Ake Jorma, Finland Binsch Karl-Heinz, Germany Brogli Thomas, Switzerland Bylemans Jos, Belgium Dresen Andreas, Germany Franco Joao Manoel, Brasil Grühn Olaf, Germany Háj Bohumil, Czechoslovakia Harvey Robin, UK Hermans Marc, Belgium Kristiansen Tore, Norway Krispinsky Pavol, Czechoslovakia Lejsek Martin, Czechoslovakia Lenhart Zdenek, Czechoslovakia Lundsgaard Erling, Danmark Norgaard Flemming, Danmark Novotny Milan, Czechoslovakia Parfianowicz Ludomir, Poland Persson Björn, Sweden Rasmussen Torben, Danmark Rönning Olav Dag, Norway Rehák Pavel, Czechoslovakia Sartori Alfredo, Italy Shaw Chris, UK Szabó Gyula, Hungary Steinegger Hans, Switzerland Tarabocchia Cesare, Italy Yu Sai Hong, Hong Kong Václavík Martin, Czechoslovakia Veselovsky Rastislav, Czechoslovakia Zentai László, Hungary ?, New Zealand Matthes Gisela, Germany
16.8. | 17.00 Opening of the Conference 20.00 New Development in Computer aided mapping (Lecture) (Flemming, Robin: Mac; Hans Steinegger: OCAD, others) |
17.8. | 9.00 New Standards for Orienteering Maps (Lecture: Flemming) 10.00 Survey and Interpretation of Vegetation in Continental Terrain (fieldwork in groups: Andreas) 14.00 Discussion and Summary of the Fieldwork (Andreas, other commitee members) 16.00 Information from different Coutries, open Discussion (all) 20.00 Demonstratoin: Computer aided mapping |
18.8. | 9.00 Models for Instruction of Beginner Map-makers (Thomas) 11.00 Final discussion, Conclusion (Thomas) 12.00 End of Conference (Thomas) |
Vortrag zum Internationalen Kartenzeichnerseminar in Mariánské Lázne, CSFR
Darstellung der Vegetation in OL-Karten
Die Vegetation wird dargestellt, um dem Wettkämpfer Informationen über
die Belaufbarkeit des Geländes und Hilfen zur Orientierung zu geben.
Es stehen folgende Grundfarben zur Verfügung:
Weiß: typischer gut belaufbarer Wald
Gelb: offene Flächen, Äcker, Wiesen
Grün: reduzierte Belaufbarkeit
Weitere Farben können ebenfalls Hinweise auf die Belaufbarkeit geben:
Grau: gut belaufbare offene Felsflächen
Schwarz: steiniges Gebiet, Felswände, Sandflächen
Blau: Sümpfe und Moore
Weiß zeigt den für das jeweilige Gebiet typischen gut belaufbaren
Wald. Falls kein Teil des Waldes gut belaufbar ist, soll kein Weiß auf
der Karte erscheinen.
Die Farbe Grün gibt hinweise auf die Belaufbarkeit, die wieder vom Waldtyp
abhängt (Dichte der Bäume, Buschwerk und Untergrund wie Farnkraut,
Brombeeren, Brennesseln usw.). Einschränkungen in der Belaufbarkeit, die
bereits durch andere Signaturen dargestellt sind wie Sümpfe, steiniges
Gebiet, Sandflächen usw. werden nicht zusätzlich noch mit Grün
gekennzeichnet. Das bedeutet, dass die vom tiefen Untergrund her gegebene Einschränkung
der Belaufbarkeit eines Sumpfes bereits ausreichend durch die Symbole 309-311
gekennzeichnet sind. Erst wenn zusätzlich eine übermäßig
dichte Vegetation vorhanden ist, wird die Farbe Grün benutzt.
Die Belaufbarkeit des Waldes ist der Laufgeschwindigkeit entsprechend in 4 Stufen
eingeteilt. Als Grundmaß (Basis) dient die Zeit, die ein Läufer für
eine Normstrecke im offenen Wald benötigt. Der Grad der Behinderung wird
an der reduzierten Strecke gemessen, die der Läufer bei dichter Vegetation
in der gleichen Zeit laufen kann.
