Major events of the Department of Cartography (2000)

- XII. 1.
- Publishing of the Proceedings of the Conference on Teaching Maps for Children ICA meeting, edited by Jesús Reyes
- XI. 24.
- Presentation of István Klinghammer on the Millennium Feast of our university: The Hungarian cartography from the beginning till now
- X. 18.
- Gergely Havas, our former student get a special prize on the "GIS in Higher Education" Conference
- X. 12.-XI. 20.
András Zoltán-Gyárfás, the student of Transilvania University (Brassó, Brasov, Romania) spend one month in our university
- X. 3-4.
Presentation of Gyula Pápay (Rostock): "Develpment of historical maps", "Education of historical subjects using modern methods on Rostock University"
- IX. 27.
- Meeting of the Geography Group of Hungarian Academy of Science on our department
- IX. 15-20.
- Millennium Map Exhbition
- IX. 11.
- Publishing the book of László Zentai: Computer cartography
- IX. 5-8.
- Conference on Teaching Maps for Children: Budapest 2000
- VIII. 21-24.
- Zentai László takes part on Intercarto6 Conference and the meeting of the ICA Commission on Education and Training in Apatity, Russia.
- VIII. 16-19.
- HUNGEO 2000 Conference in Piliscsaba. Member of organizing commitee: Verebiné Fehér Katalin. Our presentations: Klinghammer István, Zentai László, Faragó Imre.
- VI. 15-16.
- PhD exams: Lipcsey Erzsébet, Harkányiné Székely Zsuzsa
- VI. 7.
- Piotr Werner, the leader of Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, GIS Educational Lab (Poland) has visited us.
- V. 18.
- PhD exam of dr. Zoltán Verrasztó
- V. 11.
- Antal Guszlev, student of our department has got a rank: "Excellent student of Faculty of Science".
- IV. 13-20.
Ovlachi György, student of Babes-Bolyai University have visited us.
- IV. 13.
Presentation of Joao Carlos Garcia, professor of Porto University "Representation of Brasilia on the XVI-XVIIIth century portugal maps
- III. 9. - VI. 27.
- Jesús Reyes and Zsombor Nemerkényi PhD students in Porto Portugal (Universidade do Porto,
Faculdade de Letras, Grupo de Geografia)
- II. 5-6.
- The ICA "Commission on Education and Training" meeting in our department
- I.20.
- Final exam in winter
- I. 1.
István Klinghammer officially become the President of our university
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