Some of the highlights in 1996
- Co-organiser, "GIS in Regional Developments" Conference hosted by the Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences (DATE) in Debrecen, January 25-26
- Preparation of the first meetings with Geomatics Canada involving the MoA DLM, Geological Office, National Forestry Office, Hung. Space Office, FÖMI and HUNGIS as well as the Hung.Society for Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing. (February)
- Participation, EUROGI's General Board Meeting at EC DG XIII (March)
- Active participation at the 2nd JEC-GI in Barcelona
- Organisation of the 2nd HUNAGI Forum with active participation of EUROGI, European Science Foundation, Know Edge, Intergraph Central Europe, Geometria, Dutch Cadastre, DBL(USA), SNI, GISIG and others.
- Basic support of GIS/LIS'96 Central Europe by inviting top experts e.g. Profs. P.Dale (President, FIG), G.Konecny (Chairman, EARSeL/Vice President ISPRS), B.Kok (Vice-president, EUROGI, President RAVI), I.Masser (President, ESF), T.Bogaerts (President, UDMS), Ch.Chenez (Secretary General, EUROGI), F.Hegyi (WG Chairman, ISPRS), P.Blankenbourg, (Representative, EC DG I Phare Operation Service), M.Konecny (Vice President, ICA), J.Vazquez-Caro (World Bank) and
- Support of the WELL-GIS Workshop of the Copernicus project driven by GISIG in Budapest
- HUNAGI was invited to the Panel Discussion. Recommendation for EC DGIII/JRC to host the next EC-GIS Workshop in Budapest. (It was included in the official minutes.)
- Invitation to the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure. Meeting hosted by the German Umbrella Organisation for Geo-Information (DDGI) in Bonn-Konigswinter. HUNAGI was selected as one of the 80 invited organisations representating the worldwide GI community (September)
- Active participation, Cluj-Napoca GIS Workshop hosted by Dennis Gabor Foundation (October)
- Participation, International Conference on Sustainable Land Use DATE, Debrecen (December)
- The Genoa based GISIG has subcontracted HUNAGI in frame of the EC Copernicus programme in order to contribute to the achievement of the WELL-GIS project objectives.
- The Agricultural Science Faculty of the University of Agricultural Sciences at Debrecen as well as the the Mapping Agency of the Hungarian Home Defence Forces have been applied for membership in December. The membership has been voted by the 4th Plenary Assembly held on December 17.
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