Auf der Normstrecke von 1 km läuft ein Wettkämpfer der Klasse H21
im offenen Wald eine Zeit von 5 Minuten. In einem dichten Bestand schafft er
in der gleichen Zeit nur 50% der Strecke; das entspricht 500 m oder einer Laufzeit
für einen Kilometer von 10 Minuten.
Die Belaufbarkeit wird in folgende Stufen eingeteilt:
Laufstrecke in Normzeit Zeit/km in Minuten
gut belaufbar: 80 - 100% 5:00 - 6:15 leichte Behinderung 50 - 80% 6:15 - 10:00 starke Behinderung 10 - 50% 10:00 - 50:00 sehr starke Behinderung 0 - 10% > 50:00
The DOLK Group
Working Group for Computerized Mapping within the Swedish Orienteering Federation
Ulf Levin, Björn Persson
- and some words about the technology
Distributed at the IOF Instructors Conference, Marianske Lazne 1991/08/16 -18
1. Introduction
In most professions, traditional equipment today is replaced by computers. Several
times this is done in a process where the whole organisation within a company
etc is modified. The motivation for these changes is to increase productivity.
Since a couple of years ago even O-mappers have started to use computers in
their work. People with solid interest for maps and computers are constructing
systems for this specific purpose. The work involves programming of a computer
in one way or another. In some cases just slight modifications are made to existing
software packages (application programming). The output from these systems,
no matter what kind, is a map that looks just as if it was made by hand.
Several systems for O-mapping have been demonstrated to the public, at seminars,
conferences etc. In some articles they have also been described and compared
The publicity given to the subject of computerized mapping have raised expectations.
But will the expectations ever be fullfilled? Do O-mappers want, or need, to
raise productivity? Will maps be cheaper to produce with computer support? What
is good investment for the O-club?
The aim for this article is to discuss economy rather than technology.
2. Background
O-maps have been produced since over 30 years, by runners and professionals.
During this time the methods of production have changed. O-mappers have not
been late to start using new technology in the fields of graphic and printing.
Today production of 0-maps is a process that involves a row of advanced steps,
from photogrammetry to offset printing.
The time during which experiments have been made with computers involved in
the process, represents a big part of the O-mapping history. For example the
very first swedish attempt was made 15 years ago at the Royal Institute of Technology
in Stockholm. The equipment used was very advanced for its time. Today similar
experiments are made with ordinary office computers.
The experiments made until now typically involves the steps of mapping known
as cleancopying, redrawing (with ink pens, typeletters etc) and photographic
reproduction. In general, people who are involved in these activities have their
income from other activities. Their motivation is mainly their interest for
the technology itself.
In some cases, computers are used professionally by mapmakers. Until now, the
new tools is not very much spread though.
3. The database and its value
In the map investors (O-clubs) point of view, the new technology doesn't seem
to mean a lot of difference yet either. It hasn't made any big changes to the
professional mapmakers pricelists.
Although the motivation to use the new technology seems small today, it might
grow in the future. That is if we use a new approach to the technology, and
to O-mapping itself, a database approach.
From the computer system, we do not only get the films for printing, but also
a disk full of data. Provided that those data are more durable than a traditional
map, we have made a good deal, even if the price is the same. Below, data of
a map represented in digital form, is called a database.
3.1 Why database
Investing in a database, is a much different thing than to invest in a computer.
It means a completely new approach to the subject of computerized mapping. The
data becomes a product by itself. The output, the printed map, becomes a secondary
product, made by a query in the database.
The database investor doesn't necessarily need to own a computer by himself,
although that might be of great advantage. The service of digitizing his map
information, to build his database, can be bought from someome else.
One major difference to the database approach, in comparison to traditional
mapping, is the time horizon. If handled in the right way, digital data can
never be "worn out", but it can easily be copied, modified etc. This
is one characteristic of the database that makes it worthful.
The long time horizon makes it difficult to evaluate a database investment.
Benefit will appear years after the first map is produced from the database.
It's quit obvious that no one will pay a lot extra to get a database under these
circumstances. Thus the database approach will only be relevant to O-clubs if
it doesn't make mapping a lot more expensive than today.
