HUNAGI Hungarian Association for Geo-Information
members and points of contact
Agricultural Science Faculty
University of Agricultural Sciences at Debrecen

point of contact: Dr.Miklós Herdon, representative
postal address: H-4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138
voice: +36(52) 347 888, fax: +36(52) 413 385

AM/FM-GIS Hungary
point of contact: Dr. László Csemniczky, president
postal address: H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp 3 Kmf.16
H-1615 Budapest P.O.Box 187
VOICE: +36(1)272 1132, (1) 463 1146
fax: +36(1)272 1132, (1) 463 3209

College on Surveying and Land Management, University of Forestry
point of contact Dr.Béla Márkus, head of Chair Spatial Informatics, representative
postal address: H-8000 Székesfehérvár Pirosalma u. 6
8002 Székesfehérvár Pf. 52
voice: +36(22)315 125, (22) 348 271fax: +36(22)327 697,
E-mail: mb@geo.cslm. hu

Hungarian Academic and Research Network Association (HUNGARNET Association)
point of contact: Miklós Nagy, secretary, representative,
postal address: H-1132 Budapest Victor Hugo u. 18-22
voice: +36(1)149-7987, fax: +36(1)270-9650

Hungarian Geographical Society
point of contact: Prof. dr. Ádám Kertész, director, representative
postal address:H-1062 Budapest Andrássy út 62
voice: +36(1)111 7814, fax: +36(1)111 7814
E-mail: h3978ada@ella. hu

Hungarian Society for Regional Planning and Renovation
point of contact: Miklós Vásárhelyi, deputy-director, representative
postal address c/o TÁKISZ H-7633 Pécs Szigeti u 33/a.
voice: +36(72)313-711, fax: +36(72)313-048

Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
point of contact: dr. Ákos Detrekői, president
postal address: H-1027 Budapest Fő u. 68
voice: +36(1)202-1456, 463-1187, fax +36(1)156-1215 or 463-3084

Hungarian Space Office
point of contact: Dr.Gyula Tófalvi, director
postal address: H-1052 Budapest Szervita tér 8
voice: +36(1)117-8717, fax: +36(1)118-7998

Hungarian Urbanistical Society
point of contact: Gábor Paksy, president
postal address: H-1016 Budapest Gellérthegy u. 30-32.
H-1253 Budapest P.O.Box 20

voice: +36(1)156 8202, fax: +36(1)156 8003

HUNGIS Foundation
point of contact: Dr. Rezső Berencei, managing director
postal address H-1243 Budapest P.O.Box 718
voice: +36(1)156 6794, fax: +36(1)156 6794,

John v. Neumann Society for Computing Science
point of contact : Miklós Havass, past-president
postal address:
H-1054 Budapest Báthori u.16

voice: +36(1)132-9349, fax : +36(1)131-8140

Mapping Agency of the Hungarian Home Defence Forces
point of contact : István Kádár, deputy-head, representative
postal address:
H-1525 Budapest 114 P.O.Box 37

voice: +36(1) 212 2786, fax : +36(1) 212 4390

Technology Transfer Centre
point of contact: Vilmos Bognár, president
postal address c/o FÖMI, H-1051 Budapest Sas u. 19
voice: +36(1)118 4247, fax: +36(1)118 4130

Union of the Hungarian Public Administration Informatics
point of contact: János Bodnár, president
postal address H-4400 Nyíregyháza Kossuth tér 1
voice: +36(42) 314724, fax: +36(42) 314724,

New members (to be voted by the 1997 General Assembly):

Dennis Gabor Foundation
point of contact: Sandor Selinger, representative
postal address: RO-3400 Cluj - Romania Of.P.S.C.P.737,1054 Budapest Kossuth tér 6. voice: +40 64-420-454, fax: +40 64-420-454 E-mail:

Prime Minister's Bureau Coordination Office for Informatics
point of contact: Zsolt Sikolya, representative
postal address: H-1054 Budapest Kossuth tér 6
voice: +36(1) 268 3336, fax: +36(1) 268 3322

Department of Physical Geography, József Attila University of Sciences
point of contact: Prof. dr. Gábor Mezősi, representative
postal address: H-6722 Szeged Egyetem u. 2
voice: +36(62) 454 156, fax: +36(62) 454 000

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
point of contact: Pál Lévai, representative
postal address: 1373 Budapest Pf. 546
voice: +36 (30) 228 029, fax: +36(27) 310 982

Geological Institute of Hungary
point of contact: Gábor Turczi (GIS) Péter Kardeván (RS), representatives
postal address: 1442 Budapest Pf. 106
voice: +36 (1) 220 6194, 251 1768 fax: +36(1) 251 0703

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