Major events of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (2008)

XII. 12. PhD defence by Juhász Péter
XII. 10. Ryu Yeon-Taek (Assistant Professor in geography) and Park Jong Yeon (Oceanographer) from South Korea visited the Department and discussed international topnymic issues. Zentai László, Márton Mátyás and Gercsák Gábor introduced the Department to the guests.
XII. 5. PhD defence by Holló Szilvia Andrea
XI. 27. María Victoria Alves de Castro, researcher of the Argentinean Mapping Centre gave a presentation “Cartography and GIS in education in Argentina" (La Cartografía y los Sistemas de Información Geográfica en la educación Argentina) at the Department
XI. 25-28. Zentai László participated in the 5th international conference on Location Based Services in Salzburg
XI. 19. Gede Mátyás (co-aouthor Márton Mátyás) gave a lecture, "3D globes on the Internet (http: // – Virtual Globes Museum” at the conference, “Latest developments in science, technology and medicine in Hungary”.
XI. 18. Zentai László attended the inaugural lecture of professor Georg Gartner at the Technical University of Vienna
XI. 13. Two lectures were given from the Department at the event, “Year of the Globe – Science for the sustainable Earth”. Mészáros János, Kovács Béla: Searching treasures in the sky and on the ground (GPS), and Márton Mátyás, Gede Mátyás: The revival of the 40 cm detachable Earth model (opportunities offered by the Internet).
Open day at the Faculty of Informatics
XI. 12. Gede Mátyás gave a paper, "Blind mouse – a game" at the Corvinus University at the conference, "New opportunities and tools of teaching information literacy” (co-author Simonné Dombóvári Eszter)
XI. 7. The Petőfi Museum of Literature opens the exhibition, "Renaissance ways – virtual meetings" with a renaissance programme. The topic of cartography and cosmography is the work of Török Zsolt, associate professor, the exhibited map graphics and earth globe animations are the work of two PhD students, Bobák Szilvia and Balázs János.
XI. 3-15.

José Jesús Reyes visited Buenos Aires in the frame of a scientific and technological cooperation agreement between Hungary and Argentina. He had consultations on the research theme, “Chernoff faces in school maps”. He also attended the 69th Geographical Week and National Geographical Congress organized by the Geographical Society of Argentina between 6 and 9 November. Here and at other events he had the following presentations:

  • Faces de Chernoff en los mapas temáticos: una experiencia original e interesante, Septimio Walsh Catholic University, 4 November
  • Matices de la educación geocartográfica a través del ejemplo húngaro, 69th Geographical Week and National Geographical Congress. Military Mapping Institute, 7 November
  • Influencia de Erwin Raisz en la cartografía cubana entre 1939 y 1959, University of Buenos Aires, 12 November
Historia de la visualización de datos y de los mapas temáticos, Geographical Society of Argentina, Argentine Cartographic Centre, 13 November
XI. 3. Memorial session on Kogutowicz Manó in the Academy
XI. 2-15. Jesús Reyes is on a study trip in Argentina
X. 25. Török Zsolt – with Rákóczi István – gave a paper at the conference of the Society for Navigation History: Globes as Symbols of Oceanic Power in 16th Century Cosmography and Art
X. 14. PhD thesis defence of Sváb Emese
X. 13. Anna Hofhauser, an exchange student of cartography and geomedia from the Technical College of Munich, spends her practical semester at the department
X. 1. Hannes Röther, an exchange student from the college of Karlsruhe spends his practical semester at the department
IX-X. Our outgoing Erasmus students: Szemerey Anna (Karlsruhe), Juhász Péter András (Tartu), Illés Péter (Minho, practical placement)
IX. 30. 5vös 5 km run race
IX. 29. Memorial session on Reguly Antal in the Academy, where Klinghammer István and Gercsák Gábor gave a paper, "Reguly's mapping in the Northern Ural Mountains"
IX. 26. "The Night of Scientists", where Kovács Béla gave a presentation on the GPS
IX. 15.-XII. 15. Török Zsolt received a scholarship to Florence, Italy from the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies
IX. 11. Török Zsolt, associate professor gave a presentation, "The 'English' patient, fools, foxes and rats: exploration, mapping and war in the Lybian desert" in Portsmouth, UK, at the workshop, "Shifting boundaries: Cartography in the 19th and 20th centuries" of International Cartographical Associations' Commission on Map History and Colonial Mapping. He was the chair of a session on the theoretical and cultural aspects the day before.
IX. 9. At the geographical conference organized by the Hungarian Geographical Museum in Érd, Klinghammer István gave a paper (Antal Reguly, the map-maker of the Northern Ural Mountains), and Gercsák Gábor had a presentation (New information about the work and personality of Sándor Radó).
IX. 4-7. José Jesús Reyes Nunez represented the Department and the ICA Commission Cartography and Children at the HERODOT conference held at Hope University in Liverpool and organized by the HERODOT EU thematic network with the motto, “Future Prospects in Geography". José Jesús Reyes Nunez gave a paper, "Introducing the ICA Commission on Cartography and Children"
IX. 1. Turczi Vanda PhD student was awarded a "cotutelle" doctoral grant of the French State to the University of Orléans.
VIII. 20-24.