The judgement wether it is relevant or not must be made by investors in the
future. Here are only a few more aspects on the database, concerning its value.
What is called a database can be a worthless thing. That is if the system used
for c rea-
ting and storing the database has its own way of accomplishing this, far from
any standard. It is impossible to: tell when this system is oldfashioned and
off from the scene. To be sure of having any use of the database in the future,
a high degree of standardisation is needed.
It is likely that a database will be used many times in the future and each
time save a lot of money. Maps don't have to: cover the same area each time
and thereby the production of output maps will be more efficient. It is possible
to: optimize map production with respect to: different products from a given
The value of a database is due to: the need for it, and its quality.
The need for a database is due to: physical qualities of the area to: cover,
the forest. The optimum case is a large and beatiful forest, not to: far from
cities (the market).
3.2 Database quality
The quality of a database consists of flexibility and currency.
Flexibility means possibility to:
- change the look of a map (colors, symbols etc)
- choose the grade of information (which type of objects etc)
- connect areas (put two ore more maps together into one database)
- o change computer system (transferring data)
Currency means that the information always has to: be up-to-date. Each
change in the "real world" must be followed by a change in the database.
Changes can be made constantly or just before a map is to: be produced.
In Sweden, orienteerers have discussed the database approach on O-mapping since
a couple of years ago. The discussion has mainly been held within an official
committee of SOFT (Swedish Orienteering Federation). This committee consists
of professional people from different areas in the digital mapping arena (photogrammetrists,
computer mapping experts, mapping s/w developers, O-map producers etc) who also
carry a great interest for orienteering and especially O-mapping.
4.1 The goals for DOLK
The aim for the "DOLK-committee" is to: gather information and knowledge
on the computer assisted O-mapping subject. This knowledge is ment to: be used
to: establish different kinds of standards and recommendations for O-map production
in Sweden. The results of the committees work will be distributed to: clubs
and the O-mapping society in the form of written reports, as of which the first
was delivered in march 1991.
Two main questions to: answer are:
- Under which conditions will the database be a resource for future mapmakers?
Can actions be made to: optimize the benefit?
- How does the market for our information look? How can the database be used
besides making a traditional O-map in the 1:15 000 scale?
The DOLK committee just finished a first step of work. The conditions for database
production have been studied briefly. More studies are yet to: be made before
standards are recommended.
4.2 The DOLK main thesis
The work that is going on in the DOLK committee is based on a main thesis. This
thesis is that benefits from using computers in the O-mapping process will be
optimized when two main features are combined:
- high quality on geometry
- standardized data structuring and coding
When these two features are combined, the database will be flexible and useful.
4.3 Geometric quality
The first feature means that the quality of measurements must be better. This
means that the basemap must be produced with a degree of geometric quality such
that it is possible to: directly put together two databases produced at different
sites and at different times without getting connection problems.
DOLK has made a study on how the basemap is produced today and how this process
must be improved in order to: achieve the degree of accuracy needed.
The basemap must be constructed upon a geodetic (ground) coordinate reference
system. Optimal is to: use a common coordinate system that other public maps
(e.g. topographic and economic maps in scales l:50 000 - 1:10 000) and databases
is based upon. This means possibilities to: exchange data from the O-mapping
database with public GIS-databases and vice versa.
The improved geometry and establishing of a coordinate referenced basemap has
its price. DOLK expects this price to: decrease in the future as a result of
further developments of new technologies in the whole field of surveying and
photogrammetry (sattellite positioning, full-digital photogrammetry, satellite
image processing etc).
4.4 Standardized structuring and coding
The second feature above is connected to: the computer system and its way of
handling the information. Coding of objects in the map (knolls, houses etc)
must be made in a standardized way. This standard will be similar to: the existing
"Drawing specification" but somewhat more detailed.
5. Computer systems for database construction
In the past few years, several experiments have been made where maps are produced
using computers. The systems used have been of different types and origins.
In most cases general purpose grahic systems (such as CAD systems, publishing
systems etc) have been modified to suite the 0-mapping task. However there exists
two systems that are designed for one single purpose, 0-mapping.
