Cartography curriculum
TR-c56Professional seminar 2
V. grade 1. semester -- Lectures per week: 0+2 -- practice mark -- Credit: 2
Responsible: Zentai László -- Lecturer: Zentai László

Detailed description of the subject
1. week Instructions regrading the thesis work
2. week 1996. LXXVI. act on surveying and mapping activities
3. week 63/1999. (VII. 21.) FVM-HM-PM joint decree on handling and service of national surveying and mapping base data, and administration fees
4. week 1999. LXXVI. copyright act
5. week Cartographical interpretation and analysis of acts and decrees
6. week Concept of DTP, desktop publishing software
7. week Differences between DTP and word processing
8. week Spell check and hyphenation in DTP programs
9. week Graphical files in DTP programs
10. week Colour separation
11. week Overview of QuarkExpress software
12. week QuarkExpress menus 1
13. week QuarkExpress menus 2
14. week Additional functions of Quark Express (table of contents, etc.)
15. week Consultation
Recommended reading:
  • Texts of current acts and decrees
  • Gyurgyák János: Szerkesztők és szerzők kézikönyve (Osiris, Budapest, 1996.)
  • Kolossa T.–Szilágy T.: Színes nyomda az íróasztalon, avagy DTP mindenkinek (Print Consult, Budapest, 1996.)
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