Cartography curriculum
TR-c22 Relief studies
II. grade 2. semester -- Lectures per week: 2+2 -- exam + practice mark -- Credit: 5
Responsible: Zentai László -- Lecturer: Zentai László, Horváth Zsolt

Detailed description of the subject
1. week Definitions: map, terrain, region. Ellipsoids.
2. week Concept of contour representation
3. week Water divide forms
4. week Form details of water divides
5. week Water shed forms
6. week Form details of water sheds
7. week Form details of slopes
8. week Hungarian terrain types
9. week Recognition of terrain types of topographic maps
10. week Relief representation methods, earlier methods
11. week Relief hachuring
12. week Hipsometrical relief representation, shading methods
13. week Other types of relief representation
14. week Relief representation methods on computers
15. week Consultation
Recommended reading:
  • Vöröss József: Tereptan, terepábrázolás, térképhasználat, terepfelmérés a M. Kir. Hadapródiskolák számára (1943)
  • Irmédi-Molnár László: Térképalkotás
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