HUNGEO 2008 was held this on the Lágymányos Campus of the University. The Department was represented by Verebiné Fehér Katalin in the organising committee (she was a section chair too). At the plenary session, Elek István gave a paper, "Automatic raster-vector conversion in geosciences and teaching".
Papers and posters from the Department:

  • Kovács Béla: A GPS/GNSS systems (past and future)
  • Márton Mátyás-Gede Mátyás: Virtual Globes Museum (a tool of education, popularisation and safeguarding cultural heritage)
  • Márton Mátyás: 25 years of Hungarian maritime research
  • Gede Mátyás-Márton Mátyás: 3D globes on the Internet (Virtual Globes Museum and virtual restoration of globes)
  • Márton Mátyás: Maritime mapping in Hungary?!
  • Jesús Reyes Nunez: Collection of cartographic web pages for Hungarian pupils
VIII. 12-15. Jesús Reyes represented the Department and the ICA Commission on Cartography and Children at the 31st international geographical conference of the IGU in Tunisia. Here, he had a poster presentation with the title, "Chernoff faces in thematic maps: an original and interesting experience". He attended six sections of the IGU Commission on Teaching Geography and contacted several scientists to develop the relationship between the two commissions.
VII. 14. The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina was established in Halle. Klinghammer István, academician, participated in the ceremonial event
VII. 7-10. Elek István gave a presentation, "Principles of Digital Evolution Machines" in Florida at the "International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition".
The conference elected him a member of the organizing committee of the next conference in 2009.
VII. 2-5. Gede Mátyás and Dombóvári Eszter (PhD student) participated in the ICGIS 2008 - International Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Gede Mátyás gave a presentation, "The Blind Mouse - Mute Map Game".
VI. 24-25. State exams
VI. 13. Gercsák Gábor participated in the conference of the International Geographical Union on land degradation and desertification in Taiwan, where he gave a paper, "Land degradation at a Hungarian hot spring"
VI. 13. Open forum at the Faculty
VI. 9. Hans Kern and Peter Freckmann from Hochschule Karlsruhe visited the Department. Hans Kern received the Faculty Medal from the Dean of the Faculty in recognition of his contribution to developing the relationship between the two institutions.
VI. 6. Lázár Colloquium: Presentation by Gede Mátyás
VI. 2-IX. Oliver Thomas Hoehn (Geomatik S., Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wissenschaft) ERASMUS exchange student prepares his degree thesis in the subject of 3D modelling.
VI. The June issue of the British "GIS Professional" published a 3-page article on geoinformatics in Hungary (Hungarian Rhapsody: GI at the heart of Europe). The report introduces our department too.
V. 30-31. The Faculty of Geography of the "Babes-Bolyai" University (Cluj, Romania) organized the International Symposium of Technical Geography, where Timár Gábor and Kovács Béla represented our university. They gave a paper in the plenary and in section III.
V. 19-23. The GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN) held its 21st meeting in South Korea, on Jeju Island. Gercsák Gábor presented a study prepared together with Márton Mátyás with the title, "Overview of Hungarian research in the standardization of undersea feature names".
V. 9. Lázár Colloqium: Presentation by Márton Mátyás
V. 8. Neumann Day at the Faculty of Informatics
Mészáros János, student of cartography received the award, "Outstanding Student of the Faculty"
V. 6.-11. José Jesús Reyes Nunez visited the Porto and Minho Universities in Portugal within the frame of an ERASMUS programme. He gave a course for students of geography and history at Porto University with the tile, "Cartografía temática: desde sus orígenes hasta el presente". At Minho University, he gave a lecture for geography students with the title, "Influencia de Erwin Raisz en la cartografía cubana entre 1929 y 1959".
V. 6. Robin Waters, the feature editor of GIS Professional visited the Department and made an interview with Elek István and Gercsák Gábor on teaching and research.
