Andreas Dresen, GER AD Chairman
Thomas Gloor, SUI TG
Sören Nielsen, DEN SN
László Zentai, HUN LZ
Jukka Liikari, FIN JL
Maurizio Ongania, ITA MO
1. Opening
AD welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda was approved. JL agreed to act as minutes secretary
3. Minutes of meeting 2-01 in Tampere, Finland
The minutes were approved.
4. Reports
4.1 Laser Printers
It was stated that the MC will collect the experiences of using laser printers
from all national federations. LZ will make a report to the MC´s internet
pages. It is known that a laser printer with 600 dpi resolution is not sufficient.
1200 dpi is a recommendation.
5. Correspondence
5.1 Scale 1:10000 for WRE in Slovenia in August 2002
Slovenian WRE organisers had asked for permission to use a scale 1:10000 in a
classic distance event. MC did not approve the organisers´ proposal. AD
had informed the organisers in October 2001 about that decision.
5.2 ICOM
It was discussed that the ICOM 2001 held in Tampere, Finland was very effective
but quite short.
It was stated that the next ICOM will be held in WOC 2003 week in Switzerland. The invitation with well specified topics must be published much earlier than it was done before ICOM 2001. TG will plan the schedule and the place for the conference.
5.3 The maps in WRE
The maps in World Ranking Events (WRE) were discussed. LZ had tried to collect
all the WRE maps, which were used in 2001. Among 53 of 65 maps LZ had got, the
quality (keeping the rules: ISOM2000) varied quite much. ISOM 2000 had not been
strictly followed.
LZ had made a presentation of the WRE 2001 maps, which he showed in the joint meeting with other committees and groups.
It was discussed that the IOF Event Advisors should make sure that ISOM2000 will be followed in making WRE maps. If not, the organisers should ask MC for permission for deviating from ISOM2000 specially in the scale question. The MC will make a proposal to the Foot-O Committee that the maps of all World Ranking Events should be sent to the Foot-O Committee and also to the MC. Then MC can give feedback to the organisers and map makers annually.
6. MC Financial Status
The budget of MC is 1.000 Euros. AD said in agreement with the secretary general
of IOF Barbro Rönnberg that MC will not spend all the budget because in 2001
the budget was exceeded (this happened due to a cut in the budget). The ICOM and
MC meeting in Tampere, Finland and the map clinics in Japan and China were very
In 2002 Test prints for sprint-O maps will cost something. AD will contact Rönnberg about the situation.
7. Map clinics
It was stated that LZ and TG led the map clinics in Nagoya, Japan in 2002-09-15
to 2002-09-17 and in Beijing, China 2001-09-22 to 2001-09-23. There were 27 participants
in Japan and 17 in China. The last day in Japan was a closed session only for
the WOC 2005 mappers.
Because of economical reasons, the map clinics will not be organised in 2002-2003.
8. MC Projects
8.1 Instructor's Kit
It was stated that the product "Instructors Kit" CD-ROM is completed
and will be sold by IOF Secretariat for 100 FIM.
Chris Shaw has all the basic material. It was decided that AD will ask Shaw once again to send the material to MC.
8.2 Guideline to map generalisation
It was stated that SN will continue the work. SN will make a list of the things
which are not ready. Some drawings are needed to clarify different kinds of features
of the terrain. JL said that the map group of the Finnish OF has photos of all
features that are included in ISOM 2000. JL will send them to SN. LZ took on scanning
the original slides.
8.3 The map quality project
It was stated that the project is finished. It was stated that SN will try to
get all the basic material from Chris Shaw. The report on the WRE maps will probably
be a good continuation for the original project..
8.4 Development in printing technologies
See 4.1.
9. Map Specification for Sprint-O
TG had made a working paper of international specification for urban area orienteering
maps. It was discussed.
In the joint meeting with the IOF Elite Event Group (Persson, McCrae, Haldna
etc.) the principles and rules of sprint orienteering and the purpose of a map
for Sprint-O were discussed:
- Sprint-O can be organised in any environment
- the most important part of Sprint-O is choosing the route.
- the map must show a clear picture of the terrain
- the international specification for Urban area orienteering maps must follow
ISOM 2000 as much as possible. New symbols are necessary to clarify barriers and
- the scales 1:5000 and 1:4000 can be used
- the most suitable contour interval is 2 m
- map format should not exceed much larger than DIN A4, never DIN A3.
