Some of the highlights in 1997 so far
- New membership applications. The Dennis Gabor Foundation (Cluj-Napoca), the Prime Minister's Bureau, Coordination Office for Informatics, the Chair of Physical Geography of the Szeged University of Sciences as well as the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing have been applied for membership in Januar and April respectively.
- Participation in the preparation of the 7th Földfoto Conference on Earth Observation organised by the Hungarian Astronautical Society at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (March)
- Providing session chairmanship, active participation of the International Meeting on "Administrative Boundary Data Service in the CEE Countries" organised jointly by OMFB, Budapest and the European Commission DG III, XIII and DG XVI. Issuing supportive Letter of Intent for the ABDS Project Proposel.
- Support of the Frank-Meixner Report on Current GI Police Issues prepared for the European Commission by the kind invitation of Prof. David Rhind, General Manager of the Ordnance survey (UK). Participation by submission of comments and suggestions of Hungarian GI market actors.
- Participation of the 1997 EUROGI General Board Meeting held at European Commission DGXIII.
- Introduction of HUNAGI at the FAO High-level Technical Seminar devoted to "Private and Public sector Co-operation in National Land Tenure Development" held in Bertinoro (Forli), Italy, (April)
- Presentation entitled National GI association in a transient country: the Hungarian case in the Session Education and Awareness at the JEC-GI Conference held in Vienna organised by EGIS.
- Sharing HUNAGI's experiences with participants of the GISIG General Board Meeting (in Vienna) delivering a lecture.
- Participation of OLLO 2000 Tempus Project Proposal Meeting with SE FFFK, University of East London, UNIGIS, Technical University Bucarest on Know-how Transfer in Land Management in Székesfehérvár (April)
- Participation, EURISY Colloquium on the theme "Earth Observation and the Environment: Benefits for Central and Eastern European Countries to be held in Budapest (May)
- Organisational support of the International Land Use Conference SE FFFK, Szekesfehervar (May)
- "Recent developments in promotion and use of GI in Hungary" Accepted paper for the Session GIS in Central and Eastern Europe. 3rd EC-GIS Workshop in Leuven (June)
- Data provision for the GEOWEB project lead by Scot Conseil (Toulouse)
- HUNAGI representative was invited to chair the Session on Research & Development Strategy and Future Aspects at the 3rd EC-GIS Workshop in Leuven (27 June)
- According to the decision made by officers of the EC DG III and EC JRC, HUNAGI will host the 4th European Commission GIS Workshop in Budapest, 24-26 June, 1998.
- Study completed for GISIG (Genoa) in frame of the EU Copernicus Programme in the subject "GI in Hungary - Networking, Meta Data Base Building, Institutional Context, Main Data Sources, Products and Services, Frameworks, Experience for Setting Up HUNAGI as NGIA Case"
HUNAGI-DDGI Summit (During the visit of DDGI President Mr.Klaus Barwinski in Budapest)
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