[Hallgato] Fw: Projection Engine Product Engineer open position

Gede Mátyás saman at map.elte.hu
2017. Aug. 26., Szo, 18:31:52 CEST

Kedves Hallgatók és többiek!

Vetülettanos állás az ESRI-nél!
Csak nehogy én csapjak le rá :)

GEDE Mátyás
ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Tanszék, Budapest

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Bojan Savric <BSavric at esri.com>
To: N/A
Sent: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 16:08:26 +0000
Subject: Projection Engine Product Engineer open position

Dear all,

Very rarely happens that there is an open position looking for someone with
map projection expertise. At Esri, we are currently looking for a product
engineer to work with projection engine team. I would appreciate if you could
forward the link to a job description to your students and others that might
be interested in this position.

The job description is available here:

Thank you,

Bojan ©avrič | Software Dev. Engineer | Projection Engine
Esri Inc. | 380 New York Street | Redlands, California 92373
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