Major events of the Department of Cartography (2000)

XII. 1.
Publishing of the Proceedings of the Conference on Teaching Maps for Children ICA meeting, edited by Jesús Reyes

XI. 24.
Presentation of István Klinghammer on the Millennium Feast of our university: The Hungarian cartography from the beginning till now

X. 18.
Gergely Havas, our former student get a special prize on the "GIS in Higher Education" Conference

X. 12.-XI. 20.
András Zoltán-Gyárfás, the student of Transilvania University (Brassó, Brasov, Romania) spend one month in our university

X. 3-4.
papay.jpg - 3031 Bytes Presentation of Gyula Pápay (Rostock): "Develpment of historical maps", "Education of historical subjects using modern methods on Rostock University"

IX. 27.
Meeting of the Geography Group of Hungarian Academy of Science on our department

IX. 15-20.
Millennium Map Exhbition

IX. 11.
Publishing the book of László Zentai: Computer cartography

IX. 5-8.
Conference on Teaching Maps for Children: Budapest 2000

VIII. 21-24.
Zentai László takes part on Intercarto6 Conference and the meeting of the ICA Commission on Education and Training in Apatity, Russia.

VIII. 16-19.
HUNGEO 2000 Conference in Piliscsaba. Member of organizing commitee: Verebiné Fehér Katalin. Our presentations: Klinghammer István, Zentai László, Faragó Imre.

VI. 15-16.
PhD exams: Lipcsey Erzsébet, Harkányiné Székely Zsuzsa

VI. 7.
Piotr Werner, the leader of Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, GIS Educational Lab (Poland) has visited us.

V. 18.
PhD exam of dr. Zoltán Verrasztó

V. 11.
Antal Guszlev, student of our department has got a rank: "Excellent student of Faculty of Science".

IV. 13-20.
ovlachi.jpg - 3226 Bytes Ovlachi György, student of Babes-Bolyai University have visited us.

IV. 13.
garcia.jpg - 2821 Bytes Presentation of Joao Carlos Garcia, professor of Porto University "Representation of Brasilia on the XVI-XVIIIth century portugal maps

III. 9. - VI. 27.
Jesús Reyes and Zsombor Nemerkényi PhD students in Porto Portugal (Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Grupo de Geografia)

II. 5-6.
The ICA "Commission on Education and Training" meeting in our department

Final exam in winter

I. 1.
klingh0.jpg - 9279 Bytes István Klinghammer officially become the President of our university

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