5.1 Basic functions of a mapping system
A computer system to be used for mapping and database construction needs some
basic functions. The user must obtain the following three things:
- high accuracy on the measurements (good s/w tools for digitizing, high resolution
of database)
- standardized structure on the data (objects correctly coded etc)
- good presentation of the map on the graphic screen (quality WYSIWYG)
The first two features are similar to those discussed above concerning the database.
The third feature describes the system as a tool for interactive mapping. The
map will not be correct if it is not possible to get a correct picture of it
on the screen, this means both geometrically (e.g. how close could two stones
be mapped without interferring in printing) and the graphic definitions (e.g.
combination of different types of rasters in complex vegetation areas).
For people with some experience in graphic s/w etc, these features might not
seem difficult to find in exsiting products on the market. The problem though,
is that only a few (if any?) offers all three features together.
As the standard for map data is not yet set, it would not be correct to state
which of the existsing systems is the best. It seems though as if the "home-made"
systems, made specifically for O-mapping, do have a bright future, given that
they are able to communicate with the outside world via a well-known graphic
6. Final comments and conclusions
Computerized mapping can under certain circumstances be of economic importance.
Considering a single, short term project, the advantages seems less, but with
a long run perspective and standardized data of good quality they seem to be
Since a year and a half a new committee, the "DOLK-group", is established
in Sweden, dealing with questions on computerized mapping and database construction.
On each place, the benefit from having map information stored in a computer
is different. The optimum case is a big forest (big enough for production of
seveal maps) with high attractivity.
Flexibility gives the value to a database. A flexible database is achieved by
combining digital technologies with geometric accuracy.
The best system to handle O-maps is one made specifically for that purpose.
Two such systems are developed until now.
After setting a standard on data structures, coding etc, tools must be developed
to handle the 0-map information in that specific way. Existing systems might
need to be slightly modified.
Today advanced systems are too expensive to be used by amateurs. Less advanced
systems will be needed in the future to handle existing databases.
The DOLK committee is a special committee for computer assisted
mapping, under the Swedish Orienteering Federation Map Committee. Ulf Levin is a member of the Working Group II of the DOLK committee, with special interest in data structuring and data transfer questions. Björn Persson is chairman of the DOLK committee. |
A Part-Guide to to Map Drawing using a Computer
Barry McCrae (AUS)
The IOF Mapping Committee apparently has plans to produce a 'Computer mapping'
booklet. This is a formidable task with the continual development in computer
hardware and software. Nevertheless, it is an important task as published guidelines
will both encourage more activity and assist those already involved to be more
productive. Enough people now have experience in the various forms of computer
mapping for their cumulative wisdom to be sufficient to provide newcomers with
a step-bystep guide to each method, complete with helpful hints and pitfalls
to avoid. There should no longer be a need for everyone to 'reinvent the wheel'.
It is hoped that this paper will provide the framework for the development of
such a guide to one approach to computer mapping, namely the `scan and draw'
method in which an object-oriented drawing program is used to draw the final
map from a scanned version (survey draft or fieldwork). I emphasise that this
paper is only a starting point - I ask almost as many questions as I answer.
I am hoping, however, that the experts who are present, and those with limited
experience like myself, can provide the answers necessary to allow the speedy
production by the MC of a guide of the type envisaged.
I have computer-drawn two five-color O maps to date, in each case using the
Adobe Illustrator program with an Apple Macintosh computer. The advice of Flemming
Nsrgaard, who is presenting this paper for me. has been of invaluable assistance
throughout and much of his advice is incorporated in what follows. I thank him
on all accounts and fm sure that he will agree that any errors, however, are
all mine.
1. System Requirements
1.1 Macintosh
- minimum hardware: Macintosh LC 4/40, hi-resolution monochrome monitor
- preferred hardware: 68030 CPU (SE/30 - portable, but in-built 9"
screen very limiting; IIsi - with coprocessr; IIci 5/40 - ideal), with double-page
monochrome monitor and hi-resolution color monitor (or double-page color monitor!)
