XII. 18. | Domokos György
our external lecturer was awarded the "Master lecturer" title. Diploma defend of Héctor Rodríguez Erviti, our Spanish Erasmus student. |
XII. 14. | The 11th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Faragó Imre |
XI. 24. | Habilitation of Márton Mátyás at Miskolc University |
XI. 23-25. | Jesús Reyes took part in the 2nd Professional Conference "Profession of Cartographer" in Poland (Wroclaw, Polanica Zdrój). He presented a joint paper (co-author is Zentai László): Actual situation of cartography in Hungary |
XI. 15. | GIS-day presentations at our department |
XI. 6-12. | Jesús Reyes gave lectures at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering
and Geodesy (ERASMUS staff mobility). Title of his lectures: "Thematic
Cartography: from theory to practice". He took part in the "Modern technologies, Education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields" international symposium, the title of his presentation: "Multimedia cartography for Hungarian pupils". |
X. 23-XI. 8. | Zentai László organized orienteering map seminars in South America (Uruguay, Brazil). He gaves presentations at two universities in Curitiba. |
X. 21-23. | Department staff trip to Prague |
X. 5. | The 10th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Buga László |
X. 1.-XII. 31. | Dombóvári Eszter PhD student spent 3 months in Vienna (Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Geoinformation und Kartographie). She studied the cartographic applications in the Austrian education. |
IX. 30.-XII. 15. | Héctor Rodríguez Erviti, Spanish Erasmus student (Basque University, Vitoria-Gasteiz) |
IX. 29. | ELTE 5 km athletic race. We got the "Sporty department" prize. |
IX. 22. | Open day at our department (photos) |
IX. 21. | The book of Elek István "Introduction to the geoinformatics" was published by the ELTE Eötvös Kiadó |
IX. 14-15. | Kolumbusz és kora (Columbus and his age) Conference at our university. The presentation of Török Zsolt (he was also one of the organizers): Columbus and Renaissance Cosmography |
IX. 8. | Verebi Sándorné got a university prize: Pro Universitate |
IX. 7. | The 9th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Zentai László |
IX. 6-7. | Presentations at the 3rd Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia
(Hungarian Geographic Conference) in Budapest Elek I. - Klinghammer I.: Képfeldolgozási módszerek a geoinformatikában Faragó I. - Klinghammer I.: A magyar földrajzi nevek használata a kartográfiai termékeken; Guszlev A. - Lukács L.: Földrajzinév-kutatás térinformatikai eszközökkel; Lukács L.: Prinz Gyula tájszemlélete és tájneveinek kartográfiai vonatkozásai Tardy J. - T.Draskovits Zs. - Szarvas I.: A földtani és felszínalaktani értékek védelme Magyarországon - történeti áttekintés, tények és lehetõségek Faragó I. - Guszlev A. - Lukács L. - Máthé T.: A Magyar Földrajzi Névi Program Máthé T. - Guszlev A.: Interaktív földrajzi névi sillabusz |
IX. 4. | Horváth Ildikó, our secretary got the Trefort Ágoston (university) prize |
IX. 1. | Our Erasmus students abroad: Kollár Szlivia (Karlsruhe), Molnár Mónika (Porto), Geréb Péter (Orleans), Balázs Dávid (Bilbao) |
IX. 1- | Zentai László got the full professor title |
VIII. 27-31. | Zentai László took part in InterCarto-InterGIS 12 Conference in Berlin. His presentation (together with David Fraser): The "sustainable development" of cartography in higher education according to the Bologna Declaration. |
VIII. 21-25. | Hungeo 2006 conference in Pécs (meeting of the Hungarian geoscientists) |
VIII. 3. | Zentai László was elected the council member of the International Orienteering Federation at the General Assembly in Denmark |
VII. 10-14. | Zentai László took part in Gicon 2006 conference in Vienna |
VI. 14. | Defend of diploma of two Spanish Erasmus students |
VI. 9. | Elek István's presentation "Image processing and some interesting applications" at the Eidgenösische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich |
VI. 8. | The 8th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Márton Mátyás |
VI. 6. | PhD exam of Galambos Csilla |
V. 31.-VI. 1. | Vocational days of the Faculty of Informatics |
V. 23-25. |
Leopoldina Meeting - Thematic Mapping in Geosciences - Applications using New Technologies and Media. Our department was the co-organizer of the meeting, the venue was our university. Our presentations:
V. 20. | Török Zsolt and Verebiné Fehér Katalin represented our department at the 150th years anniversary of the Austrian Geographic Society in Vienna. |
V. 18. | Jesús Reyes and Zentai László took part in the "Digital approaches to cartographic heritage" workshop in Thessaloniki (Greece). Their presentations: A website about map history for Hungarian pupils (Reyes), Preservation of modern cartographic products (Zentai). |
V. 12. | Valyon Nóra got a prize of "Excellent student of the faculty". |
IV. 28. | FIG eGovernance, Knowledge Management and eLearning workshop in Budapest. Presentation of Zentai László (with David Fraser, Australia as co-author) "ICA CET Activities: Development of the ICA-sponsored Internet Cartography Teaching Programme". |
IV. 24-25. | Dombóvári Eszter and Gede Mátyás (our PhD students) presented their geographical edutainment software for secondary school teachers in Pécs. |
IV. 24. | PhD exam of Bartos-Elekes Zsombor |
IV. 20-22. | Zentai László as the member of the local organizing committee took part in the Agile international GIS conference in Visegrád |
IV. 19. | Agile education workshop in the ELTE Teacher's Club (Jesús Reyes and Zentai László represented the department). Zentai László met Milan Konecnyl, the presidnet of the ICA. |
IV. 6. | The 6th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Jesús Reyes |
IV. 4. | Presentation of Pápay Gyula (Rostock): Historical GIS |
III. 30. | Removal of old, useless computers |
III. 20. | Ferjan Ormeling, the Secretary General of the ICA visited our department |
III. 2. | The 5th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Gede Mátyás |
II-VI. | Two Erasmus students arrived from Spain (Universidad del País Vasco): Ion Sola Torralba, Irene Antona Erdozain to complete their diploma thesis at our department. |
II. 2. | The 4th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Kovács Béla |
II.- | 5 Erasmus students start their foreign studies: Lovas Róbert (Porto), Nyerges János (Eindhoven), Rohonczi Anita (Karlsruhe), Sprok Bence (As), Valyon Nóra (Vitoria). |
I. | Török Zsolt was elected a the member of the Board of directors of Imago Mundi Ltd. |
I. 25-28. | The 1st "Cartography and GIS" international conference in Borovets (Bulgaria). Our department was represented by Jesús Reyes, his presentation: "GIS site for Hungarian pupils". |
I. 23. | Györffy János was awarded by the Apáczai Csere János prize |
I. 20. | Open day at the department |
I. 5. | The 3rd presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Györffy János |