Aim and scope of the Association
The objective of the Association is to provide representation of the Hungarian GI community's interests in the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (EUROGI), and to build up contacts with similar associations in other countries. The Association:
- represents the interests of the founder and later members in the field of Geo-Information in an international context with special emphasis on the EUROGI,
- carries out all function related to the EUROGI membership and representation of HUNAGI,
- provides support for the establishment of international linkages in high priority issues, which are maintained by EUROGI,
- establishes contacts with similar umbrella organisations in other countries,
- supports information distribution to international organisations about Hungarian GI infrastructure, service and applications paying special attention to domestic user needs,
- collects information on GI related applications, development and trends via international organisations and European institutions,
- supports GI related international events in Hungary and provides representation on conferences and exhibitions abroad,
- promotes and supports the services provided by its founders such as the GIS Sourcebook, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, educational meetings,
- maintains a column titled "European Connections" in the bi-monthly journal TÉRINFORMATIKA, and regular news in GEOMATIKA and GEODÉZIA ÉS KARTOGRÁFIA
The Association reserves all rights related to the original publications on its activities.
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