László Zentai, HUN LZ Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI TG
Sergio Grifoni, ITA SG
Jukka Liikari, FIN JL
Havard Tveite, NOR HT
Erik Peckett, GBR EP
Flemming Hjorth Jensen, DEN FH
Apologies: Victor Kirianov, UKR VK
Brian Parker GBR BP, IOF Advisor for WOCTO attended for part of the meeting
Juan M. Garcia Tutor ESP JT Chairman of MTBO Commission attended for part of
the meeting
HT and JL did not take part in the first part of the meeting due to a too early start (before schedule), because of the chairman's fault.
MC04/01 Opening
The meeting approved the agenda and EP agreed to take the minutes.
MC04/02 Trail O
Brian Parker detailed the need for the Trail O maps in particular to represent
visibility rather than runnability.
A paper produced by BP in 1999 on mapping for elite TO was distributed. He recognised
that variations may have to be made as the activity has changed in the intervening
He thought that the specifications for Sprint O maps would be very suitable
for Trail O.
The Sprint O map for WOC 2004 in Sweden would be used for the Trail O competition.
BP would report back after the competition.
MC04/03 Minutes of the MC meeting in Switzerland
SG raised 03/07 (5) Event Advisors and the power of the EA to vary the specification
MC discussed the powers of the IOF Event Advisors to enforce the present specifications.
It was agreed that minor variations for local conditions could be made but would
need to be communicated to the competitors. Other changes were to be brought
to the MC for approval in good time. It was agreed that the organisers of events
needed to be reminded of the rules and specifications for their events.
It was agreed that this would only be for minor changes such as boulders slightly
less that 1m or the use of special features. These should be communicated to
competitors before the event. Other variations should be brought to MC in good
It was also agreed that the IOF Event Advisors Clinic should have an element
dealing with mapping.
With this change the meeting approved the minutes of the meeting at Pfäffikon, Switzerland in August 2003. The minutes will be updated on the MC website.
MC04/04 New members
The Chairman welcomed Flemming Hjorth Jensen Denmark to the meeting
MC04/05 Mountain Bike Orienteering
A detailed report had been received from the IOF Event Advisor Tibor Erdélyí
for the MTB O Championships 2004 for which he was thanked.
Concern was expressed about the "badly visible routes" which was a
different symbol in Australia and the correct interpretation of an indistinct
junction. It was agreed that the LZ would consult with the Advisor.
It was agreed that MTBOC should be asked for their rules so that a MTBO mapping
specification could be published. JT informed about a new minor change in the
MTBO specification which was finally accepted by the MTBO Commission. This change
will be added to the MC website.
MC04/06 Correspondence
1 WOC 2004
MC discussed the potential problem of the representation of bare rock and the
style of using form lines in Swedish mapping. It was noted that WOC2004 would
conform to ISOM2000. LZ would request that the IOF Event Advisor follow this
2 11th ICOM 2005
It was agreed that this would be held in Japan during the WOC 2005 9th-15th
August 2005.
Depending on our future possibilities the MC would meet during this time although
concern was expressed about the potential cost (we will make the decision in
the next meetings). It was hoped that mappers from the Pacific Rim nations would
be able to attend.
ICOM would take the form of a mapping Clinic. Topics suggested would be ISOM2000,
Trail O and Use of survey equipment (sighting compass, GPS and PG plots)
It was hoped that the Clinic would be close to the WOC2005 event site. LZ would
contact the WOC2005 organiser. Members of the MC would seek funding to attend
and staff the ICOM
3 World Cup 2004
LZ had sent correspondence to the Organiser and Event Advisor requesting changes
to the event bulletin on its web site giving the map scales for all events.
In the Bulletin 2 the map scales are correct in every WC events.
4 JWOC2005
LZ had received a request to vary the scale used for the Long distance competition.
He had replied that MC would not allow this variation. He had not yet received
a reply. MC agreed this.
5 Colour blindness and orienteering
LZ had received a request for information about the colours used in ISOM2000.
Andreas Dresen Chairman of MC during ISOM1990 revision had written. He stated
the colours selected and the effect on colour blind competitors had been discussed
at that time.
It was agreed to ask for colour blind orienteers to comment on the colours being
used in Orienteering maps. Members of MC would seek information in their own
MC04/07 IOF Map Commission Correspondent
The MC agreed to the suggestion put by EP to suggest to Federations that they
appoint an MC Correspondent. EP would consult Barbro Rönnberg for a list
of contacts. EP would write a letter to all Federations. LZ would collect the
MC04/08 Map Specifications for Sprint O
MC thanked Rod Postlethwaite GBR and Brian Parker for their assistance in preparing
a revised version of the text of the specification published in February 2003.
MC had received a number of comments on the proposals for which it was grateful.
TG had received 39 replies to the questionnaire to competitors and Federations
at the WOC2003 Sprint O Event in Rapperswil which had been helpful.
MC discussed in detail the specifications prepared by TG. It was agreed that
TG would prepare a revised version as soon as possible.
Following the discussions LZ would ask IOF Council if it was intended that the
specifications should apply to other age classes.
SG expressed his principle:
1. The ISSOM rules, same as ISOM2000 rules, must be usable (and the maps easily
readable) by all IOF classes, elite, junior and senior, and, as a consequence,
that the size of the symbols must have at least the same size as for the enlarged
1:10000 maps as in ISOM2000.
2. The symbol representing a particular object must always be the same, without
exceptions, independently of the type of terrain.
LZ would complete a set of symbol dimensions. EP would seek help in preparing an OCAD8 set of symbols
Changes to the timetable: - it was noted
a. time would be needed to prepare the revised specifications
b. MC would not wish to rush this revision but hoped that this might be ready
in March.
c. The Organisers of the WOC2004 and World Cup events will be asked to use
this revised version. FH would ask the organisers of European Championships
if they would be able to use the revised specifications.
MC04/09 Print Tech Project
On going. Federations were asked to make any further contributions as they became
MC04/10 Next meeting
It as agreed that this would be at Västeras Sweden on Sunday 12th and Monday
13th September 2004 at the WOC2004
MC04/11 Any Other Business
It was agreed that all documents should contain the date and version number
to identify progression. It was also agreed that page numbers would be helpful
for longer documents.
Erik Peckett