V. 5. 5vös 5 km run competition
IV. 28-29. Rufino Pérez Gomez, professor of the Madrid Technical University gave a lecture, "Cartography, webmapping and Internet GIS supporting research projects" within the frame of an Erasmus staff mobility scheme
IV. 25-V. 1. Márton Mátyás held a 30-hour course, "Global changes in the environment" for the 3rd year BSc students of geography at the Faculty of Geography of the Babeº-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) within the frame of an Erasmus staff mobility scheme. The topic was approached from the aspects of oceanography and cartography. Twenty-four students took the course.
IV. 23. Zentai László participated in a ceremony in Utrecht on the occasion of Prof. Ferjan Ormeling's retirement
IV. 17. At the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, Gede Mátyás gave a paper on the 3D representation of terrestrial and celestial globes, and Gercsák Gábor on Marsigli's map of the Gulf of Lion. In the poster session, Gede Mátyás presented the Museum of Virtual Globes project, and Kovács Béla presented the Habsburg triangulation of the Balkan Peninsula.
IV. 17. Török Zsolt gave a presentation, "The maps of Captain Columbus" on the opening day of the Hungarian events of "The Year of the Earth". The Department had its independent exhibition in Natural History Museum.
IV. 11. The Reguly Antal Memorial Library of the National Széchényi Library organized an exhibition and conference "Margaritae Cartographicae - Cartographic pearls" in Zirc under the chairmanship of Prof. István Klinghammer. The exhibition is open until 1 August. Márton Mátyás and Gede Mátyás gave a presentation on the Museum of Virtual Globes project.
IV. 4. Lázár colloqium: presentation by Tímár Gábor
III. 28. Opening of the "Beautiful Hungarian Map 2007" exhibition
II. 26. Kovács Béla gave a presentation, "Cartographers training and the Bologna process at Eötvös Loránd University" in the Cosmic Geodetic Observatory in Penc, Hungary
II. 18-21. The "International Congress on Geomatica and Surveying Engineering" (TOP-CART 2008) was organized in Valencia, Spain, in parallel with the "Topografía y Cartografía" national congress. One of the sessions dealing with training was organized by the EEGECS thematic network, where Jesús Reyes gave a paper, "The first five years of the Working Group on Undergraduate Education". At the time of the conference, the thematic network held its final meeting, where the results of the past years were evaluated and drafted the future plans.
II. 15.-V- 30. Two Erasmus exchange students of geography from the University of Orléans (France), Camille Cuvelier and Eric Blanc spent the spring semester of 2007-2008 at the Department.
II. 9. A 30-minute talk with Gercsák Gábor on the Bartók Radio about geography, cartography, languages, teaching and music.
íI. 8. PhD defense of Petrik Ottó
II. 2-4. Associate professor Török Zsolt gave a lecture at the opening of Map and Imagery User Services (MIUS) with the title, "Map and Image of the New World: Reading Münster's 1540 Map of America" on the request of the Steven and Dorothea Green Library (Florida International University, Miami, USA). He presented a special copy of the map to the Library in the frame of the "9-11 Map Gift" project. The map was made using original technology.
II. 1-2. Jesús Reyes and Zentai László took part in the symposium, "Art and Cartography" in Vienna. Jesús Reyes presented a poster, " Maps made by children"
II. Our students of cartography go abroad supported by Erasmus grants: Imre Réka (Karlsruhe, Germany), Jáky Péter (Sofia, Bulgaria), Jeszenszky Péter (Bilbao, Spain), Agócs Róbert (Bilbao, Spain), Szabó Virág (Porto, Portugal), Fekete Balázs (Porto, Portugal)
I. 29. State examinations in cartography
I. 20-25. Jesús Reyes and Zentai László took part in the second conference on cartography and geoinformatics in Borovec (Bulgaria). Jesús Reyes had a paper, "Resuming an International Project: Map Use in Argentine and Hungarian Schools".
I. 15. Our former student, Kovács Zsolt organized an exhibition in Nádudvar with the title, "Maps of our homeland". Our department was a partner in the organization.

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