- the minimum dimension of a feature shown in a map is 2 x 2 m. An object smaller
than 2 x 2 m can be shown if it is very visible or high.
- All impassable or uncrossable features (fences, walls, cliffs etc.) shown in
a map are also forbidden to pass
- the main level of the terrain is shown in a map, so no orienteering in 3-D,
i.e. no cellars, no long tunnels. Every cellar and tunnel which is not shown in
a map, must be closed during the competition.
- no orienteering inside buildings, so buildings are barriers. Passable parts
of buildings must be shown in a map and must be open during the competition.
The schedule of the work will be:
- TG will continue the work with co-operation of other members of MC.
- the finalising meeting will be held on the 1st May 2002
- candidate recommendation ready in May 2002
- proposed recommendation ready in the IOF Congress in July 2002 (one year before
WOC 2003).
- publishing in autumn 2002-winter 2003
10. Map Specification for Mountain Bike Orienteering
The proposal for new symbols of MTB-O map made by French organisers of the first
WOC was discussed in the joint meeting with the IOF MTB-O Committee. It was decided
that LZ will make a test map with some proposed symbols:
- 813 Track, slow riding and 814 Path, slow riding: longer line
- 815 Track, difficult to ride and 816 Path, difficult to ride: dotted line
- 414 Cultivation boundary and 416 Vegetation boundary: yellow 100%/green 50%
- 208 Boulder field shown by symbol 210 Stony ground
- Large buildings: grey
- Dangerous objects across tracks and paths: purple line, length 3-4 mm, width
0.80 mm
- Individual buildings are not to be shown inside the 527 Settlement
The final decision is going to be made after test maps.
There were some symbol changes in the French proposal, which were not approved:
- 206 Boulder still 0.60 mm, not 0.70 mm
- 201 Impassable cliff still black, not grey
- 406 Forest, slow running still green 30%, not green 20%
- 408 Forest, difficult to run still green 60%, not green 50%
11. Map Specification for Ski-O
A proposal for a new Ski-O map specification and guidelines to Ski-O mapping made
by the work group in Finland (JL-Varis-Jokelainen) were discussed. The Ski-O Committee
had checked it via e-mail discussions some weeks before.
MC proposed some corrections to the proposal:
- 507 Small path will not be removed
- 102 Index contours must be included to the Ski-O map
- the width of the contour line can not be 0.11 mm, it is too thin. Test prints
are needed.
- all colours of the map must be in a printing order list.
- the width of the 601 Magnetic north line cannot be same in scales 1:10000 and
1:15000. The line width must be 50 % larger in scale 1:10000.
The track symbols, road symbols, course symbols and some drawing guidelines which were in the proposal were not discussed by MC.
The schedule of the work will be:
- JL will continue the work in the work group (some test maps from different countries)
- Ski-O Committee will check the proposal in the next meeting
- MC will check it and after that the candidate recommendation will be published
in internet
- AD will ask the IOF office to send a letter to all national federations, where
IOF will ask comments from federations (May 2002)
- checking of the comments by the work group, Ski-O Committee and MC
- proposed recommendation ready in the IOF Congress in July 2002
- publishing in fall 2002 so there will be enough time to make the Ski-O maps
of the next season´s IOF events by following the new specification.
12. Manning the MC
MC regrets that MO didn´t find the time to participate in MC´s activities
since the meeting in Frankfurt in Germany in February 2001. AD will ask the Italian
OF in another person should take part in MC´s further activities.
The Ukrainian OF had suggested Mr. Orest Kotylo to become a member in MC. MC welcomes Mr. Orest Kotylo very warmly and will appreciate his participation in the next meeting and taking part in the work of MC until a permanent membership will be possible after IOF Congress in Fontainebleau.
AD informed that he will retire from the MC after the ongoing period. AD has been in MC since 1986.
13. Any other business
14. Next meeting
It was decided that the next MC meeting will be held in Fontainebleau, France
on 3-4th July 2002 in conjunction with IOF Congress and MTB-O World Championships.
15. Closing
AD said thank you to all and closed the meeting.
Jukka Liikari