Nemzetközi Térképészeti Társulás (ICA) - bizottságok (2019-2023)

További érdeklődők jelentkezését is várjuk, a 4 éves ciklus munkájába később is be lehet kapcsolódni.

Commission name


Art and Cartography

Taien Ng-Chan


René Sieber

Cartographic Heritage into the Digital

Mátyás Gede

Cartography and Children

Carla Sena

Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management

Liu Jiping

Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization

Amy Griffin

Education and Training

Tao Wang

Generalisation and Multiple Representations

Guillaume Touya

Geospatial Analysis and Modeling

Xiaobai Angela Yao

Geospatial Semantics

Dalia Varanka

the History of Cartography

Imre Josef Demhardt

Location Based Services

Haosheng Huang

Map Design

Ian Muehlenhaus

Map Production and Geoinformation Management

Peter Schmitz

Map Projections

Lynn Usery

Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People

Waldirene Ribeiro

Maps and the Internet

Otakar Čerba

Marine Cartography

Ron Furness

Mountain Cartography

Dušan Petrovič

Open Source Geospatial Technologies

Silvana Comboim

Planetary Cartography

Andrea Naß

SDI and Standards

Serena Coetzee

Sensor-driven mapping

Jonathan Li

Topographic Mapping

Alexander Kent


Peter Jordan

Ubiquitous Mapping

Yoshiki Wakabayashi

User Experience

Robert Roth

Visual Analytics

Anthony Robinson
Arzu Çöltekin