Detailed description of the subject (theory) |
1. week |
Rudiments of map projections |
2. week |
Distortions, distortional modulus |
3. week |
General theory of distortions. Tissot I. theorem |
4. week |
Tissot II. and III. theorem |
5. week |
Indicatrix and distortions along graticules |
6. week |
Relation between projection equations and distortions |
7. week |
Methods for characterising and classifiying map projections |
8. week |
Real projections. General features of azimuthal projections |
9. week |
Perspective azimuthal projections |
10. week |
Non-perspective azimuthal projections. Focus of projections |
11. week |
General features of cylindrical projections. Perspective cylindrical
projections |
12. week |
Non-perspective cylindrical projections |
13. week |
General features of conic projections. Perspective conic projections |
14. week |
Conic projections with general distortions |
15. week |
Conformal and equal-area conic projections |
Detailed description of the subject (practice) |
1. week |
Planar and spatial systems of co-ordinates |
2. week |
Parameters of datum surface: latitude and longitude on a sphere and
on an ellipsoid |
3. week |
Conversion tasks between spatial and datum co-ordinates |
4. week |
Rudiments of spherical geometry |
5. week |
Theses for right-angled spherical triangles and their usage |
6. week |
Theses for spherical triangles and their usage |
7. week |
Theses for spherical triangles and their usage |
8. week |
Solving spherical triginometry tasks |
9. week |
Spherical systems of polar co-ordinates. Azimuth, spherical distance
and their calculation |
10. week |
Solving the first and second geodetic base tasks |
11. week |
Auxiliary geographical grid |
12. week |
Conversion between the geographical grid and the auxiliary geographical
grid |
13. week |
Rotational transformations of graticules. |
14. week |
Solving the third geodetic base task |
15. week |
Rudiments and tasks of ellipsoidal surfaces |
Recommended reading: |
- Bugayevskiy, L. M. - Snyder, J. P.: Map projections. Taylor & Francis 1995.
- Hazay I.: Vetülettan. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest 1964.
- Karsay F.: Alkalmazott vetülettan Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest 1974.
- Maling, D. H.: Coordinate Systems and Map projections. Pergamon Press, Oxford 1992.
- Stegena L.: Vetülettan. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest 1988.
- Wagner, K.: Kartographische Netzentwürfe. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim 1962.