At least 4MB seems necessary for comfort given known system file and drawing
program aims. Color monitor helps with checking; double-page monitor almost
essential for layout work.
- software: Tine Type or Adobe Type Manage for high-standard text display
Adobe Illustrator 3 or Aldus Freehand 3 as drawing program
A study of the specifications for these two programs aaggeat that Freehand should
be preferred, but Illustrator is already established in the O world.
In summary:
main advantage | `tried and true' - help available including legend of O symbols and patterns | draw in layers; multiple levels of undo |
main disadvantage | single-layer drawing | does performance match specifications? who can you turn to for help? |
1.2 IBM
- minimum hardware: 386-SX?
- software: CorelDRAW!
1 need help here. Trevor Hughes (AUS) should be asked for comment as he has
recently finished a couple of maps using CorelDRAW!
1.3 Peripherals
- black-and-white scanner
- black-and-white laser printer
- color laser printer for final OR (the ultimate) a color photocopier with Postscript
nterpreter (eg Canon PS 300)
- imagesetter far film output
Ready access to a black-and-white lass pnnter is essential for proof ng at regular
intervals. You can rely on a bureau service for the other facilities although
it is preferable to be able to do your own scanning.
2. Fieldworking and Preparing the Survey Draft
2.1 Is it necessary to prepare a survey draft?
preparing a survey draft for scanning | - field work discrepancies resolved - result more likely to be auto-traced succesfully |
- errors can be introduced - time-consuming |
no survey draft (ie scan fieldwork) | - the final map will be prepared direct from the actual fieldwork - saves time?? |
- fieldwork must be done on separate sheets* (see 2.2) - fieldwork presentation must be of a high standard (see 2.3) - rub-outs, scrape-outs, dirt etc. may show on the scanned image. |
*This is not a bad idea anyhow. Having tried each method. I sm not convinced
that time is saved overall by scanning the fieldwork luelt What is the consensus?
2.2 Dividing the survey draft into parts
The black-and-white scanned image of a composite survey draft would be difficult
and confusing to manual-trace accurately, and almost useless for auto-tracing.
Consequently, it is necessary to divide the draft into three (or perhaps two)
registered sheets, with each sheet being scanned separately to produce a sequence
of templates for use at the drawing stage. Brown features should be on one sheet,
black and blue on a second sheet. and vegetation boundaries on the third (although,
if there is not too much overlapping, these may be included on the second sheet).
Some exceptions to this scheme of division may be desirable. For example. I
think there is a good case for including cliffs on the contoar (brown) sheet. What do others think?
Use a different color for each sheet (or even each type of feature) so that
a color photocopy of the registered composite draft can be made for reference
during the drawing stages. Avoid using green, though, as this may not scan well.
It may seem that using a color scanner would avoid ft need for distributing
the survey draft between two or three sheets. However, although the result may
be better for manual tracing, it will be no better for auto-tracing until either
color processing software is developed to the stage where the scan can be separated
into its `pen/pencil-color' components or auto-tracing algorithms can distinguish
such colors from each other. This is something to look forward to!
2.3 Specifications for the survey draft
Firstly, as for conventional cartography, it is important that actual symbol
sizes arc used and minimum separation distances am observed. Additional requirements
are designed to help optimise the clarity of the scanned image and maximise
its potential for auto-tracing.
Some suggestions follow.
A map with extensive form lines seems to present a good cases for preparing
a survey draft prior to scanning ones auto-tracing becomes the norm rather than
the exception. The fieldworker can then draw them as brokf line in the normal
marina, whereas the survey draft can show them as continuous lines (in a different
color to the contours for easy tefetame during the drawing stage). Yes or no?
3. Scanning
3.1. Scanner Settings
In AppleScan terminology, the draft map (survey draft or fieldwork) should be
scanned as line art at 75 dpi with the More accurate size option enabled. This means that the screen display of the scanned image will
be the same scale as what was scanned. As mentioned in #4.2, the quality of
the image is far from ideal for tracing, however, and I wonder whether it would
be better, if the facilities exist, to scan a 50% reduction of the draft map
at twice scale. Worth trying, or have I overlooked a technicality?
