Cartography curriculum
TR-c46 Geoinformatics 5 (vector systems)
IV. grade 2. semester -- Lectures per week: 0+2 -- practice mark -- Credit: 2
Responsible: Zentai László -- Lecturer: Domokos György

Detailed description of the subject
1. week Introduction: Brief history of ESRI. Development of ArcInfo. Desktop Mapping at ESRl: Development of ArcView
2. week Concept of coverage, project and shape. The ArcInfo user interface
3. week ArcInfo functions 1.
4. week ArcInfo functions 2.
5. week The ArcVIew user interface. Practice with sample data
6. week The View window and its functions
7. week The Table window and its functions
8. week The Chart window and its functions
9. week The Layout window and its functions. Map sheet forming in ArcView
10. week Simple analysis in ArcView. Different examples
11. week Import, export and printing
12. week The ArcExplorer program in practice
13. week Discussion of the exercise
14. weekExercise 1.
15. weekExercise 2.
Recommended reading:
  • Understanding GIS: The ArcInfo Method. ESRI, Inc. 1994.
  • Introducing ArcView. ESRI, Inc. 1994.
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