Report on World Ranking Event maps 2001
by László Zentai
presented on the joint meeting of IOF committees and commission, February 2002, Rome

Number of events: 65* (including WOC and Akita)
Classic events: 47
Short: 13
Sprint: 2
Other (normal, long, medium): 3

Number of organizing countries: 29
Europe: 25
Other: 4 (Australia, Canada, Japan, USA)

*- terminology based on previous elite events system according to IOF WRE site: sprint, short, classic.
Distribution of European organizers

First part: collecting maps
I sent e-mails to the organizers of each event and asked them to send me their WRE maps:

Success - 0%
53 maps collected, using additional sources (competition maps from my o-friends), too.
Total 65 - overall success 82%.

Countries without getting any answer (0% success): * - maps were obtained from other source

Success - 100% (from official sources)

Australia (4)
Austria (2)
Belgium (1)
Canada (2)
Denmark (3)
Estonia (2)
Finland (11) – thank to Jukka Liikari
Great Britain (1)
Hungary (2)
Italy (1)
Japan (1)
Norway (4)
Portugal (1)
Romania (1)
Slovenia (1)
Slovakia (1)
Spain (1)
Ukraine (2)
USA (1)
Yugoslavia (1)
Misuse 1: the scale issue
WREs to be organized according to the WOC rules. „Maps at 1:10 000 may be produced for relay and short distance competitions.”
Classic events = 1:15 000 scale

Collected 37 maps of classic events:
1:10 000 scale – 13 maps
1:15 000 scale – 24 maps

Misuse 1: the scale issue 2
12 events used 1:10000 scale maps on classic events. 1:10000 scale maps are simply magnification (150%).
Austria (contour lines are 0.1 mm instead of 0.21 mm)
Canada (2days event on the same map)
Great-Britain (contour line are 0.16 mm instead of 0.21 mm)
Yugoslavia (contour line are 0.14 mm instead of 0.21 mm, point symbols were also smaller)
Misuse 2: the lack of index contours
„102 Every fifth contour shall be drawn with a thicker line.„
Not used:
Austria (1) – 1:15000/5m !!!
Belgium (1) – 1:10000/2.5m (height difference is minimal)
Canada (1) – 1:10000/2.5m (2 events)
Denmark (1) – 1:15000/2.5m
Estonia (2) – 1:15000/2.5m and 1:10000/2.5m
Finland (6) – 1:15000/5m (3), 1:10000/5m (2), 1:5000 (1)
Sweden (2) – 1:10000/2.5m and 1:10000/4m
Ukraine (1) – 1:10000/2.5m (height difference is minimal)
Misuse 3: special signs 2
WRE maps must follow ISOM2000, deviations are prohibited.
Printing methods
Offset: 46
4 colours: 2 (AUT, UKR)
4 colours-FM screen: 2 (DEN)
5 colours: 24
6 colours (grey): 7 (AUS, FIN)
6 colours (red): 5
More: 6 (FIN WOC maps)
Other digital (laser): 4 (AUT, 2EST, ROM)
Inkjet: 3 (UKR, 2CAN)
An example of misuse
1:10000 for classic, wrong magnification, no index contours, wrong colours, wrong size of signs.

A non-essential experience
I planned to collect information about the courses, too, but nearly all of the official websites were unusable. To find the results or other details of the WRE was nearly impossible for English (and even for local) language users.

The continuous (yearly) report on WRE maps would be necessary. This is the most „international” platform of standardizing events:

I suggest to make obligatory to each organizer:

The more detailed report will be available later.