I'm amuning that the computer monitor is the Apple standard of 72 dpi, or thereabouts.
It would a great boon to manual tracing if there was a sudden development of
150 dpi screens!
3.2 The mechanics of scanning
It is likely that you won't be able to scan the entire draft map in one go -
perhaps because it's too big (maximum size for the Apple Scanner is 21,6 x 35.6
cm, although A3 scanners are relatively common) or because you are drawing the
map piece-by-piece as the fieldwork is completed. There are two possible approaches
to `piecing it together'. You can either build-up a full-size template piece-by-piece
using SuperPaint 2 (or equivalent software) to put the scanned pieces together,
or you can draw each piece separately and use the cut-and-paste facility to
combine the drawn pieces with your drawing program. (Which method is preferred?) Large maps may need to be drawn in pieces anyhow as the time taken to manipulate
the complete drawing file may become frustratingly long.
Whichever approach is taken, the survey draft sheets need to be carefully gridded
to ensure that each scanned piece can be registered exactly with the corresponding
piece on the other sheet(s), aligned properly on the scanner glass, and pieced
together correctly with its neighbours. The latter can only be achieved successfully
by ensuring that each scanned image overlaps with its neighbours. Or are
there other ways?
Care should be taken to get the alignment and registration exact to save subsequent
frustrations. You should also experiment with the threshold (or equivalent)
setting to obtain an image which has maximum 'crispness' in its lines yet contains
all the fine details (eg rocky ground dots).
3.3 Preparing the wan for tracing
The scan can be 'cleaned-up' by deleting stray and unwanted pixels using the
editing facility of the scantling program. An 'off square' image can be totaled
into alignment using SuperPaint 2. Indeed, it is sometimes convenient, or even
necessary, to scan some pieces of map 'south m north', or at right angles, and
then rotate the images.
4. Drawing
4.1 Basic approach
In artwork mode, the final map will be an almost unrecognisable complex of crisscrossing
hairlines. It is essential, therefore, that you adopt a systematic approach
to drawing from the start to ensure that colors or layers are not confused in
the final product. A recommended approach (at least for your first map) is to
work with the following layers (from bottom to top): 1. yellow map detail;
2. green map detail; 3. brown map detail; 4. blue map detail; 5. black map detail;
6. magnetic north lines (with the Overprint option specified if they
are not black); 7. all 'non-map' information (eg border, tide. legend, credits). (Is there agreement with this recommendation?)
There are arguments for some exceptions - for example, grouping lake and road
in-fills with their boundaries in layer 1. However, such exceptions should be
carefully considered and kept to an absolute minimum (if in doubt, don't make an exception!). The simpler you keep it; the easier it will be to proof
and the less likely that features will be unintentionally hidden in the final
Freehand is designed to allow you to work in layers (or levels as they
am called) which it keeps separate. With Illustrator, it's up to you to use
the Group, Lock and Hide commands to keep your layers separate. As drawing proceeds,
this requires concentration and a practised routine of steps. What is the
situation with CorelDRAW?
The order in which you draw your layers differs from their final 'stacking order'.
It is recommended that you draw the brown layer first, the black and blue layers
next, then green and yellow, and the 'non-map' information layer last. (Or
should blade and blue come first?) You should reduce the drawing to final
scale before adding the 'nonmap' detail so that WYSIWYG!
The legend and layers can be drawn at twice stale in another document, reduced
to final scale, and then placed as EPS files or pasted into the map via the
Your systematic approach should include making back-up copies of the map file
at regular intervals, and keeping each version until the map is printed. This
provides a safeguard against continually discovering errors introduced at a
much earlier stage.
Such a situation can occur when you work for some time with part of the map
that is already drawn moved out of the work area, and thus out of viewing and
printing range. On two occasion I have somohow lost some detail when it has
been out of the work arcs for some time. In both eerie 1 lit all isolated detail
in one or more colors - it local point and area features, and isolated line
features (eg cliffs), I suspect that in at least one case the was caused by
the inwniption of a macro for grouping, hiding or locking, so now I stick to
keyboard shortcuts (command-G. etc) where they are available. But then again,
Illustrator is a large and complex program and the cause may be a software bug.
