Cartography curriculum
TR-c38Computer aided cartography 3
II. grade 1. semester -- Lectures per week: 2+4 -- exam + practice mark -- Credit: 6
Responsible: Zentai László -- Lecturer: Zentai László, Jesús Reyes

Detailed description of the subject (theory)
1. week Concept of digital cartography, connection between GIS and cartography
2. week Basics of raster and vector cartogaphy
3. week File formats in digital cartography
4. week The postscript page description language
5. week Computers, input devices
6. week Output devices
7. week Image setting, proof
8. week Software in digital cartography
9. week Connection between writing, map and computer technology 1
10. week Connection between writing, map and computer technology 2
11. week Colours, colour models
12. week Webcartography
13. week Use of digital maps (vehicle navigation, etc.)
14. week Digital cartography in Hungary
15. week Consultation
Recommended reading:
  • Zentai László: Számítógépes térképészet, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó 2000.
Detailed description of the subject (practice)
1. week Scanning base maps. Raster file processing.
2. week Introduction. Corel software family. Brief history of CorelDraw, fields of application. Main components of the user interface
3. week Import command. Bitmap menu
4. week Drawing commands. Outlines and fills
5. week Word processing in CorelDraw
6. week Object selection and node editing
7. week Other editing commands. Snap commands
8. week Using effects in mapmaking
9. week Page setup. Layer management
10. week View setup. Ruler setup. Use of guidelines. Grid command
11. week Options command. OLE objects in CorelDraw
12. week Print and export setup
13. weekExercise 1.
14. weekExercise 2.
15. weekExercise 3.
Recommended reading:
  • CorelDraw 9. Pétery Kristóf. LSI Oktató Központ. Bp, 1999.
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