Harvey.
b. Survey and Interpretation of Vegetation in Continental Terrain
There still appears to be a lot of confusion about how to use green and combinations of symbols. The chart in ISOM clarifies this but a discussion will assist mappers. Map of area needed. Responsibility AD.
c. Computer Cartography
Depends on availability of computers in Czechoslovakia. ZL will look into the possibility and contact TB. Responsibility FN, RH and MS for Mac; Hans Steinegger for OCAD and Laszlo Zentai.
d. Models for instruction of Beginner Map-makers
An opportunity to introduce ideas from different countries about techniques for teaching beginning map-makers. Responsibility TB.

8. Map courses
Romania - Money not available for accommodation of instructors. Shall MC make exception to rule that says host Federation pays accommodation for instructors. MC agrees that rule will stand but that in special circumstences, such as Romania, the MC will pay the accommodation fee. Appears that a french speaking instructors is ideal but only TB speaks acceptable French. TB and AD probable instructors, perhaps LZ also. Tentatively scheduled for Spring 1992.

Canada - MS requests clinic for October 1992 during week before, during, or after Toronto area World Cup. 1991 Canadian Championship period ruled out due to scheduling conflicts. Toronto area ensures access to accommodation, transport and especially computers. Focus of clinic to be computer cartography.
Europe - TB wants computer cartography clinic for European federations sometime in 1992. Possible sites: Denmark (FN coordinates) or Czechoslovakia, University of Brno (ZL coordinates). MC members should bring information sufficient to make decisions at summer meeting.

New Zealand - FN indicates interest in clinic. TB will contact them.
USA - MS suggests there may be value or interest in map clinic before, during or after 1993 World Championships.

TB will prepare invitation to member federations to submit requests for Map Clinics, to be included in upcoming Oreienteering World.

9. Activity Plan for 1991
4th International Instructor's Conference for O-Mapping (Friday, August 16th - Sunday, August 18th, 1991)
Photogrammetry manual
Computer Mapping Manual

10. World Cup Monitoring 1992
Reports coming in:
Canada - preliminary report form organizers circulated. Project appears well underway, however MS expressed early concerns about cartographic portion of production. Neither method nor person chosen yet. MS will monitor.
Sweden - alternative to Toby Stenbeck required by Sweden for their World Cup. MC recommends FN or JA.

11. Next Meeting
Sunday, August 18th, 1991
Marianské Lázne, Czechoslovakia

12. Other Business
TB hands out demo OCAD 3.0 and written description sheets.
To contact to Flemming Norgaard: work - 45 86202711 ext.2514, fax: 45 86139326

13. Meeting Adjourned
17:55 hours