MEETING 1-06 in Vantaa, Finland - photos
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 1-2006
Time: 2006-01-20 to 2006-01-21
Place: Helsinki-Vantaa, Finland

MC/06/01 Present

László Zentai, HUN (LZ) Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI (TG)
Sergio Grifoni, ITA (SG)
Flemming Hjorth Jensen, DEN (FH)
Jukka Liikari, FIN (JL)
Erik E. Peckett, GB (EP)
Håvard Tveite, NOR (HT)

MC/06/02 Agenda for meeting 1-2006 and Minutes of meeting 2-2005

The Agenda circulated by the Chairman was agreed and EP agreed to take the Minutes. LZ would prepare a summary for IOF Council.
The minutes of the meeting in Toyota City, Japan 2-2005 were approved. These had been published on the MC web page.

MC/06/03 Map Commission Projects

1 PrintTech Project
JL had prepared "Colour Test Sheet 2006". 1000 copies had been printed. The test sheet would be used to compare and test the capabilities of printers to reproduce the lines and colours required for orienteering maps. Copies would be sent to all Federations (5-10) and Map Commission Correspondents. Additional copies would be available from IOF on request.

An OCAD file would be available on the MC web site. This would allow the Federations to compare the output of their own printers with the standard output. JL would prepare a document to explain the purpose of the test sheet - this would be circulated to all Federations.
JL was thanked for his work.

2 Map Generalisation
EP gave a presentation on his ideas for some practical approach to teaching the concepts of generalisation of orienteering maps. (HT suggested to map a number of (real or imaginary) areas at a very large scale (1:1000?) and with 0.5 meter or 1 meter contour interval, and then show how this area could be generalised for decreasing scales and increasing contour intervals, up to 1:15000 scale and 5 meters contour interval)
It was agreed that he should continue.

3 Evaluations of Maps for IOF Events
It was agreed that MC members would evaluate the maps used for the IOF major events in 2005 by end of March. These would be displayed on the MC web site.
The aim was to help organisers of future events to copy good practice and pass on mistakes. (JL-SkiO WOC ; TG-JWOC; HT-WOC2005; LZ-MTBOC; EP-WC2005 GB; SG-World Masters; FH -WOC Italy)

MC/06/4 Map Clinics

TG and Orest Kotylo, UKR, would act as instructors at a Mapping Clinic in Temuco, Chile starting on 2nd March 2006.
Travel costs would be met by IOF / IOC. The instructors would be working voluntarily. Accommodation costs would be met by the host Federation. The clinic would be held in German.

MC/06/05 Correspondence

1 The Turkish Federation had requested a certificate of attendance at the mapping course held in Bursa, Turkey in June 2004. IOF Office had prepared a certificate and this had been sent to the participants.

2 The Japan Orienteering Association had appointed Kazushige Hatori as its IOF map Commission Correspondent and also suggested him as a PrintTech project member.

3. LZ had received a request from Raul Friedmann, Brazil, for information on ISOM. He had replied. LZ had offered to organise a map clinic in Brazil if requested. LZ awaiting a response.

4 Trail O specifications. LZ had received a request for information from Val Jones, IRE, regarding the relationship between ISSOM 2005 and Trail O maps. He had replied.

5. ICOM 2007: LZ had received a message from Vitali Petrov, UKR, offering to organise the ICOM 2007 in Kiev in conjunction with WOC 2007. LZ had replied and would help with the organisation.

6 LZ had received a paper from Roberto Biella, ITA, suggesting a new way of preparing base maps for orienteering.
MC discussed the suggestions. LZ would write to thank him for the suggestions and would be pleased to see further details and results.

7 MTBO. LZ had a request from Tiago Lopes, POR, regarding the correct interpretation for the MTBO mapping specifications. LZ would write and inform him about the expected changes in the specification.

Sprint MTBO at the MTBO World Championships. The MC agreed that they would be ready to draw up specification when the MTBO had clarified its requirements.

It was agreed that the MC would wait for the MTBO Commission to clarify its rules so that the MC could offer help as to the best way to implement them. LZ is in continuous contact with the MTBO.

JL raised the question of the wording of the MTBO specifications and the size of symbols on different scales. It was agreed that they would be the same size for all scales.

8 Colour vision defects (Colour blindness)

1 LZ had received an enquiry from Barbara Junghans, AUS, regarding the choice of colours for those with colour vision difficulties. LZ would reply.

2 The MC had received a paper prepared by Keith Henderson, GBR, giving details of a study he was undertaking into the impact of the present colours used for orienteering maps on those with visual colour difficulties. It was agreed that LZ would write to thank him and would welcome his results when available.

MC/06/06 Scales for Ski-O maps

MC had a joint session with the Ski-O Commission. The session was very useful for the mutual understanding: we've got good arguments from the Ski-O Commission.

It was agreed that the preferred scale was 1:15000 for the Classic and Middle distance competitions and 1:5000 for the Sprint competition.

The symbols size for the 1:15000 map would be 100% and for the 1:5000 maps 150%.

Where an enlargement is required for 1:10000 and 1:7500 then this will be an enlargement of the 1:15000 (with enlarged symbols).

For Sprint Ski-O if the map is scaled to 1:7500 then the symbols would be reduced.
LZ and JL would revise the specifications to clarify the scale and size of symbols.

MC/06/07 Application for a rule deviation for WC Final 2006 France.

MC discussed a request for a rule deviation. LZ would write to the organiser explaining that the scales for maps were laid down by the rules. MC would not agree to any changes in the specification. MC agreed that the area suggested for the WOC 2006 final could be generalised.

MC/06/08 ISSOM

MC had received letters from Czech (Libor Bednarík) and Swiss (Thomas Gloor, with input from Thomas Scholl) Federations seeking clarification of a number of minor points in the published version of ISSOM.
MC discussed these suggestions and these were incorporated into a revised version of the specifications.
LZ would write to the Czech (Libor Bedna?ík) and Swiss (Thomas Gloor and Thomas Scholl) Federations thanking them for their suggestions.
The revised version of ISSOM would be circulated and published on the MC web page. This would be dated. An errata sheet would be made available.

MC/06/09 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would be on Saturday 29th July in Denmark during the WOC2006.

Erik Peckett-László Zentai