Major events of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (2006)

XII. 18. Domokos György our external lecturer was awarded the "Master lecturer" title.
Diploma defend of Héctor Rodríguez Erviti, our Spanish Erasmus student.
XII. 14. The 11th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Faragó Imre
XI. 24. Habilitation of Márton Mátyás at Miskolc University
XI. 23-25. Jesús Reyes took part in the 2nd Professional Conference "Profession of Cartographer" in Poland (Wroclaw, Polanica Zdrój). He presented a joint paper (co-author is Zentai László): Actual situation of cartography in Hungary
XI. 15. GIS-day presentations at our department
XI. 6-12. Jesús Reyes gave lectures at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (ERASMUS staff mobility). Title of his lectures: "Thematic Cartography: from theory to practice".
He took part in the "Modern technologies, Education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields" international symposium, the title of his presentation: "Multimedia cartography for Hungarian pupils".
X. 23-XI. 8. Zentai László organized orienteering map seminars in South America (Uruguay, Brazil). He gaves presentations at two universities in Curitiba.
X. 21-23. Department staff trip to Prague
X. 5. The 10th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Buga László
X. 1.-XII. 31. Dombóvári Eszter PhD student spent 3 months in Vienna (Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Geoinformation und Kartographie). She studied the cartographic applications in the Austrian education.
IX. 30.-XII. 15. Héctor Rodríguez Erviti, Spanish Erasmus student (Basque University, Vitoria-Gasteiz)
IX. 29. ELTE 5 km athletic race. We got the "Sporty department" prize.
IX. 22. Open day at our department (photos)
IX. 21. The book of Elek István "Introduction to the geoinformatics" was published by the ELTE Eötvös Kiadó
IX. 14-15. Kolumbusz és kora (Columbus and his age) Conference at our university. The presentation of Török Zsolt (he was also one of the organizers): Columbus and Renaissance Cosmography
IX. 8. Verebi Sándorné got a university prize: Pro Universitate
IX. 7. The 9th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Zentai László
IX. 6-7. Presentations at the 3rd Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia (Hungarian Geographic Conference) in Budapest
Elek I. - Klinghammer I.: Képfeldolgozási módszerek a geoinformatikában
Faragó I. - Klinghammer I.: A magyar földrajzi nevek használata a kartográfiai termékeken; Guszlev A. - Lukács L.: Földrajzinév-kutatás térinformatikai eszközökkel; Lukács L.: Prinz Gyula tájszemlélete és tájneveinek kartográfiai vonatkozásai
Tardy J. - T.Draskovits Zs. - Szarvas I.: A földtani és felszínalaktani értékek védelme Magyarországon - történeti áttekintés, tények és lehetõségek
Faragó I. - Guszlev A. - Lukács L. - Máthé T.: A Magyar Földrajzi Névi Program
Máthé T. - Guszlev A.: Interaktív földrajzi névi sillabusz
IX. 4. Horváth Ildikó, our secretary got the Trefort Ágoston (university) prize
IX. 1. Our Erasmus students abroad: Kollár Szlivia (Karlsruhe), Molnár Mónika (Porto), Geréb Péter (Orleans), Balázs Dávid (Bilbao)
IX. 1- Zentai László got the full professor title
VIII. 27-31. Zentai László took part in InterCarto-InterGIS 12 Conference in Berlin. His presentation (together with David Fraser): The "sustainable development" of cartography in higher education according to the Bologna Declaration.
VIII. 21-25. Hungeo 2006 conference in Pécs (meeting of the Hungarian geoscientists)
VIII. 3. Zentai László was elected the council member of the International Orienteering Federation at the General Assembly in Denmark
VII. 10-14. Zentai László took part in Gicon 2006 conference in Vienna
VI. 14. Defend of diploma of two Spanish Erasmus students
VI. 9. Elek István's presentation "Image processing and some interesting applications" at the Eidgenösische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich
VI. 8. The 8th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Márton Mátyás
VI. 6. PhD exam of Galambos Csilla
V. 31.-VI. 1. Vocational days of the Faculty of Informatics
V. 23-25.

Leopoldina Meeting - Thematic Mapping in Geosciences - Applications using New Technologies and Media. Our department was the co-organizer of the meeting, the venue was our university. Our presentations:

  • ISTVÁN KLINGHAMMER und ZSOLT TÖRÖK: Karten des Karpatenbeckens von den Anfängen bis heute. Eine historische Einführung
  • ISTVÁN ELEK: Data Mining Methods in Vectorbased GIS
We published the 13th volume of the "Studia Cartologica"
V. 20. Török Zsolt and Verebiné Fehér Katalin represented our department at the 150th years anniversary of the Austrian Geographic Society in Vienna.
V. 18. Jesús Reyes and Zentai László took part in the "Digital approaches to cartographic heritage" workshop in Thessaloniki (Greece). Their presentations: A website about map history for Hungarian pupils (Reyes), Preservation of modern cartographic products (Zentai).
V. 12. Valyon Nóra got a prize of "Excellent student of the faculty".
IV. 28. FIG eGovernance, Knowledge Management and eLearning workshop in Budapest. Presentation of Zentai László (with David Fraser, Australia as co-author) "ICA CET Activities: Development of the ICA-sponsored Internet Cartography Teaching Programme".
IV. 24-25. Dombóvári Eszter and Gede Mátyás (our PhD students) presented their geographical edutainment software for secondary school teachers in Pécs.
IV. 24. PhD exam of Bartos-Elekes Zsombor
IV. 20-22. Zentai László as the member of the local organizing committee took part in the Agile international GIS conference in Visegrád
IV. 19. Agile education workshop in the ELTE Teacher's Club (Jesús Reyes and Zentai László represented the department). Zentai László met Milan Konecnyl, the presidnet of the ICA.
IV. 6. The 6th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Jesús Reyes
IV. 4. Presentation of Pápay Gyula (Rostock): Historical GIS
III. 30. Removal of old, useless computers
III. 20. Ferjan Ormeling, the Secretary General of the ICA visited our department
III. 2. The 5th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Gede Mátyás
II-VI. Two Erasmus students arrived from Spain (Universidad del País Vasco): Ion Sola Torralba, Irene Antona Erdozain to complete their diploma thesis at our department.
II. 2. The 4th presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Kovács Béla
II.- 5 Erasmus students start their foreign studies: Lovas Róbert (Porto), Nyerges János (Eindhoven), Rohonczi Anita (Karlsruhe), Sprok Bence (As), Valyon Nóra (Vitoria).
I. Török Zsolt was elected a the member of the Board of directors of Imago Mundi Ltd.
I. 25-28. The 1st "Cartography and GIS" international conference in Borovets (Bulgaria). Our department was represented by Jesús Reyes, his presentation: "GIS site for Hungarian pupils".
I. 23. Györffy János was awarded by the Apáczai Csere János prize
I. 20. Open day at the department
I. 5. The 3rd presentation of Lázár Kollokvium: Györffy János

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