Detailed description of the subject |
1. week |
Introduction. Concept and component of GIS. Core vector and raster datatypes. |
2. week |
Structure of GI systems, steps of planning. Methods of data acquisition
and processing |
3. week |
Databases.Database amangement systems, formal languages.Database operations,
storage |
4. week |
Vector GIS, imaging, cevtor elements, layers. Topological accuracy of
data. Vector query |
5. week |
Raster GIS. Basic features of raster images. Representational dynamics,
palettes, colouring, histograms |
6. week |
Raster image processing: palette manipulations, convolution and directional
filters |
7. week |
Generating composites, principal component analysis, hard and soft classification
8. week |
Special image types, relief models and their generation, applications |
9. week |
Georeferenced data. Hungarian coordinate and projection systems |
10. week |
Applications and practice, presenting GIS case studies |
11. week |
Erdas Imagine software I. |
12. week |
Erdas Imagine software II. |
13. week |
ER Mapper software I. |
14. week |
ER Mapper software II. |
15. week |
Supplementing practices |
Recommended reading: |
- NCGIA Core Curriculum sorozat: - Bevezetés a térinformatikába, Térinformatikai alapismeretek, Térinformatikai alkalmazások