I wish to hold a lecture on the conference
The lecture is for experts wide audience
I wish to present (a) map(s) on the exhibition
The source map is analogue digital
I wish to participate in the conference
Exhibitors are asked to send maps for exhibition CUSTOMS FREE with the main exhibitor and map parameters to the following address: "Map exhibition`99"Dr. Zsolt TörökEötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Térképtudományi TanszékH-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A HUNGARYE-mail: zoltorok@ludens.elte.hu Phone: +361 372-2975Fax: +361 372-2951
If you wish to exhibit more than 3 maps, you are asked to fill a related number of registration forms.
Proposed papers and maps will be reviewed and selected for presentation by a professional committee.
Deadline for registration: May 31 1999 Verification of registration: June 30 1999 Completion of final program: September 20. 1999 Distribution of final program: September 30 1999