8th International Conference on Orienteering Mapping


Sunday 1 August, Charleston Academy Community Complex Inverness
14.30Opening of part one, Welcome
Björn Persson, chairman IOF Map Committee
14.40Map making in the UK
Erik Peckett, chairman Brittish Orienteering Federation Map Committee
15.10Map quality as part of the Total Quality Management (TQM) of an event
Chris Shaw, IOF Map Committee
16.10Four colour techniques for map reproduction
Explaining the ISOM/2000 recommendations for four colour printing.
Knut-Olov Sunde, ISOM/2000 Project Team
17.00New Instructors Kit based on CD-ROM, presentation
Sören Nielsen, IOF Map Committee
17.30Closing of part one
(WOC99 Opening Ceremony starts 19.00)

Monday 2 August, Charleston Academy Community Complex Inverness
08.30Opening of part two
08.40Map making for Trail Orienteering
Brian Parker, Brittish Orienteering Federation
09.30Guidelines for park- or ultra short orienteering maps
Björn Persson, IOF Map Committee
10.00ISOM/2000 Block
Andreas Dresen and László Zentai, IOF Map Committee
  • Presentation of the suggested final version of the ISOM/2000
    Special focus on major changes in comparison to ISOM/90, discussion
  • ISOM/2000 Open Items
    Reviewing items that may still be open for decisions, discussion
19.00Closing of the 8th ICOM.
Breaks at: coffee 10.30, lunch 12.45, coffee 16.15


The participation fee is GBP 10- (pounds sterling) which should be paid upon registration on the first day. Applications deadline is 25th July 1999 and should be either sent by mail or e-mail to:
Mail: IOF Map Committee, 53 Cavendish Drive, Hagley, Stourbridge DY9 0LR, England
E-mail: cshaw@btinternet.com

Heartly Welcome to Inverness and the 8th ICOM!
IOF Map Committee