BP welcomed everyone to Windsor were joint meetings with both Foot-O and ESC committees would also take place.
Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The proposed agenda was agreed. CS agreed to act as minutes secretary.
Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes from the previous meeting in Inverness, Scotland were agreed as a true and accurate record.
MC Budget and Financial Status
BP apologised for not being able to report the current financial status. There had been no significant expenditure during the last half year of the FIM 20 000- budget. Planned and possible expenditure was as follows:
MC Projects
ISOM 2000 - BP thanked both AD and LZ for their time and dedication to the project. The Foot-O parts were now complete and a HTTP version is available on the WWW. Now needed to concentrate on completing the remaining chapters for the other disciplines. Discussion on whether to include advertising and whether discipline specific sample maps should be included.
ISOM 2000 other than Foot-O - BP had drafted the chapters for Ski-O, MB-O and Park-O, there was problems with Trail-O as the Trail?O committee cannot agree on map requirements - may need to omit from ISOM. BP suggested that the Ski-O section are part of the rules, whereas the Park-O section is a guideline. Guidance from MB-O is needed as to how the MB-O section shall be described.
The MB-O committee had written a map standard and forwarded this directly to ESC circumventing the MC, the MC were unhappy with this. One of the proposals was the introduction of overprinting in green though none of the sample maps received by the MC have used this!
Once ISOM is complete, the CorelDraw files will be available to member federations on request for translation of ISOM.
Instructor's Kit - This is just about complete, revisions to some of the slides will be made so it is compatible with ISOM 2000. SN will produce cover inserts and CD labels and act as the distribution link.
Map Quality Project - Little progress had been made due to CS limited time. The responses to the questionnaire last summer were circulated and published on the WWW.
The Foot-O committee sent samples of the draft map to be used at the 2001 World Games in Akita suggesting that it did not comply with ISOM. The MC agreed and will direct Oivind Holt to discuss the concerns with the mapper when he visits the terrain in April.
MC Manning for Congress period 2000 - 2002
BP will stand down as chairman at the end of this Congress period. CS is considering standing down due to work commitments. AD, SN and LZ are happy to continue.
Any other business
ISOM 2000 and Sand Dunes - the MC had been following the discussions on the O-net. It was noted that the maps used at WMOC 2000 did not have enlarged symbols.
Web site - The IOF had signed up with that is promoted by GAISF. For the present, the MC web site will continue to be hosted on LZ web server.
Meeting venues - there was concern over the rising cost of accommodation at meeting venues, especially when joint meetings are organized.
Date of next meeting
The next MC meeting will be held during the IOF Congress in Austria, Saturday 6th August was proposed.