CET meeting 05-06. 02. 2000. Budapest
Internet: Past, present, future

Hungary, the beginning of internet

1986: Starting of the special project: NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE FOR RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, HIGHER EDUCATION, PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN HUNGARY (IIF, or NIIF later). X. 25 system for universities and academic research centers. Internal mail possibility, but special international connection (Eunet) - central control of international e-mail traffic.

1990: The start of termination of COCOM-list restrictions: the high internet technology can be imported.
Direct connection to EBONE (higher bandwith, increased speed), the first international e-mails.

1991: (, the first Hungarian domain. October: the first direct connection between Linz University and SZTAKI (the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Budapest.

1992: IBM Academic Initiative Programme: 64 kBps connection between Vienna University and Budapest Technology University.

1992: The first domestic internet connection between Budapest and Debrecen (Szeged).

1993: HBONE, 2 Mbps microvawe connection between universities. By the end of 1996 this connection reaches all counties.