Working Group: Instructors' Kit
Minutes of the meeting 26/1/85 in Stenkjer, Norway

Present: Flemming Norgaard
Tore Kristiansen
Thomas Brogli
Robin Harvey

1. Initial thoughts on who the kit is for:

- language problems of the material produced
- material should be in slide form rather than text, as far as possible
- material for instructors and students
- space on sheets for note taking
- base map required for area used for practical work
- no distinction of 'high' or 'low' level
- clinics to specialise more on stages of mapping
- different methods of fieldwork according to base map

2. Division of work:

A Invitations
B Standardisation and format
C Base maps
D Fieldwork
E Survey draft/concept map
F Drawing
G Repro
H Printing

A Invitations
These should go to useful individuals rather than federations' offices. Anyone should be able to participate. The programme should be circulated.

B Standardisation and format
The reasons for standardisation should be described and demonstrated with slides of different terrain/maps. The instructor(s) should be acquainted with the terrain before the clinic starts. There should be outlines of various clinic formats and suggestions of ways to compress the schedule. Material is initially for IOF instructors but others should be encouraged to it.

C Base maps
The availability of maps (official and otherwise) should be investigated. The availability and possible problems with using air photos should be discussed.
Examples of different base maps should be available, illustrating type of terrain and photography at different seasons. Comparison of official and photogrammetric maps to show what is important. Scale of photos/scale of base map. Requirements for base maps. Orthophotos. Base map materials. Combination of base maps.

Addresses of firms specialising in o-maps - approximate prices.

Danish report on photogrammetric base maps would be a good example.

D Fieldwork
There are different methods depending on the terrain and quality of base map. Three main types of terrain should be included:

- terrain with complex contouring, average height differences,
- terrain with detailed vegetation,
very steep terrain, large height differences

After discussion of techniques, there was relatively little variation in fieldwork practice among those present. 1:7500 was commonly used for survey. FN uses two sheets in the field for separating detail. There was variation with the map used in the field (colour original/single colour copy/cibachrome copy). There should be guidance on equipment and materials. Methods of plotting lines/points/areas/contours must be covered.

E Survey draft/concept map
There are different methods of drawing up - single sheet/assembly of field sheets/etc. Slides are needed to illustrate. One recommended method should described in detail - all details drawn up on a clean sheet.
Scribing and ink drawing require different formats. Both must be illustrated, with legends. Checking procedures are important.

F Drawing
Ink drawing and scribing information should both be available. Lists of materials. How to use equipment. Colour separation and quality of drawing/density of line should be illustrated.

G Repro
Equipment cameras/contact frames/etc) to be described. Top lighting and back lighting. Photographers problems with line density to be illustrated.
Quality of camera/photographer/processing are all important.
Image position (which side of film is used) should be discussed and the importance of direct contact stressed.

Proofing possibilities.

H Printing
Different papers should be shown - coated, uncoated, woodfibre/synthetic. Colour and register accuracy to be stressed. The working of a typical litho press should be described and the common problems illustrated.

3. Time schedule:
Proposals for all sections by all members of WG to 16/17 March meeting
Draft of each section by member responsible to other members by 1 July
Comments on drafts by all to author by end August
Final section drafts to demonstrate at conference 12 October

4. Allocation of work:
A Invitations TK
B Standardisation FN
C Base maps FN
D Fieldwork from photogrammetric base map
contour terrain TK
from official maps
vegetation/steep terrain TB
E Survey draft/concept map for ink drawing TB
for scribing RH
F Drawing pen and ink TB
scribing RH
C Repro camera work TB
contact work RH
H Printing