László Zentai, HUN (LZ) Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI (TG)
Sergio Grifoni, ITA (SG)
Jukka Liikari, FIN (JL)
Håvard Tveite, NOR (HT)
Apologies: Sören Nielsen, DEN (SN)
1. Opening
LZ opened the meeting.
2. Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda was approved. JL and LZ agreed to act as minutes secretaries.
3. Minutes of meeting 3-2002 in Budapest, Hungary
The minutes from the previous meeting in Budapest, Hungary were accepted as a
true and accurate record.
4. Correspondence
4.1 Scale 1:10000 for WRE 2003 in Spain and Norway
The Spanish and Norwegian WRE organisers had asked for permission to use the 1:10000
scale in a classic distance World Ranking Event. The MC did not approve the organisers´
proposal. LZ had informed the organisers about the decision in December 2002,
and the final decision is published on the MC website too.
4.2 New membership in MC
LZ told that the council will appoint a new member to MC. The British Orienteering
Federation had proposed Erik E. Peckett to a member of MC.
5. MC Financial Status
The budget of MC is 1,000 Euros for the year 2003. The test prints for sprint-O
made by TG will be paid from last year´s budget.
6. MC Projects
6.1 Colour printing technology
The MC has kindly asked the federations to send reports and maps by the end of
November 2002. The IOF Secretariat reminded the federations about this in a general
letter in December. JL has received reports and maps only from five federations:
Czech Rep., Finland, Scotland, Slovakia and USA. JL has also received some other
answers. Hong Kong answered that there are no non-offset printed maps. NOR have
done their own research, but they want to cooperate with the MC. SWE have promised
to send maps and reports soon.
JL will ask the IOF Secretariat to send a new reminder to the federations or maybe
directly to the persons who are responsible for maps.
6.2 Guideline to map generalisation
LZ suggested Erik E. Peckett to work in the project with SN.
6.3 The map quality project
LZ said that he has investigated WRE (2001, 2002) and WC (2002) maps. The report
will be presented on 10th ICOM.
7. 10th ICOM, Switzerland
The programme of the ICOM in Rapperswil, Switzerland was discussed. The date of
the ICOM is the 2nd August and the programme will begin at 9 a.m. and it will
continue for the whole day. Topics:
- key note Lorenz Hurni
- ICOM history Andreas Dresen (if he can take part)
- WOC 2003 mapping project Swiss map makers
- lunch, park maps exhibition
- revision of Ski-O specification JL
- situation of MTB-O specification JL
- maps in IOF events 2001-2002 LZ
- Sprint-O specification TG
- GPS in mapping Japanese expert
- OCAD 8 tips for advanced users Hans Steinegger (TG will ask)
8. Map Specification for Sprint-O
The MC discussed the sprint-o map features in detail. We discussed the comments
on the testprints, comments were sent by MC members and elite orienteers. We publish
the final recommendation in February. We will ask the federations to comment the
ISSOM, but this specification will be used on WOC 2003. We will summarize the
comments and fine-tune the ISSOM, if necessary after the WOC2003.
9. Any other business
9.1 Map Specification for Mountain Bike Orienteering
MC had a joint meeting with Juan M. Garcia Tutor (JMGT), the chairman of MTB-O
Commission. The Australian Orienteering Federation has submitted the review and
recommendation for MTB-O WOC 2004. The proposal was discussed:
- Deleting the black bank line from symbols lake, uncrossable river and uncrossable
marsh is acceptable and logical.
- Adding the Foot-O symbols visible path junction, indistinct junction, crossing
point with and without bridge is acceptable and logical.
- MC and JMGT found that the proposed changes to the track symbols might not be
good. In the current specification there are six symbols for tracks and also major
road and minor road symbols. In the Australian proposal there are eleven different
track and path symbols and that may be too much. The line widths of the symbols
are so similar to each other that the difference and legibility is not sufficient.
- JMGT stated that it is not a good idea to have a new track specification in
every WOC.
We are waiting for the photo illustrations promised by Australians to check the
suggested track and path classification.
LZ promised to give an answer to Australia. He will send it after e-mail discussions
with MC and MTB-O Commission.
9.2 New IOF Foot-O rules
MC had a joint meeting with the Rules Commission (David Rosen, Vincent Frey, Unni
Strand Karlsen).
The Rules Commission (RC) will add the table of the map scales to the end of
the rule 15.2:
Classic 1:15 000 (only)
Middle, relay 1:15 000/1:10 000
Sprint 1:5000/1:4000
The rule 15.9 was also discussed. The MC would like to clarify the rights to publish the maps of the IOF competitions. Publishing the maps in the web is not mentioned in the draft. Rosen will deal with this item.
MC will investigate the maps of IOF events. MC suggested that it will be mentioned in the rules that organisers have to send the maps to the IOF (MC) after competitions (in the previous version WRE maps were not included).
The RC is working on the new Control Description specification. They are waiting
for the first public version of ISSOM to include symbol numbers in the specification
(both ISOM2000 and ISSOM numbers, if necessary).
14. Next meeting
It was decided that the next MC meeting will be held in Rapperswil, Switzerland
in 3.-4. August 2003 in conjunction with 10th ICOM and WOC 2003.
15. Closing
LZ said thank you to all and closed the meeting.
László Zentai, Jukka Liikari