Has anyone bad similar problems?
4.2 Drawing contours
Much help is needed here - this is a biased personal account!
There are three basic approaches: you can use the autotrace tool, the freehand
tool of the pen tool. The quality of the template is crucial to all three approaches
but especially, of course, to autotracing. Otherwise, autotracing depends directly
on the sophistication of the autotrace algorithm, freehand drawing on your ability
to smoothly and deftly trace with the cursor, and drawing curves with the pen
tool depends on your ability to place anchor points and direction lines appropriately
and economically.
The first two approaches would seem to offer speed advantages over the pen-tool
approach but, for me at least, this is not the case because of the excessive
amount of subsequent editing with the pen tool that I find necessary to achieve
a perfect trace. To snake matters worse, the relatively poor quality of the
75 dpi template means that I generally find myself drawing at 2:1 scale and
editing at 4:1 (it 8 times final map scale/). This converts to MUCH longer than
when drawing contours with pen and ink, and more than offsets the considerable
speed advantage otherwise evident (in drawing lines, placing point symbols,
filling areas, etc). No doubt those of you who draw neaps more often this way
are much quicker than I am - you'd have to be if you are doing it for a livingl
I suspect, however, that my experience would be fairly typical of any spare-time
map drawer and this leads me to conclude that the unreserved endorsement of
this whole approach to O map making must await the development of better autotrace
algorithms. Then there may well even be a time gain over pen and ink drawing
to accompany the acknowledged gain in quality of the printed map (with its consistent
line thicknesses, dash lengths, dot sins, etc). Fair comment?
Has anyone tried scanning contours at 300 dpi and using a specialist tracing
package such as Streamline 2? Has anyone used the freehand tool with a' 'Mouse
4.3 Over-printing
You should be aware that, by default, drawing programs do not overprint so that
any part of an object that is overlapped by - drawn behind - another object
will not overprint unless the Overprint attribute is selected for the
object. This is very useful in certain drawing situations (see #4.4) and means
that, with good registration, colors will be 'true' throughout on the final
map (eg watemourses across open land won't appear green as the yellow, separation
will have effectively been 'masked' by the blue (and brown!) separations), Note,
however that black always overprints.
Three situations come to mind when you must overprint: blue MN lines - else
they will disappear behind road in-fills; yellow (or green - whichever color
is in front in the new settlement 'pattern'); and registration crosses - else
only the top one (black) will actually exist. Are there other cases?
This discussion assumes the layer ordering recommended in #4.1
4.4 Drawing tips
o Most importantly, obtain a library file of O symbols and patterns, drawn to
IOF specification, from the (IOF MC? Compucort? Harveys?).
o Watch-out for 'bits of dashes' at the end of tracks, watercourses and faro
lines. Control them by extending the line, or by using the scissors tool to
shorten the line or to lengthen the last dash (this occurs because the line,
and the dash pattern, start again at the cut). Do this when you draw each line
to save a lot of extra proofing later on?
o Handle situations like a large open area with isolated forest and thicket
areas by drawing appropriate white and green patches in, front of a 'non-holed'
yellow fill.
o Take advantage of the default 'blocking-out' of overlapped areas to achieve
perfect abutting in situations like adjacent light and medium green areas.
o Use a Copy and Paste-in-front (or in-back) combination
to save re-drawing segments of roads, fences, etc which are also vegetation
o Split the screen into two side-by-side windows to preview your artwork simultaneously
in Illustrator. (I think you can draw in preview mode in Freehand). This is
handy when you arc experinxndng with the distance between objects and just where
dashed lines are cut, etc, but of course slows the program down.
o You can 'speed-up' the working of the drawing program by Hiding those layers
not needed at the time and, with a color monitor, working in black-and-white.
o The Direct-select tool can be used in Illustrator to save Ungrouping layers
(and thus inviting disaster). Beware, though, that if the object you select
is a grouped object (eg a circle) then you are not selecting all of it!
o Tidy-up your pattern fills in illustrator by moving the pattern within an
object using the Transform option in the Paint style dialog box. Remember, though,
to elect to Transform pattern tiles in subsequent transformations (including
moving and resealing).
o Come on guys, share those secrets! How do you get a dashed line to 'reverse'
so that the dash pattern begins at the other end, without redrawing it from
that end? (Cut-it, then rejoin??)
4.5 A word or two about layout
Remember the map, and not the surrounding information, is what is of prime importance
to the competitor. Resist the utnptadon to use your new found drawing skills
to experiment to excess with ornate borders and titles, colorful backgrounds,
fancy layers and outer eye-catching distractions.
Do include some registration marks for the competitor's reference. Although
they are not needed by the printer, since the color separating software will
add more. than enough, these latter ones will be trimmed-off.
5. Proofing your work
5.1 Black-and-white prints
Colors, other than black, will be dithered. Obtain a solid black print of each
layer by firstly hiding all layers, then selecting the layer as a group and
giving it a common stroke color of 100% black. This won't affect any fills in
the layer, and may add an outline to some symbols, but you can easily allow
for this in your checking - or you can avoid these problems to a large extract
by grouping line symbols within each layer. Be careful no to save the changed
5.2 Color Prints
You should get a composite color print for final proofing. The best result for
checking is obtained by assigning the process colors cyan, magenta and yellow to the blue, brown and yellow layers respectively in the copy of your file that
you send for printing (leave green as PMS 361). Don't forget to include any
placed image files on your disk, and remind the bureau to select the `Preview
and print patterns' option. It is strongly recommended that you get another
color print done if you find it necessary to make any significant changes.
5.3 Limitations
Beware that Overpinting cannot be previewed on printers or monitors -
it must be checked on the separations. Also, some fine patterns (eg difficult
running/good visibility) and small dots (eg rocky ground and broken ground dots)
cannot be shown truly at 300 dpi. `Banding' will occur in the former, and the
latter will be larger (and hence closer together and more distinctive) than on the separations.
It seems to me that some of the specified symbol sizes are too small. For example,
when not used in a screen effect, I think the minimum size brown or black dot
should be the maximum size plus (at least?) 20%! Also, the untagged cliff should
be +20% in thickness and minimum lengtth, and the minimum size scalene triangles
on the front of West Fantasia are indistinguisable from the black dots at 1:15000. Comment?
6. Imagesetting
6.1 Choosing a bureau
Make sure the bureau you choose has the equipment to do a good job by asking
some pertinent questions. For example:
o Is their computer set-up sufficiently powerful? Eg a 68030 Mac with
at least 4MB of RAM?
o How new is the imagesetter and what RIP (raster image processor) are they
using? There have been dramatic advances in RIP speed over the last year
or so. Anything older may not be able to handle the job in a reasonable amount
of time.
o Do they often provide film output and do they use o denshometer to check
emulsion quality regularly? Some bureaus only offer bromide output.
o What is the maximum page size their machine can handle? With many irnagesetters
you are restricted to a maximum width of 30 cm: others can handle a maximum
width of 45 cm. In some cases there is still room for the registration information,
etc that is added by the separation software; in other cases, this must be allowed
for within the maximum width. Obviously, this is information you need to
take into account before undertaking any drawing!
o How do they charge for graphics work? Will you have to pay a fixed
charge per separation (yes please/), or is there an additional charge per time
unit? A time loading can make the process very costly if there are imagesetting
6.2 Separation settings
A resolution of around 1200 lpi is good enough (and will be about half
the price of 2400 lpi). Choose the default screen ruler setting for the resolution
you select - this will be in the range 120-150 dpi. (Is this right?) Positives are much easier to proof than negatives and should be acceptable to
your printer (but check first). For film positives and negatives, specify Emulsion
Down (right-reading) or the equivalent, Emulsion Up (wrong-reading).
7. Printing
7.1 Registration
The printer will be pleased to have computer-generated positives or negatives
as they should register exactly. However, the general absence of overprinting
makes it even more crucial than usual that the printer achieve exact registration
and this should be explained beforehand. Don't forget to leave instructions
as to how the map is to be trimmed, and check any crop-marks you added when
drawing to make sure they were not alwed when the separations were done.